No. 179/QD-TTg | Hanoi, February 16, 2024 |
Pursuant to the Law on Government Organization of June 19, 2015; Law on amendments to the Law on Government Organization and the Law on Organization of Local Governments dated November 22, 2019;
Pursuant to the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party;
Pursuant to Resolution No. 06-NQ/TW dated January 24, 2022 of the Politburo on planning, construction, management, and sustainable development of Vietnamese urban areas to 2030, vision to 2045;
Pursuant to Resolution No. 50/NQ-CP dated May 20, 2021 of the Government on the Action Program to implement the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party;
Pursuant to Resolution No. 99/NQ-CP dated August 30, 2021 of the Government on the Government's Action Program for the 2021 - 2026 period to implement the National Assembly's Resolution on Socio-Economic Development Plan 2021 - 2025;
Pursuant to Decision No. 1266/QD-TTg dated August 18, 2020 of the Prime Minister on approval for the Vietnam Construction Materials Development Strategy for the period 2021 - 2030, vision to 2050;
Pursuant to Decision No. 1246/QD-TTg dated July 19, 2021 of the Prime Minister on approval for Vietnam's architectural development orientation to 2030, vision to 2050;
Pursuant to Decision No. 2161/QD-TTg dated December 31, 2021 of the Prime Minister on approval for the National Housing Development Strategy for the period 2021 - 2030, vision to 2045;
At the request of the Minister of Construction.
Article 1. Approval for the Construction Industry Development Strategy to 2030, with a vision to 2045 (hereinafter abbreviated as the Strategy) with the following contents:
1. Actively follow and elaborate evolving development perspectives, guidelines, directives, and regulations pertaining to the Construction industry's tasks in the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party, specialized Resolutions of the Central Committee of Communist Party, and Resolutions of the National Assembly, the Government, and directions of the Prime Minister.
2. Foster the modernization of the construction industry by harnessing technological advancements, generating breakthroughs, fostering interregional collaboration that bridge regional disparities and catalyze balanced development across all regions. Proactively seize and capitalize on the timely opportunities presented by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and international integration. Integrate the sustainable development of the Construction industry with the strengthening of national defense, security, environmental protection, climate change adaptation, and the implementation of social welfare policies.
4. Prioritize the innovation in thinking, theory, reform, and improvement of institutional quality as the key and continuous task. The management of construction investment activities, urban development, housing and real estate markets must comply with planning and plans to overcome the current situation of scattered, spontaneous, and campaign-style investments. Prioritize construction fields and products with high growth potential, advantages, and competitiveness, gradually dominating and controlling the domestic market and having the potential to compete in the international market.
5. Promote administrative reform, assign and decentralize tasks in a reasonable manner, ensuring unified management and smooth guidance from the central to local levels. Put serving the people at the center. Strongly promote the proactive and positive role of organizations, businesses and individuals in the entire Construction industry.
1. General objectives:
a) By 2030:
- Accelerate the development of a comprehensive, coherent, unified, modern, and integrated institutional framework and management toolkit. Cultivate a conducive, level playing field, and transparent environment for all stakeholders involved in construction investment activities. Cultivate a conducive, level playing field, and transparent environment for all stakeholders involved in construction investment activities. Promote robust and efficient law enforcement across all construction industry domains.
- Bolster the Construction industry's capabilities to undertake the entire spectrum of management, design, procurement, and construction of modern, complex, and large-scale projects. Gradually foster competition and expand the market for overseas operations. Vigorously develop the construction materials industry towards energy and mineral resource conservation, environmental friendliness, meeting domestic demand, promoting the export of high-grade construction materials, and developing new construction materials. Apply technology in management of construction investment, design, construction, and quality management of construction works.
- Accelerate the pace of urbanization and improve the quality of urban development and economy. Develop mechanisms and policies to promote the development of a harmonious urban system, suitable to the potential and advantages of each region and locality. Vigorously develop satellite cities, especially Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Basically complete the institutional system, mechanisms, policies, and management tools. Establish a model of urban government linked to effective urban governance. Enhance competitive capacity. Gradually improve the quality of urban development in terms of economy, society, infrastructure, architecture, housing, and quality of life for residents.
- Innovate and improve the quality of construction planning; foster a modern, sustainable, and distinctive architectural style that promptly meets the demands of cultural development. Develop cities with a long-term vision; establish a number of smart city chains in the key economic regions of the North, South, and Central regions; gradually connect to the smart city network in the region and the world; build low-carbon cities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and develop green, distinctive, pioneering cities that lead innovation and become the driving force of development.
- Establish a transparent mechanism for evaluating real estate value based on market mechanisms. Fundamentally address the housing needs of urban residents, expand housing types; and have policies to support the development of social housing.
b) Orientation to 2045:
The Construction industry ensures sufficient capacity to design and construct modern and complex construction works in various fields of all sizes and has the ability to compete and expand its market overseas. Develop the construction materials industry to the level of a modern industry. The urbanization rate is in the upper middle group of ASEAN and Asia. The urban system is connected into a synchronous, unified and balanced network between regions and areas, with the ability to withstand and adapt to climate change, prevent and control natural disasters, epidemics, protect the environment, and have typical architecture that is rich in identity, green, modern and smart. The urban technical infrastructure system develops synchronously to meet the needs and development speed of urban areas. Housing development meets people's needs for new construction and renovation; the real estate market develops sustainably, healthily and transparently.
2. Specific objectives
a) Construction planning and architecture:
- The comprehensive renovation of planning methods, processes, contents, and products in construction necessitates a multi-disciplinary approach that encompasses a long-term, comprehensive, and strategic vision. This approach must adhere to market rules and principles of sustainable development. It should also ensure the hierarchical, continuous, unified, comprehensive, and integrated nature of the planning system, while establishing strong linkages with rural planning. Additionally, clear zoning and development control tools should be implemented based on planning and regulations. Finally, urban planning must be integrated with available resources for effective implementation.
- Organize planning, construction and development of cities and urban areas, especially planning for construction of technical infrastructure, social infrastructure, public areas, planning for management and use of connecting spaces, underground spaces. This planning and development must be aligned with national defense and security strategies, plans, and policies.
- Encourage architectural works that ensure the criteria of modernity, sustainability, rich identity, conservation, inheritance, and promotion of traditional architectural values. It also create a sustainable living environment, optimize natural resources, conserve energy, prevent and control natural disasters, and adapt to climate change.
- Some specific objectives:
+ Rural construction planning: review and adjust the general commune construction planning to achieve the goal of the National Target Program on new rural construction which is at least 10% of communes meeting model new rural standards, no more communes meet less than 15 criteria.
+ By 2025, urban areas will complete the formulation of architectural management regulations; by 2030, 80% of urban areas and rural residential areas will have architectural management regulations approved and promulgated.
b) Urban development:
- Synchronously implement policies to decompress and reduce load for large urban areas, bringing people to surrounding urban areas that have fully formed cultural institutions, technical infrastructure, and social infrastructure; prioritize promoting infrastructure and service systems in satellite urban areas and city models, ensuring that urban areas play a central role in socio-economic development, science and technology, education and training, innovation and startups in local areas, regions and the whole country. Prioritize the development of small urban areas (class V) and peri-urban areas to support rural development through urban-rural linkages. Control low-density urban development in urban areas of class II and above; prioritize in-depth urban development and improve the quality of people's living environment.
- Effectively initiate national projects and programs on urban development to respond to climate change, prevent and control natural disasters and epidemics; renovate, embellish, reconstruct, and upgrade urban areas; develop new urban models consistent with reality, focus on traffic-oriented urban development models. Research and develop criteria to identify and develop urban areas with specific and outstanding locations and functions such as development of universities, creative hubs, border gate economies, industries, islands, ports, airports; urban areas associated with transit oriented development (TOD), smart urban areas, sustainable urban areas to respond to climate change and propose appropriate development mechanisms and policies.
- Some specific objectives:
+ The urbanization rate will reach at least 45% by 2025, and reach over 50% by 2030. The ratio of urban construction land to total natural land area will reach about 1.5 - 1.9% by 2025, and reach about 1.9 – 2.3% by 2030.
+ The number of urban areas nationwide will be about 950 - 1,000 urban areas by 2025, and will be about 1,000 - 1,200 urban areas by 2030. By 2025, 100% of existing and new urban areas will have general planning, zoning planning, renovation, embellishment, reconstruction and urban development programs; at least 100% of class III urban areas or higher meet urban classification criteria for urban infrastructure, especially infrastructure for health, education, training and urban-level cultural works. By 2030, form a number of national and regional urban centers that meet urban-level objectives pertaining to health, education and training and culture equivalent to the average level of urban areas in the group of 4 leading countries of ASEAN.
c) Urban technical infrastructure
- Strengthen the inspection and management of technical infrastructure construction works in accordance with the planning. Encourage the use of green materials, construction and development of green infrastructure, green buildings, and green energy consumption in urban areas. Enhance the capacity of the infrastructure system to cope with climate change, especially in the Mekong Delta. Promote the management and development of urban underground space, especially the planning of underground space in centrally-affiliated cities.
- Integrate the objectives and orientations for the development of social infrastructure service works and resources into the process of formulating and approving urban development programs. Continue to have incentive policies and special tax incentives for projects providing urban social services in economic zones and large industrial zones. Innovate organizational models, improve the efficiency of urban service enterprises. Diversify models of providing social infrastructure services.
- Some infrastructure indicators:
+ Urban transport infrastructure: The ratio of land for transportation to land for urban construction by 2030 will reach an average of 16 - 26%, of which it will reach 13 - 15% in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City; the ratio of land for parking lots by 2030 will reach 1 - 3 m2/person; the proportion of public passenger transport by 2030 will reach 20 - 25%.
+ Water supply: By 2030, 95-100% of the urban population will have access to clean water through the centralized water supply system; the water loss and revenue loss rate will be below 15% by 2030; 90% of water supply systems in urban areas are established and safe water supply plans are implemented by 2030.
+ Drainage and wastewater treatment: The collection rate of urban wastewater will reach about 70% by 2025 and about 80% by 2030; by 2025, the rate of urban wastewater treated to meet standards in urban areas of class II and above will reach about 30 - 35% and about 15 - 20% in urban areas of class III, IV, and V; by 2030, the rate will reach 40 - 45% in class II and above urban areas and 25 - 30% in class III, IV, V urban areas; the coverage of the urban rainwater drainage system will reach 70% by 2025 and 80% by 2030.
+ Other indicators: The average green area per urban resident will reach about 6 - 8 m2 by 2025, about 8 -10 m2 by 2030; the proportion of lighting using energy-saving light sources in large urban areas will reach 50%; the rate of cremation in special urban areas will reach 90%, in class I urban areas will reach about 50%, and in the remaining urban areas will reach about 25%.
d) Housing:
- Effectively implement the National Housing Development Strategy to 2030, with a vision to 2045. Innovate management and development methods and models for social housing, especially housing for workers in industrial zones. Reform administrative procedures to enable households and individuals to build and renovate their own houses in accordance with urban planning and urban architectural management regulations. Strictly manage and supervise the development of high-rise housing in the center of large urban areas. Research and promulgate a separate mechanism and policy on investment in housing construction for workers in industrial zones with an orientation to prioritize the allocation of sufficient land for development housing for workers and other facilities in industrial zones.
- Some specific objectives:
+ By 2025, the average living area per capita nationwide is expected to reach about 27 m2/person, of which the average living area per capita in urban areas will reach 28 m2/person and in rural areas will reach 26 m2/person.
+ By 2030, the average living area per capita nationwide is expected to reach about 30 m2/person, of which the average living area per capita in urban areas will reach 32 m2/person and in rural areas will reach 28 m2/person.
+ By 2030, the objective is to increase the proportion of solid houses nationwide to 85 -.
- 90%, of which 100% in urban areas, 75% - 80% in rural areas. There will be no new rudimentary houses built nationwide, especially in urban areas. 90% of houses nationwide will have synchronized electricity, water supply and wastewater drainage systems and will be connected to the common technical infrastructure system of the area.
+ By 2030, strive to complete the investment and construction of at least 1 million social housing apartments for low-income people and workers in industrial zones.
+ Implement the housing support policy for about 350,000 poor households (in rural areas with difficult housing conditions; poor and near-poor households in poor districts; poor ethnic minority households) and about 162,000 households with meritorious people who need housing support.
dd) Real estate market management:
- Efficiently utilize and use real estate, especially land real estate, maximize the resources from land, houses and constructions on land to serve the socio-economic development goals and the industrialization and modernization of the country. Develop a variety of real estate types to meet the needs of socio-economic development, ensuring supply-demand balance for each segment, each locality and in each stage.
e) Construction management:
- Improve construction capacity, master the design and construction of large-scale projects with complex technical requirements, point-based structures, linear structures depth below 30 m, height above 150 m...). Focus on synchronously implementing solutions to improve quality and growth efficiency of the Construction industry. Promote labor productivity, accelerate the application of science and technology, management science, corporate governance; actively improve the contribution rate of total factor productivity to industry growth.
- Mobilize all possible resources, create a favorable environment for entities to participate in investment and construction activities, improve the efficiency of investment and construction, and the quality of construction works; continue to innovate investment and construction management mechanisms in line with market mechanisms and international practices.
- Strive for an average growth rate of construction production value: 8 - 10%/year.
- Strive for the labor productivity growth rate of the construction industry to reach an average of 8%/year in the period of 2021-2025 and an average of 10%/year in the period of 2026-2030.
g) Construction materials:
- Develop the construction materials industry into a strong economic sector, based on the rational and effective utilization of mineral resources for construction materials to ensure harmonious and sustainable development between economy, society, national security and defense, and environmental protection, ecology. Strive for the construction materials industry to reach a high level of industrialization by 2030; towards 2050, it will become a modern, green industry associated with the development of the fourth industrial revolution, making maximum use of digital technology, Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, on par with countries in the region and the world.
- Production capacity meets the demand for construction materials in terms of quantity, quality and variety for domestic consumption and partly for export. Focus on investing in renovation and modernization of existing construction material production facilities, gradually eliminating outdated technologies that consume a lot of energy and do not meet environmental regulations, standards and criteria. Strengthen the inventory and implementation of solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for energy-intensive construction material production facilities.
- Some indicators on construction materials products:
+ Ceramic tiles: Produce thin, large-sized, high-quality, and diverse products in terms of types and designs. Develop the production of special-function tiles with high abrasion resistance, colorfastness, dirt resistance, and mold prevention. By 2030, the total production will reach about 950 million m2/year.
+ Stone tiles: Diversify product types and designs; maximize the use of mineral resources. By 2030, the total production will reach about 35-40 million m2, of which about 20% will be exported.
+ Sanitary ceramics: Develop products with modern designs and follow the general trend, synchronously produce products and accessories. By 2030, the total production will reach about 40 million products/year.
+ Construction glass: Strive to meet the domestic market demand for processed glass products by 2025. By 2030, develop diverse types of high-quality, high-value glass products according to market demand. The total production will reach 400 million QTC m2/year.
+ Industrial lime: By 2030, the Vietnamese lime industry will reach a level on par with developed countries in the world.
+ Fired clay bricks: Increase the production of hollow, thin, lightweight, decorative, large-sized, and unplastered clay brick products,…By 2030, the total production will not exceed 30 billion bricks/year.
+ Non-fired construction materials: Account for 35-40% of the total brick production in 2025; 40-45% in 2030; ensure the usage ratio in construction works according to regulations. Diversify large-sized non-fired brick products, components, wall panels, and lightweight materials.
1. Focus on improving and enhancing the quality of the institutional system and management tools in the fields of the Construction industry, in line with the market mechanism, the reality of Vietnam and international integration.
b) Improve the system of regulations, standards, construction norms and unit prices, encourage the application of new technologies to improve the efficiency of construction investment contribute to the fight against corruption, waste, and misconduct in construction investment.
c) Strongly innovate, assign, decentralize and enhance the effectiveness of coordination in leadership and direction. Consolidate and improve the organizational system of the state management apparatus of the Construction industry; clearly define the responsibilities and authorities of the regulatory agencies of the Construction industry from the central to the local level.
d) Improve the capacity of officials to research, build, draft legal documents and mechanisms, and policies; complete the digital transformation of the legal document database system of the industry; apply information technology, research and build tools to support construction, monitor, and evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of legal documents in practice.
2. Innovate the methods of construction planning, urban-rural planning, and technical infrastructure planning for urban areas to ensure scientific rigor, integration, and meet socio-economic development requirements. Preserve and promote the value of national architectural heritage.
a) Improve the quality of planning through the integration of socio-economic development plans, land and resource use planning, housing development, social infrastructure, technical infrastructure, and environmental landscape; closely link different planning levels and types (urban planning with national, regional and provincial planning); strictly control the preparation, appraisal, and approval of planning and amendments to planning to ensure publicity, transparency and synchronization. Amend and supplement planning regulations and standards. Enhance the role of the community in urban planning and management.
b) Improve the quality of technical infrastructure planning content in regional planning projects, provincial planning projects, construction planning projects, urban planning projects and strengthen the control and management of technical infrastructure construction works according to planning. Complete regulations and sanctions to take strict actions against violations in planning and slow-moving urban projects.
c) Strengthen the formulation of management regulations according to planning and architectural management regulations. Increase the proportion of area for urban planning and construction planning in cities and functional areas. Research and promulgate a framework of criteria related to climate change response, green and smart growth to serve as a basis for integration into planning projects; a set of criteria for green architecture, incentive policies and preferential treatment when certified and implementation guidelines.
d) Mobilize all resources, focus on private sector involvement, and build specific and appropriate mechanisms and implementation guidelines for synchronous implementation of urban planning. Complete the national data system on urban development planning, link planning and plan development and implementation thereof with the development of the housing market and the real estate market.
dd) Prioritize rural development planning and construction in conjunction with the preservation and promotion of traditional cultural values, historical sites, valuable ancient villages and craft villages, synchronize social infrastructure and technical infrastructure, meet criteria for new rural areas, link with green belt areas, protect dykes, harmonize natural landscapes and respond to climate change.
g) Effectively implement the Law on Architecture and its guiding documents. Improve the quality of architectural design, develop a modern architecture that is rich in national identity and suitable for each region. Research and build a List of valuable architectural works in major cities of Vietnam. Promulgate regulations and guidelines on solutions to maintain and optimize the value of works, in order to encourage owners of works to conserve and promote the existing value of old architectural works.
h) Research and supplement sample designs of public service facilities, especially for typical regions; models of live-work dwellings, specific factors related to agricultural production; architectural models of houses in rural areas that are suitable for the financial capabilities of the majority of rural people. Aim for modern models, close to urban living standards, inheriting typical and sustainable traditional architectural features, energy efficient, and environmentally friendly.
3. Improve legal regulations and management tools to strictly control the effective urban development process, closely linked with the industrialization, modernization and rural development process.
a) Effectively implement the Action Program of the Government to implement Resolution No. 06-NQ/BCT dated January 24, 2022 of the Politburo on planning, construction, management, and sustainable development of Vietnamese urban areas by 2030, with a vision to 2045.
b) Strictly implement the management and control of urban development in accordance with planning and plans. Strengthen the inspection, review, and evaluation of urban quality after being recognized as a given urban class or forming a new administrative division. Strengthen the review and propose the implementation of urban renovation, upgrading, and reconstruction. Research and develop a National Program on urban renovation, upgrading, development, and redevelopment.
c) Effectively implement the Master Plan for the Urban and Rural System for the period 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050. Strengthen the implementation of urban development to effectively respond to climate change, aiming for green and smart growth. Research and propose solutions to synchronize urban development with new rural construction.
d) Effectively implement the following programs and plans: national urban development, national urban area upgrade, development of urban areas to respond to climate change, development of green and smart urban areas. It is necessary to ensure that the implementation is on schedule.
dd) Research and develop mechanisms and policies to develop and build public recreational and entertainment spaces for the people. Pilot the implementation of urban redevelopment to supplement public institutions, social infrastructure and technical infrastructure works, and create a land fund for urban development; to improve the quality of life for urban residents; and to create a momentum for planning and investing in sustainable urban development.
e) Conduct scientific research on sustainable urban management and development in Vietnam in the context of globalization and international integration, response to climate change and emission reduction requirements, smart application, green transformation, and digital transformation. Promote the formulation of standards and evaluation criteria for all classes of urban areas.
a) Develop a program and orientation for technical infrastructure development and policies and mechanisms for investment, management, utilization, and provision of technical infrastructure services; enable economic sectors to participate in investment with diverse forms in accordance with international practices (especially PPP investment); ensure synchronous and effective investment and balance the benefits of stakeholders.
b) Improve the quality of technical infrastructure planning projects in accordance with the Urban Planning Law and the content of technical infrastructure planning in planning projects; strengthen the control and management of construction of technical infrastructure works according to the planning. Study, develop, and approve the Orientation for Development of Underground Construction Space in Urban Areas and effectively implement it.
c) Continue to effectively implement on schedule the following program and orientation: the national program to ensure safe water supply and prevent water loss and leakage for the period 2016 – 2025, the orientation for water supply and drainage development in urban areas and industrial zones by 2025, with a vision to 2050. Study and propose a program for drainage, wastewater treatment, and flood prevention for the period 2025 - 2030 for large cities, coastal cities, especially areas regularly affected by sea level rise and climate change.
d) Study and propose solutions to address existing problems and pressures on the technical infrastructure system during urban development, such as: traffic congestion, urban flooding, wastewater treatment, etc.; ensure that cities strive to achieve the technical infrastructure indicators according to regulations; and require urban areas to ensure synchronous investment in technical infrastructure before handover and commissioning.
dd) Promote investment and construction of parks, flower gardens, and public green trees to increase the proportion of urban green areas that meet prescribed criteria. Review and develop policies to encourage the application of digital technology and smart management models in management, operation, and utilization of technical infrastructure systems. Research solutions to increase the rate of cremation use in localities; strengthen inspection and supervision of the management and use of cemetery land.
5. Fundamentally address the housing needs of the population, expand housing types; and have policies to support the development of social housing.
a) Improve and amend a number of policies to develop commercial housing, social housing, and official housing; resettlement housing, housing for target programs, and individual households' housing. Focus on removing legal obstacles, strengthening decentralization to localities to accelerate renovation and reconstruction of old apartment buildings, expired works, houses along canals, and poor residential areas in urban areas. Study the mechanism to encourage the formation and development of housing and real estate funds.
b) Focus on effectively implementing the National Housing Development Strategy to 2030, with a vision to 2045, the Project "Construction of at least 1 million social housing apartments for low-income people and industrial workers in the 2021-2030 period" and local housing development programs and plans.
Strengthen state management functions in housing development management, regulate to ensure the balance of housing supply and demand.
d) Diversify housing types; increase the development ratio of project-based housing and apartment buildings; have policies to support the development of rental housing and low-cost housing. Promote the development of social housing and low-cost housing towards reducing dependence on the state budget; create a source of capital for low-income people and people with housing difficulties to access preferential and long-term loans for stable housing. Innovate methods and models of management and development of social housing, especially housing for workers in industrial parks; research and promulgate separate mechanisms and policies on investment in and construction of housing for industrial park workers; consider housing for workers as an essential infrastructure of the industrial park.
dd) Research new, modern models and prototypes that are in line with technological advancements and meet the requirements for a green, clean, and beautiful environment. Complete policies, strengthen post-investment management in housing construction, promulgate regulations to manage the handover, reception, and maintenance of technical and social infrastructure projects in housing development projects.
e) Urge localities to speed up the review and assessment of old apartment buildings and carry out renovation and reconstruction of old apartment buildings. Strengthen inspection and supervision of construction of centralized administrative areas; effective manage official housing funds.
6. Strengthen management so that the real estate market develops stably, with information transparency and in accordance with the laws of supply and demand
a) Develop a variety of real estate types to meet the needs of socio-economic development, ensuring supply-demand balance for each segment, each locality and in each stage. Complete the legal framework and appropriate organizational models for managing and controlling the real estate market and effectively using the increased land value when urban infrastructure is expanded.
b) Attract social resources, encourage economic sectors to participate in investing in real estate development, especially investing in the construction of social housing, low-cost commercial housing, production and business facilities, technical infrastructure and social infrastructure in urban areas.
c) Prioritize the development of a database, aiming to complete the housing and real estate market management information system by 2025, ensuring connection and interoperability with the national land database. Establish a transparent mechanism for real estate valuation; research and improve policies on real estate taxes and fees to encourage effective use of land and houses.
d) Facilitate the participation of economic sectors in the real estate market based on market mechanisms. Regularly monitor the real estate market situation, proactively control and regulate to promptly adjust and address difficulties, limitations, and inadequacies in mechanisms, policies, laws, natural disasters, pandemics, etc., to ensure stable and sustainable development of the real estate market, gradually overcome supply-demand imbalances, and ensure transparency and clarity.
dd) Effectively implement the solutions of the National Assembly and the Government to address difficulties and obstacles in the implementation of real estate projects for localities, businesses in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and some central provinces and cities. Study guiding regulations on the procedures and steps for implementing investment projects in the construction of commercial housing, social housing, and urban areas.
a) Improve the quality of appraisal of investment feasibility study reports, construction design reports that are implemented following the fundamental design, and construction cost estimates. Strengthen quality control in construction works; inspect and verify compliance with legal regulations by entities participating in construction activities to improve quality, minimize construction incidents, and address the issue of losses and waste.
b) Research and propose policies and mechanisms to foster investment cooperation in construction according to the public-private partnership method; mobilize and effectively use private capital to invest in technical infrastructure. Improve construction cost management mechanisms and tools associated with investment methods and project implementation methods, covering the entire life cycle costs of construction products. Strongly apply Building Information Modeling (B.I.M) in management, design, and construction of works according to the approved roadmap.
c) Drive a significant transformation in construction practices, improve the construction cost management toolkit; regularly review and supplement the system of construction norms and prices, which focuses on key construction norms that have a major impact on construction investment costs, investment unit costs, gross construction cost; complete, innovate, digitize, and unify the system of construction norms and prices.
d) Complete and effectively operate the national database system on construction norms and prices and urban technical infrastructure services to unify management, ensure connectivity and information access for stakeholders involved in construction cost management; promote the application of virtual design and construction models in construction investment nationwide, ensure consistency between all stages from design, cost estimation, construction, operation, utilization, and maintenance.
dd) Continuously review and refine the national standards system in line with the newly approved orientations, aiming for synchronous promulgation and application by 2030. Strengthen inspection and supervision of compliance with national technical regulations, enhance the effectiveness of standards application in investment and construction activities
e) Provide regular guidance to localities on strict compliance with legal regulations on investment and construction. Continue researching and promoting decentralization in the management and investment of construction works. Complete the legal framework, improve the quality of examination and certification of construction-related professions.
8. Gradually develop the construction materials industry into a strong economic sector, on the basis of rational utilization of mineral resources, environmental and ecological protection
a) Effectively implement the Planning for exploration, utilization, processing, and use of minerals for construction materials for the period 2021 - 2030, vision to 2050, Vietnam Construction Materials Development Strategy for the period 2021 - 2030, orientation to 2050 and construction materials development projects that have been approved by the Prime Minister. Meet domestic construction material requirements and increase exports of high-value products.
b) Complete mechanisms, policies, standards, regulations, norms, unit prices related to construction materials and minerals used for construction materials, in line with solutions for stable and sustainable development, using recycled materials, resource-efficient construction materials, energy-efficient construction materials, eco-friendly construction materials, responding to climate change; construction materials for sea and island works. Strengthen the assessment of conformity to standards and regulations to control the quality of construction materials and products to ensure sustainable development of domestic production, and achieve more effective management of imported construction materials and products.
9. Vigorously develop science, technology, and innovation to create a breakthrough in improving productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the Construction industry.
a) Effectively implement the Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation Development of the Construction Industry by 2030 and the Digital Transformation Plan of the Construction Industry for the period 2020-2025, with a vision to 2030.
b) Access international markets, apply scientific and technological advancements in the design and construction of underground infrastructure, civil and industrial works; master the construction of major construction materials, gradually localize high-value and high-tech equipment. Promote research and provide solutions for treating waste and by-products from industrial and agricultural production, and household waste to replace natural minerals as construction materials; gradually complete mechanisms and policies to promote green and energy-efficient buildings.
c) Apply the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution and digital transformation in the state management of the industry; improve the productivity and quality of construction materials and goods; manage the development of smart cities. Strengthen the inspection and effective management of the measurement and quality management of construction products and goods.
d) Promote scientific research and technology development activities, prioritizing the development of high-potential technologies suitable for Vietnamese conditions. Innovate the mechanisms and methods of scientific research and application in a way that is specific, practical, and measurable in terms of results, and promote the selection and commissioning of scientific research.
dd) Enhance the autonomy of research institutes following a given roadmap, pilot the conversion of some institutes to science and technology enterprises Provide training and refresher courses in scientific and technological knowledge for professionals and research staff in the industry.
Strive to achieve the following targets by 2025: 90% of officials and public employees to have a bachelor’s degree or higher, of which 35% to have a postgraduate degree; each research unit shall have at least one professor or associate professor with expertise in the field(s) relevant to the unit's research content. Strive to achieve the following targets by 2030: 95% of officials and public employees to have a bachelor’s degree or higher, of which 40% to have a postgraduate degree; each research unit shall have at least two professors or associate professors with expertise in the fields relevant to the unit's research content.
10. Develop human resources, education and training to meet the high-quality human resources requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and international integration.
a) Effectively implement the Strategy for human resource development in the Construction industry for the period 2022-2030. Build a workforce of officials and public employees at all levels, especially at the strategic level, with good qualities, political steadfastness, professionalism, competence, a sense of responsibility, public service ethics and professional ethics, in line with salary reform. Training and development of officials and public employees must be closely aligned with practical needs and the long-term planning of building the workforce.
b) Improve the capacity of administrative officers, professional workers and technical workers. Strive to achieve the following targets: By 2025, 35% of construction workers and by 2030 at least 50% of construction workers will have received basic vocational training for at least 3 months, increase the proportion of construction workers who have been trained in construction or construction-related fields. Develop a team of excellent administrative officers, technical experts and skilled workers to meet the requirements of construction of modern, large-scale and highly complex projects. Ensure the rate of qualified technical staff from intermediate level and above will reach 70% by 2025 and reach over 90% by 2030.
c) Develop a team of officials with good qualities, political steadfastness, professionalism, high professional competence, a sense of responsibility and professional ethics. Training and development of officials and public employees must be closely aligned with practical needs and the long-term planning of building the workforce.
d) Continue to improve the quality of higher education and vocational training at training institutions. Consolidate and develop a team of construction scientists that have domestic and international reputation. Build training and refresher programs in line with the needs of social development, globalization, and international integration. Link training with basic scientific research. Strive to form world-class training centers in areas where Vietnam has its own strengths, such as urban development for disaster response and energy-efficient design.
Strive to achieve the following targets by 2025: 80% of officials will have professional qualifications at the higher education level or above, including 95% of lecturers with postgraduate qualifications; 100% of lecturers will be trained in pedagogy or construction-related fields; 100% of lecturers will be regularly trained; over 40% will achieve the title of "main lecturer". Strive to achieve the following targets by 2030: 95% of officials will have professional qualifications at the higher education level or above, including 100% of lecturers with postgraduate qualifications; 100% of lecturers will be trained in pedagogy or construction-related fields; 100% of lecturers will be regularly trained; over 60% will achieve the title of "main lecturer", 5% will achieve the title of “senior lecturer” or equivalent.
11. Efficiently manage and use resources; strengthen environmental protection and climate change response; prevent, control, and mitigate natural disasters and epidemic impacts.
a) Effectively implement the assigned tasks in the plans, programs, and international commitments of the Government and the Ministry of Construction on green growth, climate change response, and sustainable development, which focuses on urban areas and areas heavily impacted by natural disasters. Proactively build scenarios and propose response plans for unexpected situations such as natural disasters, dangerous widespread diseases, and extreme factors caused by climate change and the environment. Strengthen inspection and supervision to ensure water security and safety of dams and reservoirs.
b) Review, research, supplement, and integrate contents on climate change response, sea level rise, natural disasters, epidemics, etc. into legal documents, regulations, policies, construction planning, systems of regulations, standards, and economic-technical norms.
c) Continue to implement the Government's Action Program on Resolution No. 120/NQ-CP dated November 17, 2017 on sustainable development of the Mekong Delta in response to climate change in a drastic, synchronous, and effective manner.
d) Research mechanisms and policies to mobilize multiple resources for the implementation of engineering and non-engineering solutions to ensure adequate domestic water supply for people in the Mekong Delta and the South Central Coast region in the context of increasingly severe drought and saltwater intrusion. Promote research and application of eco-friendly wastewater treatment technologies suitable for Vietnam's conditions.
e) Effectively implement the Program on developing non-fired construction materials in Vietnam by 2030. Formulate policies to prioritize the development of advanced, modern technologies with high automation levels, maximizing the use of digital technology, nanotechnology, recycled fuels, industrial, agricultural, construction and domestic waste for construction material production; energy-efficient, soundproofing, heat-insulating, eco-friendly products, non-fired construction materials and recyclable construction materials. Promote the efficient use of energy in construction works and construction material production facilities.
g) Industrialize and modernize the utilization and processing of raw materials and minerals for construction materials; eliminate manual, fragmented mining methods that waste minerals, natural resources, cause unsafe labor conditions, poor quality, and inconsistency.
12. Strongly develop enterprises in the Construction industry; complete the restructuring of state-owned enterprises; make fundamental changes to affiliated public sector entities.
a) Continue to vigorously restructure non-state economic enterprises, encourage the formation and development of non-state enterprises with strong potential and competitive ability in both domestic and foreign markets. Form large-scale, multi-industry enterprises, with combined strength, capable of undertaking large-scale, complex technical housing, commercial, industrial, and transportation projects as a main contractor.
b) Restructure small and medium-sized enterprises towards high specialization to improve their capacity and competitiveness; develop a network of specialized enterprises providing construction product components (specializing in providing human resources, machinery, equipment, materials, technological solutions, management models...) to improve professionalism and management efficiency.
c) Research and select appropriate models of public service enterprises for water supply, drainage, and cemetery services suitable for the actual conditions of Vietnam.
d) Effectively implement the Plan for restructuring of state-owned enterprises and state-capitalized enterprises for the period of 2022-2025 of the Ministry of Construction, ensuring on-schedule progress, compliance with market principles, transparency, legality, and achieving the highest benefits for the State. Enhance the operational efficiency of enterprises after equitization.
dd) Effectively implement the decision of the Prime Minister on the list of public sector entities affiliated to the Ministry. Fundamentally, comprehensively and synchronously innovate public sector entities to ensure compactness, rational structure, autonomous capacity, advanced governance, effective and efficient operation.
13. Accelerate administrative reform and build e-Government.
Strive to achieve the following targets by 2025: 100% of individuals and businesses using online public services at the Ministry of Construction will be seamlessly and uniformly identified and authenticated on the national public service portal and the Ministry of Construction's administrative procedure settlement information system.
b) Continue to strongly decentralize in line with the local management capacity; reform administrative procedures, review the document system, abolish barriers that restrict business freedom to improve and enhance the business environment quality in the sectors of the industry. 100% of administrative procedures are eligible for providing online full-process public services on the Ministry of Construction's administrative procedure system that is integrated with the national public service portal.
Strive to achieve the following targets by 2025: reduce 20% of administrative procedures of the Ministry of Construction compared to 2021; achieve 30% online payments on the national public service portal out of the total payment transactions of public services; enable 70% of administrative procedures with financial obligations to be paid online on the national public service portal. Improve the single-window system and online public administration center to meet the “four-steps at one single-down” requirements.
c) Accelerate the development of e-Government; synchronously design, build, and put into operation an integrated system that connects and interoperates large databases in the sectors of the industry in a timely and effective manner, especially in terms of planning, urban development, housing and real estate market.
Strive to achieve the following targets by 2025: have a centralized data analytics and processing platform; 100% of documents exchanged between the Ministry of Construction and regulatory agencies will be in electronic form, signed with specialized digital signatures, except for confidential documents as prescribed; 100% of officials and public employees will be trained and equipped with basic digital skills; 50% of officials and public employees will be trained and equipped with data analysis, mining and digital technology skills.
d) Supplement regulations, improve management and governance capacity, upgrade the national construction planning and urban planning information portal to meet the requirements of planning management, construction investment and urban development management. Continue to digitize and convert national construction planning and urban planning data into a suitable format for public posting on the Internet.
14. Strengthen inspection and examination in all areas of the industry; focus on preventing and controlling corruption.
a) Enhance the quality and effectiveness of construction specialized inspection and strengthen administrative inspection and examination. Propose amendments and improvements to the legal system on planning, architecture, construction, and the legal system on penalties for violations in construction activities in a comprehensive manner, covering all acts, in line with practice and related laws. Continue to promote the leading role in the specialized inspection activities of the Construction industry nationwide based on the general orientation of the industry, offer professional guidance to the Construction Inspection Departments of provinces/cities.
b) Regularly monitor and evaluate the implementation of laws and regulations, promptly propose amendments and improvements to policies to enhance the effectiveness of state management, the efficiency of citizen reception, settlement of petitions, complaints and whistleblowing reports.
d) Continue to improve the organization, make fundamental changes to the working methods, build a clean, strong, unified inspection team from the central to the local level; strengthen the facilities and training, fostering and improving professional qualifications and civil service ethics to meet the requirements of tasks in the new situation.
15. Enhance international cooperation and international integration
a) Continue reviewing the industry’s commitments and legal documents that are not yet compatible with international practices for adjustment within the legal document system; ensure good implementation of foreign affairs and international economic integration, and market opening commitments of the Construction industry. Actively participate in negotiating new commitments in bilateral and multilateral agreements.
b) Enhance bilateral and multilateral cooperation to mobilize international resources for the development of the Construction industry. Proactively develop plans, approach donors, negotiate, and advocate for ODA programs and projects in the industry’s priority areas. Effectively chair and manage the meetings of the Intergovernmental Commissions of which the Ministry of Construction is a co-chair; monitor, urge and support ministries, agencies, and enterprises to effectively implement the commitments in the minutes of the meetings. Summarize and develop new cooperation plans based on the interests and priority areas of the parties.
c) Actively participate in international economic integration and negotiation of bilateral and multilateral agreements to bring practical benefits to the industry. Effectively organize propagation, consultation, and specialized dialogue with businesses and localities, open training courses on laws related to commitments and challenges of the Construction industry in the integration period. Implement the integration commitments of the sector in WTO, APEC, ASEAN, ASEAN+ and the plan to implement new generation FTAs, such as CPTPP and EVFTA. Implement the annual foreign affairs program and enhance the role of the national representative in the ASEAN Smart Cities Network and the Vietnam Urban Forum.
16. Strengthen information and communications
a) Prioritize information and communications, propagation of policies and laws of the industry. Research and develop plans to use digital technology platforms and tools to facilitate access to information on policies, guidelines, laws and regulations of the Party, the State, the Construction industry and local regulations, information on planning, real estate, housing, construction activities...
b) Strictly implement the regulations on spokesperson and information provision to the press; b) Strictly implement the regulations on spokesperson and information provision to the press; proactively provide complete, timely and accurate information on the industry’s activities and issues of public concern; prevent communication crises from affecting the Construction industry's operations.
Diversify funding sources and effectively utilize resources to implement the Strategy.
1. Annual state budget allocation (capital expenditures, current expenditures) following the current state budget decentralization.
2. Integrated funding in national target programs and public investment programs and projects for the period 2021 - 2030.
3. Mobilized funds from foreign donors, international organizations, domestic and foreign enterprises and individuals, and other legal sources.
4. Other financial sources as prescribed by law.
Article 2. Implementation
1. Ministry of Construction
a) Take charge and cooperate with ministries, agencies and localities to implement the Strategy; develop an implementation plan, assign specific tasks to agencies and units under the Ministry and guide localities in the implementation; regularly monitor and evaluate the progress of the Strategy; synthesize and report to the Prime Minister the performance results on annual basis and as required; propose the Prime Minister to consider amending the Strategy if necessary; organize a midterm review of the performance of the Strategy in 2025 and a final review of the performance of the Strategy in 2030.
c) Proactively research and propose amendments to mechanisms and policies for all sectors and major products related to the Construction industry during the implementation process.
2. Ministry of Planning and Investment
a) Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Construction and relevant agencies to allocate capital to meet the development needs of the main sectors and products of the Construction industry. Coordinate with the Ministry of Construction to complete the policies related to construction investment management, ensuring consistency, transparency, and avoiding overlaps.
b) Proactively review and propose amendments to policies to attract investment resources and public-private partnership (PPP) investment in the Construction industry; policies to support the development of cooperative economies for investment in urban development, water supply, drainage, construction materials, housing and the real estate market.
3. Ministry of Finance
Based on the balancing capacity of the central budget, prioritize funding allocation for activities proposed by the Ministry of Construction and relevant ministries within the annual current expenditure budget of the central government; propose competent authorities for consideration and decision on balancing and allocating funds in the budget estimates of agencies and units in accordance with the Law on State Budget and guiding documents to implement the tasks of the Strategy.
4. State Bank of Vietnam
Continue directing credit institutions to focus capital on effective and feasible social housing projects, housing credit programs according to the policies of the Government and the Prime Minister in each period.
5. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
b) Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Construction and localities to closely review and control the use of land for urban and rural development in accordance with approved construction and urban planning. Coordinate with the Ministry of Construction in the process of formulating urban and rural development plans, and planning for mineral for construction materials.
6. Ministry of Science and Technology
a) Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Construction in developing, guiding, and performing national scientific, technological and innovation tasks.
b) Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Construction in appraising and promulgating national construction standards; guiding the formulation and appraisal of national technical regulations for the Construction industry.
7. Ministry of Industry and Trade
Coordinate and support the Ministry of Construction in researching and formulating policies for the development of the construction materials, construction products, and construction machinery industries; solutions to promote exports and manage imports of goods that are construction materials and construction products.
8. Other ministries and agencies have activities related to construction industry fields and products
Closely coordinate with the Ministry of Construction in the implementation of the Strategy based on their functions, tasks and powers.
9. People's Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities
b) Effectively implement the issued central policies, and also research and promulgate specific local policies to promote the implementation and improve the efficiency of planning, construction, urban development, urban technical infrastructure, housing and real estate market management.
c) Formulate key programs and projects suitable for the characteristics and strengths of the provinces/cities; prioritize supporting the development of urban areas, urban infrastructure, and social housing. Manage and supervise the quality and effectiveness of construction investment projects in the area.
Article 3. This Decision comes into force from the date of signing.
Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of Governmental agencies, Presidents of People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities shall implement this Decision./.
Tran Hong Ha
File gốc của Decision No. 179/QD-TTg dated February 16, 2024 on approval for the Construction Industry Development strategy to 2030, orientation to 2045 đang được cập nhật.
Decision No. 179/QD-TTg dated February 16, 2024 on approval for the Construction Industry Development strategy to 2030, orientation to 2045
Tóm tắt
Cơ quan ban hành | Thủ tướng Chính phủ |
Số hiệu | 179/QD-TTg |
Loại văn bản | Quyết định |
Người ký | Trần Hồng Hà |
Ngày ban hành | 2024-02-16 |
Ngày hiệu lực | 2024-02-16 |
Lĩnh vực | Xây dựng - Đô thị |
Tình trạng | Còn hiệu lực |