No.1439/QD-TTg | Hanoi, October 03, 2012 |
Pursuant to the Law on Government organization, of December 25, 2001;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No.92/2006/ND-CP, of September 07, 2006 on making, approving and managing the socio-economic development master plan and the Government’s Decree No.04/2008/ND-CP, of January 11, 2008 amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No.92/2006/ND-CP, of September 07, 2006;
At the proposal of People’s Committee of Long An province,
Article 1. To approve the socio-economic development master plan of Long An province by 2020, with a vision till 2030 with the following principal contents:
1. The socio-economic development master plan of Long An province by 2020, with a vision till 2030 must be conformable to the Strategy on socio-economic development of nationwide, the socio-economic development master plan of Mekong river delta; must ensure synchronism, uniformity with branch or field plans.
2. Promoting extremely potent, advantages of province; exploiting, using effectively all resources for fast and and sustainable socio-economic development and ecological environment protection; stepping up transfer of economic structure, enhancing the growth quality and competition of the economy.
3. Economic development is attached with implementation of progress and social justice and natural resources and environmental protection in order to gradually enhance the life quality for people, reduce rate of poor households; develop health, culture, education and training. Focusing on training the human resource with high quality meeting demand of market, combining development of human resource with science and technology development and application.
4. Closely combining economic development with assurance of politic security and order and social safety; holding security and national defense while Long An is a locality in border area of Mekong river delta and in the economic integration trend of South-East Asian area and international.
1. Overall targets
- Building Long An to become a sustainable and harmonious development province between urban areas and rural areas; have high technology level, a synchronous and modern infrastructure system; human resources are qualified; the people’s material and mental life is increased uninterruptedly; defense and security base are strong, the order and social safety are assured. Striving by 2020, Long An province fundamentally becomes an industrial province.
2. Specific targets
a) For Economy:
- The average economic growth speed in 2012-2030 period reaches 12.5%/year, in which the 2012-2020 term increases 13%/year.
- By 2012, Per-capita GDP reaches 50 million dong/person/year (about USD 2,400); proportion of agriculture, industry and services in GDP structure shall be respectively 28%, 41%, and 31%; the revenue of the State budget in locality attains 10% GDP; capacity of attracting investment capital from revenue of the State budget attains 28.5%.
- By 2020, Per-capita GDP reaches 80 million dong/person/year (about USD 3,800); proportion of agriculture, industry and services in GDP structure shall be respectively 15%, 45%, and 40%; the revenue of the State budget in locality attains 10.8% GDP; capacity of attracting investment capital from revenue of the State budget attains 29.6%.
- With vision till 2030, Per-capita GDP reaches 172 million dong/person/year (about USD 8,000); proportion of agriculture, industry and services in GDP structure shall be respectively 7%, 48%, and 45%; the revenue of the State budget in locality attains 10.8% GDP; capacity of attracting investment capital from revenue of the State budget attains 29.6%.
b) For society:
- By 2015:
The rate of natural population growth is below 1.2%; rate of under-5 year-old malnutrition children is below 16%; 100% of the commune health stations meeting standard and 90% of communes meeting health national standard; universalization of preschool education for five-year-old children; 40% – 50% of communes, wards, towns meet standard of universalization of lower secondary education, 50% of schools meet national standard; rate of poor households under national standard is below 3%; rate or trained laborers is 60%.
Striving to have 20% (about 36 communes) attain criterion of new rural commune; 50% of communes, wards, towns have cultural-sport centre; 30% of communes, wards, towns attain cultural standard; ensuring 99% of urban households and 95% of rural households using sanitation water and 99.25% of households will have access to electricity.
- By 2020:
Striving to the birth rate reduced to 1.46%; the average life expectancy attains 76 age; malnutrition rate among under-5 chidlren is below 12%; number of patient beds for 10,000 people is 20; the minimum number of doctors for a commune is 1 doctor and there are 8 doctors for 10,000 people;
The rate of poor households under national standard is 1%; rate of trained laborers is 65%, rate of urban unemployment is 3%; labor structure in 3 zones I, II, III are respectively 28.1%, 37.8%, 34%; number of trained laborers is 628,600 laborers and creating jobs for 180,000 persons;
Rates of pupils going to the school attain: primary education is 100%, lower secondary education is 95%, upper secondary education is 70%. Rate of schools meeting national standard is 70%; quantity of people with college, university or higher education level is 170 people over 1000 people;
Striving to have 50% (about 83 communes) meeting norm of new rural commune; 90% having cultural house at provincial level; ensure 100% of districts, cities having cultural and sport center, 75% of communes, wards, towns having cultural and sport center; ensure to have 100% of households using sanitary water and 99.7% of households will have access to electricity.
- Vision by 2030:
To reduce the birth rate to about 1.5%; the average life expectancy attains about 78 ages; the malnutrition rate among under-five children is around 10%; quantity of patient begs for 10,000 people is 30 begs; minimum quantity of doctors/commune is 3 doctors and there are 10 doctors/10,000 people.
The rate of trained laborers is 70%; rate of urban unemployment is 2%; quantity of trained laborers is 762,720 persons and creating jobs for 190,000 persons;
Striving to have 100% preschool schools meeting national standard; quantity of persons with college, university or higher level/1000 people is 200 persons; 95% of localities at provincial level having cultural house.
c) Regarding environmental protection:
- Ensuring to attain the rate of covering with green trees by 2015 of 21% and maintain till 2020, 2030; increasing rate of forest coverage to 15% by 2015 and respectively 17%, 19% by 2020, 2030; area influenced by flood (flooded over 1m) by 2015, 2020, 2030 shall respectively be 25%, 23%, 20%.
- Striving for by 2015, 80% of living and industry waste and 100% of health waste shall be collected and handled; relocating 100% polluting establishments out urban areas and residential areas; 100% of enterprises shall implement well their environmental-protection commitments.
- Ensuring the awareness of community and improving capability of related parties on environmental matters; protecting and exploiting natural resources in sustainable way; minimizing environmental pollution and deterioration.
- Assurance of national defense and security, keeping firmly political stabilization; restricting the boost of and proceeding to reduction of criminals of all kinds and social evils.
1. Agricultural, forestry and aquatic development:
All-sided development under direction of high quality goods production, assurance of ecological environment and sustainable development. Striving for the average growth attaining 5.7%/year in 2011-2020 period and attaining 4.8%/year in period till 2030; proportion of each agriculture, forestry, fishery respectively shall be 82%, 4%, 14% in 2020 and 78%, 6%, 16% in 2030.
- Agriculture: Defining focus for rice production ensuring the national food security; developing in direction of intensive and specialized agriculture, applying new technology suitably, using breed with high quality aiming to increase production value on unit of cultivation land area and satisfying demand of market; and attach special importance to processing stage post harvest, increasing quality of export rice. Improving the system manufacturing products being strengths of province such as cane, vegetables satisfying domestic and export consuming standards; gradually controlling epidemics in effectiveness, ensuring stable agricultural growth; complying technological process from stage of production, processing to stage of consumption.
Developing livestock (pig, cow, poultry) in concentrated direction with suitable scale meeting demand of domestic consumption; applying advanced livestock technology, producing products with high quality, assurance of hygiene and food safety; controlling strictly epidemics and environment pollution due to livestock activities.
- Forestry: Maintaining and preserving the existing forestry resources aiming to ensure sustainable forestry development; preserving environment for wild animals, rare gene sources combining with ecological tourism development, especially specialized forests, in which the Dong Thap Muoi area play an important role contributing to minimize effect due to climate changes and sea-level rise. Protecting and having reasonable policy which aim to maintain protective forest areas, combine forest development with national security in border districts. Exploiting reasonably forestry resources, promoting investment in sustainable forest manufacture and development.
- Fishery: Developing aquaculture goods in Dong Thap Muoi area in direction of controlling and protecting ecological environment. Researching to build suitable aquaculture models (clubs, cooperatives, economic groups, farms, so on) which aim to ensure benefits of parties and boost goods production; investing in development of infrastructure in order to apply technology in aquaculture.
2. Industrial development
- Developing sustainable industry which has ability to impact to agriculture and services and becomes motivation for socio-economic development of province. Striving for the annual growth of 14.2% by 2015, of 14.4% by 2020 and of 13.6% by 2030. Attaching special importance to develop industries in direction of diversifying products, industries with green and clean - high industrial content.
- Ensuring to supply services of infrastructure which is suitable for development of trades, international business operations; building high quality industrial zones in order to call up foreign investors; setting up effective industrial development policies with specific performance mechanism, promoting abundant resources; ensuring to supply trained and high quality human resource with reasonable expense; developing new trades which create spearhead branches for provincial industrial development on the industrial development plane in Vietnam.
- Promoting industries which are suitable with provincial policies, and support for existing trades in the south priority economic area such as: High technology, knowledge technology, research and development, environment, industry based on new material technology, software and electronic production, gas-to-liquids (GTL) production, sun-energy pin manufacture, system generating power from hydrogen, developing industry on agricultural equipment manufacture based on the existing related agriculture production trades in province.
- Concentrating on fast and effective development, investing in infrastructure, attracting investment in industrial areas, clusters have been established, combining with construction of waste treatment works, ensuring a green and clean environment.
3. Trade, service and tourism development
Striving for the annual growth of 17% in stage till 2020 and of 15.3% in stage till 2030.
- Trade, service: Developing high-quality and varied services which aims to satisfy demand of people; improves the infrastructure of services, towards of utilities which are modern and comfortable with users; balances service quality between urban areas and rural areas.
Developing competitive urban centers which is supplied suitable services attaching with space development. Setting up service centers which aim to exploiting advantage as the gateway of Mekong river delta and the south priority economic area. Strengthening services for industrial development, urban sevices such as warehousing service, information technology, utilities, market research, finance service, etc.
- Tourism: Developing an all-sided tourist system including supply of information, infrastructure and transport service, accommodation with high quality, cuisine which is abundant, varied and typical; entertainment areas, and a serve-staff resource with high quality. Diversifying tourism products, implementing combination with regional localities to develop tourism, especially HoChiMinh city and provinces at other side of Campuchia’s border. Models of tourism development: Ecological tourism, vocational village tourism with cultural value, etc
4. Social fields
a) Education and training:
- Continuing to invest in material base of schools from preschool education level to university education level, strengthening the network of schools, classes, especially rural areas, remote areas, border areas and auxiliary works servicing for education and training, and considering such as one of priority objectives of province.
- Enhancing level, capability of teachers, improving method of teaching and learning in order to meet varied demands on skill and quality as well as in order to create legal foundation and promote internal force for education development.
- Enhancing level of pupils at all grades, concentrating on all-sided education development on aspect of intelligence, physical and morality; setting up general basic knowlege and primarily skill in career orientation education; continuing to maintain and promote achievements attained in lower secondary education universalization.
- Formulating structure of training trades which is suitable with requirement of economy, training must associated with resolving jobs after trainning; diversifying types of vocational training in direction of enhancing quality, attaching special importance to train vocation for rural laborers, consolidating network of vocational schools; strengthening the training cooperation and combination with other localities in nationwide and internation.
b) Health:
- Developing a synchronous health network to grassroots, gradually enhancing the professional quality and medical ethics for health staff; implement modernization of material base, equipment of medical examination and treatment and epidemic prevention; continuing to upgrade preventive medical centers of district level; pushing up socialization for attracting capital investment in construction of medical examination and treatment establishments attaching the treatment with convalescence;
- Attaching special importance to form strong society, enhance quality of preventive medical system, building a healthy-care system for people; enhancing effectiveness of healthy communication and education, environmental hygiene, food safety and hygiene;
- Striving to attain target of health insurance for whole people and policies on populations, family planning, enhancing the population quality.
c) Culture, sport and physical exercise:
- Building an advanced and healthy culture with strong national identity, creating many cultural products which have high quality and typical natures of localities; concentrating to build up a synchronous system of cultural institution of all levels, replenish history and cultural monument and preserving traditional and national cultural values;
- Paying attention to develop the masses sport and physical exercise movement; attaching special importance to train, improve athlete contingent with high achievement; pushing up socialization, increasing resource for investment in material base, enhancing physical education in school.
d) Reducing poor, solving jobs and ensuring social life security:
- Continuing to invest in rural infrastructure, gradually completing principal infrastructure such as schools, health stations, roads, commune centers, electricity, water, irrigation for poor communes and areas meeting difficulties. Developing rural economy, especially farm economy and household economy, recovering and developing vocational villages, developing medium and small enterprises using many laborers in rural areas; attaching policies to servicing in order to create jobs and develop agriculture and aquatic production.
- Implementing synchronous, all-sided and effective programs on hunger elimination, poverty reduction, defining role of goverment organizations in deployment of program; formulating solutions, models of sustainable poor reduction, facilitating for the poor to develop production; having incentive policy for communes, households to escape poor, boosting enterprises to teach vocation, create jobs for the poor. Supplying necessary services of support and training for persons who must or want to transfer from agriculture production to other trades during process of economic structure transfer.
e) Science and technology
- Enhancing management on goods quality standard and formulating advanced quality control systems; expanding science-technological cooperation; implementing standardization for key items of agricultural production in provincial localities (rice,dragon fruit, peanut, shrimps, etc)
- Pushing up application of new science and technology achievements such as biological technology, post-harvest technology, creating breakthrough of seed, breed with high productivity and value gradually mechanizing stages in process of agriculture production. Supporting enterprises to renew and apply technology in traditional-vocational villages;
5. Infrastructure development:
a) Traffic
- Developing traffic infrastructure in modern direction, strengthening connection of big urban centers, growing centers and areas in province with each other assuring safe and effective transport of goods and passengers together with environmental protection, preventing matters such as traffic congestion, traffic accidents, air polution; setting up suitable organizational mechanism and institution in order to create and manage the transport network and service in effective way.
- Developing traffic network (roadway and waterway) in effectiveness, competition and combination with regional traffic network facilitating for Long An to become gateway actually connecting the Mekong river delta and the south priority economic area; upgrading, renovating rural roads, ensuring to not be flooded and facilitating for transport means to go through safely and smoothly; developing suitable public transport services, meeting demand of people.
b) Irrigation
- Upgrading, renovating the irrigation system in Duc Hoa, Can Duoc and Can Giuoc districts in order to facilitate for agriculture production; building the canal system receiving additional water from Phuoc Hoa pond; researching to make plan to exploit underground water source; plan to exploit water in Hong Ngu canal in order to supply irrigating water for basin laying between Vam Co Dong river and Vam Co Tay river.
- Researching to dredge, upgrade,renovate some canal in basin of Nguyen Van Tiep canal with multi-purpose of irrigation, flood drainage, water exploitation of Tien river; continuing to complete dyke and sewer system along to two shores of Vam Co river aiming to regulate reasonably water storage and drainage; concurrently researching feasible measures to deal with climate changes and prevent saline infiltration.
- Building canal system level 2, level 3 for irrigation, drainage, flood drainage and renovation of acidic alum soil; system of embankments and sewers under dyke in order to protect towns, commune centers and inhabitant routes in flood period;
c) Supply electricity
- Renovating, building power network in synchronous direction, increasing capacity of central stations to stabilize power source; researching and building projects to use other energy sources such as: Wind power, sunlight energy, etc at suitable areas;
- Developing the power distribution system to industrial, tourism zones, clusters, inhabitant points and concentrated production regions; gradually performing the underground urban power grid system; attaching special importance to develop the rural power network.
d) Water supply, drainage and environmental hygiene:
- Concentrating on investment in upgrading and constructing new and synchronous the living-water supply system for urban areas in order to ensure demand on supplying clean water for living activities, production of people; for rural inhabitant area; ensuring sanitation water use; based on capacity in mobilization of resources each period, building plan to invest in upgrading and expanding water treatment plants, synchronous transmission and distribution network, implementing programs on rural clean water and environmental hygiene in effectiveness.
- Building synchronously the system of storm water drainage, sewage collection and processing, especially at urban areas, industrial cluster, ensuring urban areas not be flooded; collecting and treating health waste at hospitals, health stations; researching to build concentrated dump areas in urban areas.
e) Communication information
- Increasing quality, diversifying types of services, combining supply of new services. Applying information technology in construction of online conference equipment system from the municipal to district level.
- Modernizing, expanding network matching with modern technological application in postal, telecommunication field; ensuring information security, meeting requirement of socio-economic development.
6. Environmental and natural resource protection
- Restricting extent of increasing environment pollution in industrial production, agriculture, service and urban development; boosting application of clean technology in economic sectors; overcoming deterioration and improving environment quality; protecting biodiversity and ecological environment.
- Managing and protecting closely, effectively the natural resources, especially land, forestry and mineral. Controlling closely use and treatment of types of chemicals, waste causing environment pollution in business and production facilities, households.
7. National defense and security
- Enhancing reinforcement of National defense and security; promoting the synthetic power of all political system aiming to build up the all-people defense associated with the people's security posture.
- Building up and deploying good performance of defense plan, managing closely reserve mobilization force ensuring quantity and quality; closely associating with socio-economic development in each local, in planning, plan and programs, development investment project.
1. Urban - rural development
a) Urban areas
- Developing urban area associated with Tan An-Ben Luc aiming to support effective transport and development of urban areas along to the corridor.
- Developing Duc Hoa urban area with role such as service center of Northeast area, Can Giuoc urban area expected to supply services for ports (Hiep Phuoc and Long An) as well as inland areas; forming Moc Hoa urban area defined such as development center of Dong Thap Muoi area, developing border-gate economy aiming to ensure effective basic supply for commerce and operations across the border.
- Consolidating, upgrading urban areas such as Can Duoc, Tan Tru, Thu Thua, Hau Nghia, Dong Thanh, Thanh Hoa, Tan Thanh, Tan Hung and Vinh Hung.
b) Rural area
Developing urban centers in rural area in associating direction such as: Thanh Hoa – Tan Thanh urban cluster; Dong Thanh – Hau Nghia urban cluster; Moc Hoa – Binh Hiep urban cluster, ensuring to develop urban services with high quality in order to improve life of rural people.
Developing Vam Co Dong and Vam Co Tay ecological corridor, ensuring water supply source for living activities, production and service for traffic in province and create opportunities for development of different ecological operations, satisfying demand of urban people, rural people and visitors.
2. Development of economical regions:
- Region 1 (food security, tourism and border-gate economical region): Including Vinh Hung, Tan Hung, Moc Hoa, Tan Thanh, Thanh Hoa, Chau Thanh districts and partly of Thu Thua district, being region with competitive advantages in agricultural production and attracting visitors.
Orienting to develop strongly agriculture, forestry, fishery and ensuring industrial development for agriculture and rural areas; developing services, industries in the border-gate economical area; developing ecological tourism; developing Moc Hoa urban area aiming to ensure exchange of trading and service with Dong Thap Muoi area and Tan An city.
- Region 2 (ecological buffer region): Laying between two rivers Vam Co Dong and Vam Co Tay. The main target of region is defined as protection for region 1 against effects from excessive urban and industry development operation of region 3; creating special landscape on using land by combination between urban characteristics and rural characteristics; minimizing pollution for Vam Co Dong, Vam Co Tay rivers and preserving space for development orientation after 2020.
In the near future, the region 2 is oriented to develop agriculture, save land rationally for development of industry, ecological urban area, internal-province transshipment zone. Building the regional center being Thu Thua town aiming to connect economical sub-regions of province, connect between border-gate mainland and seaport. Attaching special importance to strictly control the development of region 2 and just allow developing in defined areas along routes and in some other defined areas.
- Region 3 (The industrial and urban development region) including Vam Co Dong river and Duc Hoa, Ben Luc, Can Giuoc,Can Duoc districts and a part of Tan Tru district in Ha region, Tan An city and a part of Thu Thua district.
Being oriented to concentrate on general industry and urban development, creating corridor developing urban center in Ben Luc – Tan An and typical industrial urban areas in Duc Hoa, Can Giuoc, Can Duoc.
(In Annex enclosed)
1. Solution on attracting investment capital:
- Demand of investment capital in the 2011-2020 period is about 400 thousand billion dong, in which the 2011-2015 period is about 120 thousand billion dong and the 2016-2020 period is about 280 thousand billion dong. Based on capacity balancing annual budget, the province should actively make plan, divide suitable investment periods in order to ensure capital for important works, projects of localities; concurrently should have specific solution to attract effectively domestic and oversea resources for investment in development such as:
- Formulating and adopting list of programs, projects which need call for investment by 2020. On that basis, boosting promotion, introduction, support for investment aiming to attract investment capital from economical parts, attaching special importance to use ODA capital sources.
- Improving the investment environment, production and business environment, continuing to reform investment procedures in direction of publicization, transparency and neat; create conditions on infrastructure in order to ready for receipt of investment projects; issuing mechanisms, policy supporting investment on basis of advantages on economical development of localities and in conformity with provisions of law.
- Boosting socialization to attract investment especially in education, training, health, culture, sport, radio, television, technological science, environmental protection, etc.
- Expanding investment forms of BOT, BT, BTO, PPP, facilitate to develop capital markets; developing forms of joint-venture, investment joint, capital contribution in asset for investment.
2. Solution on investment policy
- Performing transparent policy in order to attract investments of economical parts in and out province based on the sustainable development.
- Building an investment environment attracting the FDI source by mechanisms on exemption or reduction of tax, hiring-land price, preparation for infrastructure of industrial zones;
3. Solution on training, developing the human resource:
- Strenthening activities of vocational tranining in conformity with demand of labor market. Implementing well programs on training assistance, retraining for staff of management officers at levels, fields; encouraging development of direct training forms in enterprises; training based on demand of investment and centres
- Formulating and implementing specific incentive policies aiming to attract labor force with high level to work in localities; associating, cooperating between training facilities with enterprises using laborers. Combining harmoniously between training to enhance quality of human source with solving employment for employees after training.
4. Solutions on administrative reform, improving capacity of state management apparatus:
- Modernizing the administration, gradually setting up electronic authorities; consolidating, strengthening organizational structure and operation of local authority apparatus at levels aiming to enhance capability, management and execution effectiveness of state agencies.
- Implementing policies supporting for development of enterprises; positively removing difficulties to enhance effectiveness of the business and production operation of enterprises; taking care of and supporting medium and small enterprises, new-established enterprises.
Strenthening law popularization, education and legal assiatance for people, ensuring strictness of law; reviewing, simplifying administrative procedures, enhancing effectiveness in implementation of one-stop mechanism, one-stop and inter-connection mechanism. Paying attention to training, fostering to enhance qualification, capability and implementing standardization of cadres, civil servants in localities.
5. Science and technology solutions
- Continuing renewal of mechanism, state management system on science and technology in a suitable direction comparing to progress of administrative reforming; training, fostering and planning to rejuvenate science and technology official staff, well implementing the preferential treatment policies toward sciences, and policies to encourage socialization of scientific research and development of the science and technology market.
- Investing in material facilities to serve for science and industrial management; enhancing control transfer operation, technological assessment, quality and environment pollution.
6. Promoting commercial investment, linkage, development cooperation:
- Developing all-sided external economy, positively participating in international economical intergration aiming to attract maximally outside resources; enhancing cooperation, linkage with HCM city and localities in the South key economic area, Mekong river delta, domestic localities and internation, in which there are provinces of Cambodia. Developing the goods and service market; enhancing quality, competition and building some goods trade for advantage products.
- Strengthening investment promotion, domestic and overseas trading and tourism; prioritizing to attract fields with qualified requirement, advance technology; diversifying export market; encouraging joint-venture, linkage between facilities of raw material production, processing and consuming products; developing in diversity and synchronously types of market.
7. Solutions of environmental and resource protection
- Strengthening propagation, education to raise awareness for people and organizations, enterprises on environmental protection which is common duty of all society; often checking, supervising and strictly handling cases of breaking law on environmental protection.
- On the basis of this plan, making specific measures on management, environmental protection, sustainable development for each zone in province; and formulating and implementing the program on environmental management in order to supervise, warn on environmental impacts from socio-economic activities, and to have handling measures timely.
1. Publicization and popularization of the plan
- Organizing publicization and popularization of the master plan on socio-economic development of Long An province by 2020 with vision till 2030 to Party organizations and authorities, branches, mass organizations, enterprises and people in province immediately after being signed for adoption by the Prime Minister. Based on content of plan, conducting formulation of specific action program in order to have an implementation plan aiming to attain result.
- Boosting activities of investment promotion, organizing introduction, advertisement on potential, advantages of localities to investors; introducing programs, projects need be prioritized for investment, in which attaching special importance to call up investment in major projects creating key products.
2. Formulating the action program
- The province needs specify content of plan by 5-year, annual plan in order to implement and have assessment on obtained results. On such basis, reviewing the plan and submit to competent authorities to adjust, supplement timely, ensure conformity with socio-economic development task of localities in each period.
- The levels, branched, socio-political organizations and people in province shall inspect, supervise implementation of the plan.
Article 2. The master plan on socio-economic development of Long An province by 2020 with vision till 2030 shall be basis for formulation, submission for approval and development of implementation of branch plan (construction plan, land planning and other relevant plans), investment projects in Long An province.
Article 3. To assign People’s Committee of Long An province based on content of approved plan to direct formulation, approval and development of implementation as prescribed for the following contents:
1. The master plan on socio-economic development of district level; construction plan; land planning, plan on development of branches, fields in province in conformity with task on socio-economic development in association with assurance of national defense and security.
2. Making long-term, medium-term, short-term plans in association with specific projects in order to have plan for suitable allocation of investment capital.
3. Researching to formulate, adopt or submit to competent authorities for adoption (if ultra vires) some mechanisms, policies in conformity with socio-economic development requirement of province.
Article 4. The relevant ministries, branches within their functions, tasks, powers shall:
1. Guiding and consulting People’s Committee of Long An province during the course of implementation of the plan.
2. Cooperating with Long An province in the course of reviewing, adjusting, supplementing the plans of branches, fields in order to ensure synchronism, uniformity of plan; considering, supporting province in mobilizing domestic and overseas investment capital sources for implementation of plan.
Article 5. This decision takes effect on the day of signing.
Article 6. The President of the People’s Committee of Long An province, ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of Governmental agencies shall implement this Decision.
LIST OF PROJECTS PROORITIZED FOR INVESTMENT RESEARCH BY 2020, WITH VISION TILL 2030, LONG AN PROVINCE (Promulgated together with the Decision No.1439/QD-TTg, of October 03, 2012 of the Prime Minister)
1 | The belt road 3 |
2 | The belt road 4 |
3 | Ben Luc – Long Thanh Highway |
4 | Railway of Hochiminh city – My Tho |
5 | The National road N1 |
6 | Enhancing the National road 62 |
7 | Project of Phuoc Hoa irrigation |
8 | Formulaing model of improving synchronously Dong Thap Muoi rice-growing region. |
9 | Projects of strengthening environmental pollution prevention. |
10 | Establishing an environmental element all-sided supervision system |
11 | Development in conformity with status of “a manager controlling environmental pollution have been certified" |
12 | Program on training leaders of Community in order to environmental management toward community |
13 | Establishing a specialized board in charge of investment promotion |
14 | Developing movement “Each village each product” in rural areas of Long An. |
15 | Building the central of human resource development |
16 | Enhancing, renovating the Cai Co – Long Khot main canal system. |
17 | Tan Lap – Long Hau road, DT830, DT826B, road along canal 79, road along Vam Co Tay river, road along Vam Co Dong river |
18 | Ben Luc road (National road 1) – Tan Lap |
19 | Thu Thua – Binh Thanh – Hoa Thanh road |
20 | Provincial road 831 (Vinh Binh section – Long Khat border-gate and Vinh Hung – Tan Hung – Tan Phuoc section going Dong Thap) |
21 | Long Hau – Tan Lap road |
22 | National road 62 – Tan Hung (to canal 79) |
23 | Provincial road 830 |
24 | Obstetric-pediatric hospital |
25 | Mental hospital |
26 | The Long An leading ecological technology central (LALETEC) |
27 | Development of clean industrial zones with high quality and waste treatment ability |
28 | Building a food warehousing central in Dong Thap Muoi area, Long An province |
29 | International medical center with high quality |
30 | Building a commercial center in suburb |
31 | Building a roadway resting stop station |
32 | Establishment of the warehousing center |
33 | Development in associated with Tan An – Ben Luc urban area |
34 | Building ecological village area near river |
35 | Development of tenement house at suitable price, preventing natural disaster, saving energy. |
36 | Development of high technological agricultural production area |
37 | The Long An international border-gate economic area |
38 | A water plant using water sources from Phuoc hoa irrigation project |
39 | A plant treating surface water in Ben Luc |
Note: Regrading position, scale, area of used land and total investment level of projects, plans in the above-mentioned list shall be calculated, selected and defined in particular in each stage of formulation and submission for approval of investment project, depending on demand and ability to balance and attract investment capital of each period.
File gốc của Decision No.1439/QD-TTg of October 03, 2012, on approving the socio-economic development master plan of Long An province by 2020, with a vision till 2030 đang được cập nhật.
Decision No.1439/QD-TTg of October 03, 2012, on approving the socio-economic development master plan of Long An province by 2020, with a vision till 2030
Tóm tắt
Cơ quan ban hành | Thủ tướng Chính phủ |
Số hiệu | 1439/QD-TTG |
Loại văn bản | Quyết định |
Người ký | Nguyễn Tấn Dũng |
Ngày ban hành | 2012-10-03 |
Ngày hiệu lực | 2012-10-03 |
Lĩnh vực | Xây dựng - Đô thị |
Tình trạng | Còn hiệu lực |