No. 450/QD-TTg | Hanoi, March 25, 2011 |
Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the June 3, 2008 Law on Atomic Energy;
Pursuant to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 957/QD-TTg of June 24, 2010, approving the master plan on the development and application of atomic energy for peaceful purposes through 2020;
At the proposal of the Minister of Public Security,
Article 1. To approve the Scheme on application of security assurance measures in the field of atomic energy, with the following principal contents:
1. Viewpoints:
- Assuring security and safety in the field of atomic energy is the responsibility of all people, authorities at all levels, sectors, organizations and individuals operating in the field of atomic energy, with the public security force as the core.
- To intensify close coordination between the Ministry of Public Security and other ministries, sectors and provincial-level People's Committees in applying security assurance measures in the field of atomic energy.
- In assuring security in the field of atomic energy, prevention will be taken as the main task, in which safe protection of human lives and health and the environment is of primary importance.
- Security assurance in the field of atomic energy must conform to the Party's line and policies and the State's laws and respect the international commitments to which Vietnam is a contracting party.
2. Objectives
a/ General objectives
- To protect political security and social order and safety in the field of atomic energy, contributing to the protection of national security, the Party's line and the State's policies and laws on application of atomic energy for peaceful purposes and socio-economic development.
- To intensify coordination among authorities at different levels and sectors and to enhance citizens' responsibility for assuring security and safety in the field of atomic energy.
- To actively prevent, detect, stop and struggle against all plots and activities of hostile forces and crimes of abusing the application of atomic energy to infringe upon national security and social order and safety.
- To assure security for activities in the field of atomic energy, programs on international cooperation on atomic energy, security for nuclear materials, radiation and nuclear facilities; to assure absolute security in the process of building nuclear power plants at all stages, from construction preparation, operation to shut-down of the plants.
b/ Specific objectives By 2015
- To continue formulating and further improving the system of legal documents on security assurance in the field of atomic energy.
- To formulate and finalize plans to prevent and fight against illegal acts, aiming to assure security of radioactive sources, radiation and nuclear facilities and related activities in the field of atomic energy.
- To form systems of organizations and mechanisms for coordination among sectors and authorities at different levels, intensifying full-time forces and enhancing technical, professional and operational capabilities to meet security assurance requirements in the field of atomic energy and absolute security for the construction of nuclear power plants.
- To intensify public information on the Party's policies and the State's laws, raising public awareness about security and safety assurance in the field of atomic energy.
By 2020
- To complete the system of legal documents (including the accession to and conclusion of relevant treaties).
- To consolidate the system of organizations and mechanisms for coordination among sectors and authorities at different levels in the protection of security in the field of atomic energy and social order and safety.
- To complete the physical, technical, professional and operational foundations and consolidate full-time forces (including the coaching and training system; the forces ready to respond to radiation and nuclear incidents); to assure absolute security and safety for the operation of nuclear power plants, and assure security of radioactive sources nationwide.
- To widely disseminate policies and laws on security and safety assurance in the field of atomic energy among agencies, organizations, mass organizations and communities and in the mass media.
3. Scope
The Scheme will be implemented in all provinces and centrally run cities and cover all activities related to the application of atomic energy for peaceful purposes, giving priority to security assurance at border gates and key radiation and nuclear projects and facilities.
1. Tasks
The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and sectors in, formulating, approving and implementing three component projects with the following specific contents:
a/ The Project on building and completing the system of legal documents, the organizational system, technical infrastructure facilities and human resource training for security assurance in the field of atomic energy.
Coordinating agencies: Ministries of Science and Technology, National Defense, Foreign Affairs, Industry and Trade, Finance, Education and Training and Justice and related provincial-level People's Committees.
Required contents:
- To formulate guiding documents on assurance of security of radioactive sources, nuclear materials and radiation and nuclear facilities; documents guiding the implementation of treaties concerning nuclear security assurance.
- To formulate mechanisms for coordination and responsibility division among concerned management agencies, authorities at different levels, and sectors; documents guiding the appraisal, examination and inspection of measures for protection of radiation and nuclear facilities and measures for nuclear security assurance.
- To build nuclear security personnel training centers; to organize and train full-time and part-time forces in the armed forces, the full-time security forces for protection of nuclear power plants and radiation and nuclear facilities to be capable of assuring security in the field of atomic energy.
- To coordinate with concerned ministries, sectors and provincial-level People's Committees in establishing centers to monitor and respond to events which cause insecurity at radiation and nuclear facilities; to establish systems of emergency reporting and management of information on security at nuclear power plants and radiation and nuclear facilities.
- To formulate regulations and requirements on technical equipment and means for protection, surveillance and warning of security at radiation and nuclear facilities; to enhance technical capability for the state management apparatus, security and emergency response forces and full-time security forces in key geographical areas and targets.
The fund is estimated at around VND 40 billion.
Implementation duration: 2011-2015.
b/ The Project on prevention and detection of and fight against illegal acts to assure security of radioactive sources, radiation and nuclear facilities and activities in the field of atomic energy.
Coordinating agencies: Ministries of Science and Technology, Industry and Trade and Finance (General Department of Customs) and related ministries and sectors and provincial-level People's Committees.
Required contents:
- To prevent, detect and fight against acts of abusing atomic energy development and application activities for peaceful purposes in Vietnam to infringe upon national security, terrorize or sabotage radiation and nuclear facilities; planting secret agents and making contacts for internal disruption, or collecting state secrets on atomic energy; disclosing or losing state secrets and failing to protect under law state secrets in the field of atomic energy.
- To prevent, detect and fight against acts of concealing information, making groundless and untruthful reports on radiation or nuclear incidents, thus harming the interests of the State and the rights and legitimate interests of organizations and individuals, and causing public anxiety.
- To prevent, detect and fight against acts of infringing upon security works, equipment and means at radiation and nuclear facilities; supporting and inciting in all forms illegal activities; and illegally obstructing atomic energy-related activities.
- To prevent, detect and fight against acts of illegally appropriating, trading in, losing, transporting, storing and using radioactive sources, source nuclear materials, nuclear materials and nuclear equipment; manufacturing nuclear explosion equipment, radioactivity-dispersing equipment and radioactivity exposure equipment; using radioactive sources for deceitful tricks in entertainment games.
- To prevent, detect and fight against acts of violating regulations on exploitation, processing, export, import and transportation of radioactive substances, radioactive wastes, source nuclear materials and nuclear materials.
- To draw up and implement plans for security protection and fire and explosion prevention and fighting to assure security and safety for radiation and nuclear facilities.
The fund is estimated at around VND 200 billion.
Implementation time:
- From 2011 -2015: To basically complete the plans for building and increase of capability and physical and technical foundations for key areas and targets.
- From 2016-2020: To organize coordinated implementation nationwide in the relevant fields.
c/ The Project on application of security assurance measures for the Ninh Thuan nuclear power plant project.
Major coordinating agencies: Ministries of National Defense, Science and Technology, Industry and Trade, Natural Resources and Environment and Construction and the People's Committee of Ninh Thuan province.
Required contents:
- To assure security and maintain social order and safety at all stages of the project, from the selection of the location, ground clearance, population relocation and resettlement, construction and installation, operation management, dismantlement of fuels and treatment of radioactive waste.
- To assure security and confidentiality in the contents and process of contractor selection, designing, appraisal of technology and equipment to be used in the nuclear power plant, assessment of the location and environmental impacts in the nuclear power plant area.
- To train and arrange forces, procure equipment and facilities to protect security and safety for the plant; to work out plans and measures to assure security within and outside the plant and residential areas around the plant.
The fund is estimated at around VND 60 billion.
Implementation time:
- From 2011-2015: To prepare foundations and on-site forces for security assurance in ground clearance and preparation; to assure security and confidentiality according to state regulations applicable to key national works at the stages of designing and technology appraisal.
- From 2016-2020: To take synchronous measures to assure security for the nuclear power plant construction; to ready plans and forces for maintaining security and safety throughout the plant's life.
2. Solutions:
In order to achieve the objectives and fulfill the tasks of the Scheme, the following major synchronous measures should be implemented:
a/ To conduct propaganda and education to raise public awareness about the responsibility to participate in maintaining security, order and safety in the field of atomic energy.
- To make all people aware of the significance of the application of atomic energy for peaceful purposes and to serve socio-economic development; to provide them with knowledge about the risk of hazards and consequences and self-prevention upon occurrence of incidents in the field of atomic energy;
To launch the movement "All the people protect national security" at radiation and nuclear facilities and areas prone to illegal import, export, trading and transportation of radioactive substances, radioactive wastes, radioactive materials, source nuclear materials, nuclear materials and equipment. To attach special importance to this work in the residential area where the nuclear power plant will be built, gaining people's consensus and support in the process of implementation of the project and protection of the plant;
- To provide officers and employees of agencies and organizations operating in the field of atomic energy and participating in the nuclear power plant project, and radiation and nuclear facilities with basic knowledge on security assurance, and to build on-site forces ready to join in the protection of security and safety and response to incidents at their own facilities.
b/ To enhance state management and improve the legal system to serve the prevention, detection, fight against and handling of illegal acts in the field of atomic energy.
- To formulate and further improve legal documents on security assurance in the field of atomic energy; regulations on assurance of internal security for the nuclear power plant and radiation and nuclear facilities; regulations on nuclear examination, inspection, surveillance and control with a view to assuring security at the nuclear power plant and radiation and nuclear facilities and security of radioactive sources;
- To formulate regulations on appraisal of security-related matters in location selection, designing, construction, dismantlement, storage and burial of radioactive wastes, management, internal organization and organization of security forces for the nuclear power plant and radiation and nuclear facilities;
- To identify key national works and targets with regard to radiation and nuclear facilities for security and order protection according to law.
c/ To promote diplomatic work and international cooperation in the prevention of and fight against violations and crimes related to security and order in the field of atomic energy.
- To establish and make full use of international cooperation relations, actively grasp the situation from afar to serve security and order assurance in the field of atomic energy;
- To promote international cooperation on training, information exchange and technical equipment support for active and effective prevention and detection of and fight against international terrorists and criminals abusing atomic energy-related activities to infringe upon national security;
- To make full use of international cooperation, gather and exchange experiences in the application of scientific and technical advances as well as advanced technologies for security and order assurance in the field of atomic energy, and preventing deceptions and fraudulences in introducing obsolete technologies into Vietnam.
- To make organizational and technical preparations for coordination with international organizations and other countries in international or regional cases related to security assurance in the field of atomic energy.
d/ To organize, train and arrange adequate, capable forces with necessary knowledge and technical equipment, meeting the requirements of key areas and targets in order to assure security in the field of atomic energy.
- To train and arrange full-time and part-time forces with the coordination of local army, militia and self-defense forces, which have adequate Capability and technical means to assure security and safety in the course of building, operating and dismantling nuclear power plants;
- To organize, train and arrange forces equipped with knowledge and technical means relevant to regular patrol and control tasks to assure security, social order and safety with a view to detecting, handling and minimizing consequences, implementing the regime of emergency reporting in key areas and targets where may occur violations and crimes related to atomic energy.
e/ To actively apply scientific and technical achievements to security assurance in the field of atomic energy.
- To research into, and supply technical equipment and devices to effectively prevent, detect, stop and fight against illegal acts in the field of atomic energy.
- To implement international regulations and standards and supervise the implementation of scientific and technical applications to security assurance for the nuclear power plant and other radiation and nuclear facilities.
f/ To implement synchronous measures to prevent, detect and fight against illegal acts related to security, social order and safety in the field of atomic energy.
- To formulate contents and requirements of internal security protection, life and property protection, security and social order and safety assurance for the nuclear power plant project and areas, targets and radiation and nuclear facilities; to keep secret measures to assure security at the nuclear power plant;
- To draw up plans at each level and for each sector and locality to apply professional measures for effectively preventing, detecting and fighting against crimes related to atomic energy;
- To organize and coordinate inspection and surveillance of security assurance and fire and explosion prevention and fighting for the nuclear power plant project and radiation and nuclear facilities.
g/ To implement synchronous measures to effectively prevent, detect and respond to radiation or nuclear incidents caused by infringements upon security.
- To establish a regime of emergency, timely and effective reporting on dangers of radiation impacts and incidents at the nuclear power plant and radiation and nuclear facilities;
- To prepare plans on organization and deployment of forces and means ready for coordinated response to national incidents in areas, targets, the nuclear power plant and radiation and nuclear facilities;
- To coordinate inspection of scenes and investigation of causes of radiation and nuclear incidents; to search and identify owners and managers of mislaid, appropriated or abandoned radiative sources, nuclear materials or nuclear equipment, and promptly handle security, social order and safety cases related to radioactive sources or radiation or nuclear facilities.
3. Implementation fund:
a/ The fund for application of security assurance measures in the field of atomic energy will be allocated from the state budget on the basis of the Scheme through the implementation of three component projects with the Ministry of Public Security acting as the investor. The fund for implementation of the projects is estimated at around VND 300 billion;
b/ For special and unexpected tasks to assure security in the field of atomic energy, additional funds shall be proposed by the Ministry of Public Security in coordination with related ministries and sectors to the Prime Minister for allocation;
c/ On the basis of international commitments and international cooperation relations related to security assurance in the field of atomic energy which Vietnam has acceded to, the Scheme may use financial donations from foreign countries and international organizations. It is necessary to select international financial assistance and donations that do not affect the national sovereignty and security and conform to Vietnamese law and international commitments;
d/ Heads of organizations and enterprises shall organize security assurance activities falling within their scope, powers and responsibilities in accordance with Vietnamese law.
Article 2. Organization of implementation
1. The Ministry of Public Security shall:
- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other ministries, sectors and provincial-level People's Committees in, formulating, approving and implementing the three component projects; direct the making of work plans according to its functions and tasks for implementing these component projects with a view to concretizing the Scheme implementation according to set schedule.
- Direct, guide and urge (he inspection and evaluation of the Scheme implementation by ministries, sectors and localities; and sum up the implementation for making annual or extraordinary reports to the Prime Minister.
- Organize the preliminary review of the Scheme implementation in 2015 and the final review in 2020.
2. The Ministry of National Defense shall:
- Coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security in preventing, detecting and fighting against the abuse of atomic energy-related activities to infringe upon national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity or intervene in the internal affairs of Vietnam.
- Coordinate in appraising security and defense-related matters in the selection of locations, designing, construction, management, operation, dismantlement of fuels and treatment of radioactive wastes for the nuclear power plant.
- Direct local military forces to draw up plans for coordination in the assurance of security, social order and safety in the field of atomic energy in related areas and targets.
- Organize full-time forces with adequate capability and technical means to prevent, detect and fight against illegal traders, transporters and users of radioactive substances and nuclear materials in border regions and key targets and areas.
3. The Ministry of Science and Technology shall:
- Coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications and mass media agencies in making all the people to properly understand the benefits of the application of atomic energy; to train specialized forces in basic knowledge about atomic energy, radiation and nuclear safety for the purpose of assuring security in the field of atomic energy.
- Coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and related ministries and sectors in meeting the requirements of state management over atomic energy; providing professional and technical support, working out measures and plans and arranging equipment and means to assure security, radiation and nuclear safety for the nuclear power plant and radiation and nuclear facilities.
4. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall:
- Coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and related ministries and sectors in implementing security assurance plans and measures for the nuclear power plant project; and in the process of transporting, using and storing nuclear equipment, fuels and materials and burying radioactive and nuclear wastes.
- Take the initiative in drawing up plans and direct units to draw up plans and apply measures to assure safety and security for radiation and nuclear facilities within the sector, especially nuclear power plant projects.
5. The Ministry of Planning and Investment and Ministry of Finance shall:
Allocate funds for the Scheme implementation according to schedule and the State Budget Law and relevant legal documents; coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security in estimating and appraising funds and organizing the implementation of the component projects according to their respective functions, tasks and powers; and join in inspecting and evaluating investments and the effectiveness of use of funds for security assurance in the field of atomic energy.
6. The People's Committee of Ninh Thuan province shall assume the prime responsibility for providing public information and mobilizing local people, creating public consensus and support for the Ninh Thuan nuclear power plant project; coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security in, and assume the prime responsibility for, assuring security, social order and safety in the locality, building the people's security posture in service of the nuclear power plant project and proposing funds for their activities.
7. Ministries, sectors and provincial-level People's Committees shall work out plans for coordinated implementation based on their respective functions, tasks and powers and relevant contents of the Scheme and component projects.
Article 3. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.
Article 4. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, and chairpersons of provincial-level People's Committees shall implement this Decision.-
File gốc của Decision No. 450/QD-TTg of March 25, 2011, approving the Scheme on application of security assurance measures in the field of atomic energy đang được cập nhật.
Decision No. 450/QD-TTg of March 25, 2011, approving the Scheme on application of security assurance measures in the field of atomic energy
Tóm tắt
Cơ quan ban hành | Thủ tướng Chính phủ |
Số hiệu | 450/QD-TTg |
Loại văn bản | Quyết định |
Người ký | Nguyễn Tấn Dũng |
Ngày ban hành | 2011-03-25 |
Ngày hiệu lực | 2011-03-25 |
Lĩnh vực | Văn hóa - Xã hội |
Tình trạng | Còn hiệu lực |