No. 1626/QD-TTg | Hanoi, December 15, 2023 |
Pursuant to the Law on Government Organization dated June 19, 2015; the Law on amendments to some Articles of Law on Government Organization and Law on Local Government Organization dated November 22, 2019;
Pursuant to the Mineral Law dated November 17, 2010;
Pursuant to the Law on Planning dated November 21, 2017;
Pursuant to the Law on amendments to some Articles concerning planning of 37 Laws dated November 20, 2018;
Pursuant to Resolution No. 10-NQ/TW dated February 10, 2022 of the Politburo on strategic orientation for geology, minerals and mining industry by 2030, with a vision towards 2045;
Pursuant to Resolution No. 81/2023/QH15 dated January 09, 2023 of the National Assembly on national master plan for 2021 – 2030 with vision scheduled for 2050;
Pursuant to Resolution No. 88/NQ-CP dated July 22, 2022 of the Government on promulgation of action program of the Government for implementation of the Resolution No. 10-NQ/TW dated February 10, 2022 of the Politburo on strategic orientation for geology, minerals and mining industry by 2030, with a vision towards 2045;
Pursuant to Government’s Decree No. 158/2016/ND-CP dated November, 29 2016 on elaboration of the Law on Minerals;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 37/2019/ND-CP dated May 07, 2019 on elaboration of some Articles of the Law on Planning; Government’s Decree No. 58/2023/ND-CP dated August 12, 2023 on amendments to some Articles of Decree No. 37/2019/ND-CP dated May 07, 2019 on elaboration of some Articles of the Law on Planning;
Pursuant to Decision No. 995/QD-TTg dated August 09, 2018 of the Prime Minister on allocation of tasks to Ministries for organization of formulation of national sector planning for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2050;
Pursuant to Decision No. 131/QD-TTg dated January 17, 2020 of the Prime Minister on approval for formulation of planning for exploration, extraction, processing and use of minerals used as building materials for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2050;
Pursuant to Decision No. 334/QD-TTg dated April 01, 2023 of the Prime Minister on approval for the Strategy on geology, minerals and mining industry by 2030, with a vision towards 2045;
At the request of the Ministry of Construction in Report No. 29/TTr-BXD dated May 30, 2023, Document No. 126/BC-BXD dated June 22, 2023, Document No. 3319/BXD-VLXD dated July 27, 2023, Document No. 4496/BXD-VLXD dated October, 06 2023, Document No. 4886/BXD-VLXD dated October 27, 2023, Document No. 5271/BXD-VLXD dated November 17, 2023, Document No. 5704/BXD-VLXD dated December 11, 2023 and Appraisal Report No. 18/BC-HDTD dated April 04, 2023 of a Council for appraisal of planning for exploration, extraction, processing and use of minerals used as building materials for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2050.
1. Viewpoints
a) The exploration, extraction, processing and use of minerals shall be consistent with guidelines of the Communist Party, policies of the State on development of mineral extraction and processing industry, the planning for socio-economic development in Vietnam and the national general planning.
b) The exploration, extraction, processing and use of minerals shall ensure sustainable development and meet domestic demands and mineral reserve requirements, thereby serving the development of building materials in both the near and long term; provide assurance about national defense and security, socio-economic effectiveness, protection of environment and historical and cultural relics, and harmony of interests among the State, local authorities and enterprises; and give priority over and encouragement to economic sectors in Vietnam to invest in large-scale projects on extraction and processing of minerals that apply modern technology, reasonably and effectively use minerals and protect natural landscape.
c) It is encouraged to explore and deeply explore mineral areas according to the planned area and coordinates in order to fully assess natural resources and reserves, and recover minerals to the maximum in association with environmental protection and preservation of natural landscape. Mineral concentration areas shall be invested in a focused manner so as to promote potential and advantages, thereby creating motivation for socio-economic development.
d) The mineral extraction shall ensure maximum recovery of main and accompanying minerals; raw materials used for domestic processing projects; and harmonious balance between export and import. Only processed minerals qualified for export are exported according to regulations.
dd) The modern science and technology, information technology, and digital transformation shall be applied, thereby achieving objectives of effective extraction of mineral resources, sustainable development, and response to climate change.
2. Objectives
a) General objectives
- Sustainably develop exploration, extraction, processing and use of minerals used as building materials in a manner that is consistent with mineral potential, meets the demand for raw materials used to produce building materials for economy to the maximum and minimizes negative impacts on ecological environment and landscape. Establish a concentrated, synchronous and effective industry of extraction and processing of minerals used as building materials with advanced technology and modern equipment in conformity with trends of the world.
- By 2050: Develop the industry of extraction and processing of minerals and production of building materials into a strong economic sector which reaches an advanced and modern level and basically meets domestic demand; thoroughly apply information technology and artificial intelligence, and comprehensively transform technology and equipment of advanced and modern mineral extraction and processing facilities according to the model of circular and green economy equivalent to that of advanced countries in Asia towards net zero emissions by 2050; stop building material production activities that ineffectively use natural resources and causes environmental pollution, and give priority to the development of green materials and new environmentally friendly materials; encourage establishment and development of some large-scale enterprises extracting and processing minerals and producing building materials that operate effectively and have capacity for international competitiveness.
b) Specific objectives
- Exploration objectives:
Carry out exploration for assessment of quality and reserves of minerals used as building materials in the planning, including new exploration and exploration for additional reserves within the scope of projects in which minerals are being extracted to effectively use mineral resources and meet demands for raw materials used to produce building materials of the economy by 2030, with a vision towards 2050 to the maximum. Continue to complete exploration and approval for mineral reserves according to the issued exploration permits.
- Extraction objectives:
+ Maintain extraction permits that have been issued in order to ensure stability of projects on processing and use of minerals used as building materials that have been invested in construction.
+ Issue permits to mineral extraction projects in areas that have been explored according to the planning, thereby ensuring sufficient reserves and quality of minerals and fully providing raw materials for establishments processing and producing building materials that are operating and have been invested in construction. Minerals shall be extracted in such a way to recover main and accompanying minerals to the maximum, ensure efficiency, protect environment landscape and historical and cultural relics and meet national defense and security requirements. The extraction capacity of each mineral area specified in the planning is the maximum permissible value (excluding accompanying minerals) which is determined on the basis of the result of reserve approval of the competent authority and the approved project on investment in extraction of minerals according to regulations in conformity with the market’s supply – demand by each period, region and area under planning.
- Processing and use objectives:
+ Maintain and develop projects on processing and use of minerals used as building materials; promote investment in improvement of technology and equipment and application of technology management to save resources and energy, increase labor productivity, create products with high added value and reduce environmental pollution.
Details about objectives of exploration, extraction, processing and use of minerals used as building materials are provided in Appendix I enclosed with this Decision.
3. Planning for exploration and extraction of groups of minerals
a) Minerals used to make cement:
- By 2030:
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 36 limestone areas, 46 clay areas and 31 additive mineral areas; continue to complete exploration and approval for reserves with regard to 14 projects on exploration of limestone, 19 projects on exploration of clay and 09 projects on exploration of additive minerals whose permits have been issued; continue to carry on in-depth surveys and make exploration for additional reserves with regard to mines whose extraction permits have been issued. Total mineral reserves which have been explored in the planned areas will reach about 3.658.100 thousand tonnes of limestone, about 962.600 thousand tonnes of clay and about 499.300 thousand tonnes of additive minerals.
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 38 limestone areas, 52 clay areas and 34 additive mineral areas; continue to issue extraction permits to projects in which minerals are additionally explored; carry out 115 projects on extraction of limestone with a reserve of about 1.758.700 thousand tonnes, 107 projects on extraction of clay with a reserve of about 348.300 thousand tonnes and 49 projects on extraction of additive minerals with a reserve of about 187.900 thousand tonnes.
- From 2031 to 2050:
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 45 limestone areas, 20 clay areas and 12 additive mineral areas; continue to carry on in-depth surveys and make exploration for additional reserves with regard to mines whose extraction permits have been issued. Total mineral reserves which have been explored in the planned areas will reach about 3.771.900 thousand tonnes of limestone, about 415.500 thousand tonnes of clay and about 161.900 thousand tonnes of additive minerals.
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 44 limestone areas, 39 clay areas and 12 additive mineral areas; continue to issue extraction permits to projects in which minerals are additionally explored; carry out 154 projects on extraction of limestone with a reserve of about 4.837.400 thousand tonnes, 135 projects on extraction of clay with a reserve of about 1.079.200 thousand tonnes and 59 projects on extraction of additive minerals with a reserve of about 478.500 thousand tonnes.
- By 2030:
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 93 areas of minerals used to produce stone facing slabs, fine art stone and 23 areas of quartz and quartzite; continue to complete exploration and approval for reserves with regard to 83 projects on exploration of minerals used to produce stone facing slabs, fine art stone and 09 projects on exploration of quartz and quartzite whose permits have been issued; continue to make exploration for additional reserves with regard to mines whose extraction permits have been issued. Total mineral reserves which have been explored in the planned areas will reach about 407.000 thousand m3 of minerals used to produce stone facing slabs, fine art stone, and 96.500 thousand tonnes of quartz and quartzite.
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 163 areas of minerals used to produce stone facing slabs, fine art stone and 32 areas of quartz and quartzite; carry out 260 projects on extraction of minerals used to produce stone facing slabs, fine art stone with a reserve of about 64.100 thousand m3 and 32 projects on extraction of quartz and quartzite with a reserve of about 10.800 thousand tonnes
- From 2031 to 2050:
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 64 areas of minerals used to produce stone facing slabs, fine art stone and 05 areas of quartz and quartzite; continue to make exploration for additional reserves with regard to mines whose extraction permits have been issued. Total mineral reserves which have been explored in the planned areas will reach about 607.500 thousand m3 of minerals used to produce stone facing slabs, fine art stone, and 1.400 thousand tonnes of quartz and quartzite.
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 66 areas of minerals used to produce stone facing slabs, fine art stone and 05 areas of quartz and quartzite; carry out 322 projects on extraction of minerals used to produce stone facing slabs, fine art stone with a reserve of about 395.700 thousand m3 and 37 projects on extraction of quartz and quartzite with a reserve of about 62.900 thousand tonnes.
c) Minerals used to produce ceramic ware and refractory
- By 2030:
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 52 kaolinite and feldspar areas and 02 refractory clay areas; continue to complete exploration and approval for reserves with regard to 19 projects on exploration of kaolinite and feldspar and 04 projects on exploration of white clay whose permits have been issued; continue to make exploration for additional reserves with regard to mines whose extraction permits have been issued. Make new exploration of areas of kaolinite, feldspar, white clay and refractory clay when there are basic geological results of new minerals added and updated to the planning. Total mineral reserves which have been explored in the planned areas will reach about 214.300 thousand tonnes of kaolinite and feldspar, about 15.200 thousand tonnes of refractory clay and about 8.200 thousand tonnes of white clay.
- From 2031 to 2050:
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 01 kaolinite and feldspar area; continue to make exploration for additional reserves with regard to mines whose extraction permits have been issued. Total mineral reserves which have been explored in the planned areas will reach about 1.600 thousand tonnes of kaolinite and feldspar.
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 03 kaolinite and feldspar areas; carry out 103 projects on extraction of kaolinite and feldspar with a reserve of about 236.900 thousand tonnes, 04 projects on extraction of white clay with a reserve of about 3.600 thousand tonnes and 02 projects on extraction of refractory clay with a reserve of about 11.900 thousand tonnes.
d) Minerals used to produce glass in building
- By 2030:
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 15 white sand areas; continue to complete exploration and approval for reserves with regard to 12 projects on exploration of white sand whose permits have been issued; continue to make exploration for additional reserves with regard to mines whose extraction permits have been issued. Total mineral reserves which have been explored in the planned areas will reach about 305.500 thousand tonnes of white sand.
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 26 white sand areas; carry out 40 projects on extraction of white sand with a reserve of about 57.700 thousand tonnes.
- From 2031 to 2050:
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 03 white sand areas; continue to make exploration for additional reserves with regard to mines whose extraction permits have been issued. Total mineral reserves which have been explored in the planned areas will reach about 4.300 thousand tonnes of white sand.
dd) Minerals used to produce industrial lime.
- By 2030:
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 03 dolomite areas and 38 limestone areas; continue to complete exploration and approval for reserves with regard to 05 projects on exploration of dolomite and 06 projects on exploration of limestone whose permits have been issued; continue to make exploration for additional reserves with regard to mines whose extraction permits have been issued. Total mineral reserves which have been explored in the planned areas will reach about 206.900 thousand tonnes of dolomite, and 792.400 thousand tonnes of limestone.
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 08 dolomite areas and 43 limestone areas; carry out 12 projects on extraction of dolomite with a reserve of about 30.600 thousand tonnes and 48 projects on extraction of limestone with a reserve of about 171.900 thousand tonnes.
- From 2031 to 2050:
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 18 limestone areas; continue to make exploration for additional reserves with regard to mines whose extraction permits have been issued. Total mineral reserves which have been explored in the planned areas will reach about 867.100 thousand tonnes of limestone.
+ It is expected to issue new exploration permits to 19 limestone areas; carry out 10 projects on extraction of dolomite with a reserve of about 116.200 thousand tonnes and 66 projects on extraction of limestone with a reserve of about 803.900 thousand tonnes.
The data and detailed list of projects on exploration, extraction, processing and use of minerals used as building materials are provided in Appendix II, Appendix III, Appendix IV and Appendix V enclosed with this Decision.
4. Processing and use planning
b) Extract minerals used as building materials to supply raw materials to processing and use projects according to the balance of market demand. d) Upon using minerals, give first priority to the satisfaction of domestic demands and the maintenance of harmonious balance between export and import. Only processed minerals qualified for export are exported according to regulations.
c) Upon investment in cement production projects, main materials (limestone and clay) shall be prepared in the planning in order to ensure sufficient reserves and quality.
d) Upon investment in industrial lime production projects, main materials (limestone and dolomite) shall be prepared in the planning in order to ensure sufficient reserves and quality.
Statistics and data on planning for processing and use of minerals used as building materials are consolidated and provided in Appendix VI enclosed with this Decision.
5. Orientation to infrastructure planning
a) Make synchronous investment in traffic and seaport infrastructure in order to serve development of projects on extraction and processing of minerals in conformity with each development stage.
b) Continue to upgrade and invest in new roads and national electricity grids for remote and rural areas and concentrated industrial parks in order to serve the development of mineral projects and socio-economic development of each region and area.
c) Regarding projects on investment in extraction and processing of minerals, formulate plans to transport raw materials and goods in a manner that ensures safety and environmental hygiene and meets conditions for infrastructure of areas where such projects are being implemented; encourage enterprises to invest in specialized transportation systems, including conveyors, railways, separate loading and unloading ports, etc. for these projects.
6. Orientation to development of science and technology
b) Stimulate application of advanced technology to production and use of scraps and waste as raw materials and fuel to replace natural minerals.
7. Orientation to environmental protection, natural disaster management and climate change resilience;
a) Strengthen dissemination of legal documents on environment protection. Investors exploring, extracting and processing minerals shall invest in, manage and treat environment during operation and transportation of minerals.
b) Monitor environmental protection at mineral extraction facilities, raw material processing facilities, and building material factories in accordance with regulations; apply modern and automatic monitoring methods that facilitate online connection with environmental management authorities.
c) Encourage investment in treatment and reuse of industrial waste as raw materials and additives for the industry of production of building materials to replace non-renewable mineral raw materials.
d) Strengthen inspection, examination and strict supervision of the implementation of commitments stated in environmental impact assessment reports, and environmental protection and labor safety commitments of establishments extracting and processing minerals and producing building materials.
8. Funding sources
a) Funding for formulation and management of planning and implementation of projects on exploration, extraction, processing and use of mineral under planning is derived from:
- State budget with regard to formulation, announcement and management of planning, development of science and technology, provision of training for human resources, establishment of database and other contents according to regulations of the law on state budget, the law on public investment and relevant laws.
b) Funding for each specific task and project shall be prepared during implementation of the planning and submitted to the competent authority for approval according to regulations of law.
9. Implementation solutions
a) Solutions to laws and policies
- Continue to make review to amend and complete mechanisms, policies and regulations of laws on minerals, planning, investment, land, environment, tax, fees, forestry, etc. in order to ensure unity and synchronization, facilitate implementation of the planning after approval, and enable enterprises to participate in investment in projects on extraction and processing of minerals.
- Strengthen the cooperation among the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Construction and People’ Committees of provinces in issuing permits for mineral-related activities, management of such activities, and provision of information on the extraction and processing of minerals after issuance of these permits.
- Restructure small-scale enterprises which apply outdated technologies and highly cause losses of resources and environmental pollution; carry out extraction separately from the place of mineral use in order to establish large-scale enterprises for concentrated extraction and processing which apply modern and advanced technologies for the purpose of ensuring labor safety and environmental protection.
- Promulgate mechanisms to encourage investment in producing building materials in a manner that saves natural resources and uses modern technology, and raw materials and fuels from waste and scraps instead of natural minerals. Establish a strict management and control mechanism for establishments producing building materials that use a lot of natural resources and cause environmental pollution.
- Issue mechanisms and policies on incentives and encouragement to use accompanying minerals that have low quality, discarded products and wastes from extraction and processing of minerals as materials for construction and land grading, thereby achieving objectives of the development of circular economy.
b) Solutions to finance and investment
- Investment: Utilize advantages and encourage domestic enterprises that are capable to play key roles in exploration, extraction and processing of strategic minerals with large reserves.
c) Solutions to science, technology and environment
- Promote scientific research into, exploration, extraction, processing and use of minerals for the purpose of maximum recovery of main minerals, accompanying minerals and minerals that have low quality.
- Invest in technological innovation and use advanced and modern equipment for exploration, extraction and processing of minerals in order to effectively use resources, save energy, ensure labor safety and protect the environment.
- Make policies on development of digital platforms and establishment of digital data infrastructure and digital maps to serve research, exploration, extraction, processing and use of minerals as building materials.
- Regularly update and apply advanced science and technology to exploration, extraction and processing of minerals used as building materials towards satisfaction of criteria for circular economy, green economy, and low carbon/
d) Solutions to dissemination and increase in awareness
- Promote dissemination of guidelines, policies and laws on minerals, and publish mineral planning.
- Increase awareness of role in and law on minerals; strengthen the public's supervision of mineral activities in local areas; publish revenues and use of revenues of mineral enterprises in a transparent manner.
dd) Solutions to training
- Focus on investment in renovation and modernization of training and re-training equipment and methods at specialized research and training institutions and laboratories, and improvement of the capacity and quality of scientific research with support funding from the state budget and private investment.
- Strengthen cooperation between domestic universities, scientific research institutions and laboratories, and international training and research institutions to train experts and skilled workers; provide high-quality training and research equipment and laboratories.
e) Solutions to international cooperation
- Promote scientific and technical cooperation, technology transfer in exploration, extraction, processing and use of minerals, environmental protection, labor safety and application of information technology to management and administration of minerals, monitoring, forecast, management of environment, and automatic control in order to improve efficiency, reduce losses of resources, increase labor productivity and product quality, and protect the environment.
- Enhance cooperation in investment in projects on extraction and processing of minerals used as building materials that have large scale and require high technology.
g) Solutions to capital mobilization
Investment capital for projects on exploration, extraction and processing of minerals is partially provided by the state budget, mainly provided by enterprises with their own capital, commercial loans (mainly) on the financial market, and mobilized from other capital sources. To be specific:
- State budget:
+ Providing financial support for scientific research, training for human resources and application of mineral exploration, extraction and processing technologies in order to economically and effectively use non-renewable mineral resources in accordance with the National Science and Technology Program for renewal and modernization of mineral extraction and processing technologies approved by the Prime Minister.
- Mobilization of other capital sources: Funding for exploration, extraction, processing and use of minerals used as building materials is derived from legal finances of domestic and foreign organizations, individuals, and investment funds in compliance with regulations of the law.
h) Solutions to development of human resources
- Develop a plan to recruit and train human resources in accordance with industry requirements and development progress of mineral extraction and processing projects, especially skilled technicians who can access new technology.
- Focus on recruitment and training for local workers, especially workers in mountainous areas with extremely difficult and difficult socio-economic conditions.
- Establish attraction and incentive policies applicable to high-quality human resources; provide workers with the care of both physical and spiritual lives.
- Regarding officials and public employees in charge of management of minerals and mineral planning, recruit and allocate people with expertise and practical experience; support and update knowledge about laws on minerals and environmental protection and relevant laws. To be specific: it is necessary to strengthen allocation of officials and public employees in charge of mineral management in provinces.
i) Solutions to management of areas of minerals used as building materials which overlap those stated in the planning for exploration, extraction, processing and use of minerals for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2050 approved by the Prime Minister at Decision No. 866/QD-TTg dated July 18, 2023
In areas of minerals used for multiple purposes (including marble, quartz and quartzite) which overlap between the two above-mentioned plannings, the material supply - demand balance is determined for production of building materials and such areas shall be consolidated in this planning to serve as the basis for management and issuance of permits for activities related to minerals used as building materials. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, according to technical standards of minerals and criteria for benefits to the country, shall be responsible for determining main sectors which use minerals and deciding planning management agencies in mineral areas which overlap after obtaining exploration results and approval for reserves.
Article 2. Implementation
1. Ministry of Construction
a) Be responsible for the accuracy of data, documents, diagrams, maps and database in the planning dossier, thereby ensuring the consistency with the contents of this Decision.
b) Preside over and cooperate with ministries, central and local authorities and relevant agencies in announcing the planning and formulating a plan to implement the planning according to regulations; organize implementation of the planning; carry out inspection and supervision, resolve complaints and denunciations and handle violations against planning laws within its jurisdiction.
c) Manage and store data, documents, diagrams, maps and database in the planning dossier, thereby ensuring the consistency with the contents of this Decision. Update online information and database on planning for minerals used as building materials on the information system and national database on planning. Provide planning information for agencies, organizations and individuals according to regulations.
d) Periodically report planning activities, assess planning implementation, and review planning in order to request the Prime Minister to adjust planning according to regulations of law on planning, law on minerals and other relevant laws.
dd) Receive information and data on areas of minerals used as building materials from the results of basic geological surveys on minerals conducted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and areas of minerals used as building materials that meet requirements for resources/reserves and quality proposed by Provincial People's Committees during management of local mineral activities to request the Prime Minister to consider updating, supplementing or adjusting the planning according to regulations.
e) Cooperate with local authorities in investing in projects on extraction, processing and use of minerals used as building materials in compliance with the planning and relevant regulations of law.
g) Cooperate with ministries, central and local authorities in developing specific mechanisms and policies to encourage and promote the use of minerals as building materials in a manner that is economical and effective, and protects the environment; prioritize projects on production and use of building materials recycled from wastes of industry and construction and other industries and fields to promote the circular economy.
i) Preside over and cooperate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and Provincial People's Committees (where minerals are found) in specifically determining locations, areas, coordinates, resources/reserves, mining capacity, planning period,etc. with regard to areas of minerals used as building materials that have problems in planning to request the Prime Minister to make consideration and decision before issuance of permits for mineral activities; at the same time, update the above information on the national planning database.
2. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
a) Preside over and cooperate with the Ministry of Construction and relevant provincial People's Committees in issuing permits for activities related to minerals used as construction materials according to planning, ensuring that projects on extraction and processing of minerals used as building materials apply advanced technologies and meet requirements for labor safety, environmental protection and socio-economic efficiency, and sources of raw materials are stable and provided for the industry of building materials for a long term; collect opinions from the Ministry of Construction during appraisal and issuance of permits for exploration and extraction of minerals used as building materials in order to ensure balance between supply and demand and improve investment efficiency in schemes/projects on exploration and extraction of minerals; collect opinions from the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Industry and Trade during appraisal and issuance of mineral exploration and extraction permits to mineral areas which overlap (marble, quartz, quartzite and white sand associated with titanium) in mineral plannings that have been approved.
b) Preside over and cooperate with the Ministry of Construction and local authorities in examining and inspecting projects on extraction and processing of minerals used as building materials; handle projects contrary to the law on planning and the law on minerals according to regulations.
c) Promote geological baseline surveys on minerals used as construction materials, especially minerals used as additives for cement, kaolin, feldspar, white clay, refractory clay, etc. and promptly provide information on the results of basic geological surveys on minerals used as construction materials for the Ministry of Construction to request the Prime Minister to consider updating, supplementing or adjusting the planning.
d) Cooperate with the national mineral reserves assessment council in appraisal and approval for mineral reserves in order to ensure that reports on mineral exploration results must contain information about all useful minerals whose reserves have been determined and resources in exploration areas, serving as the basis for establishment of exploitation projects; recover minerals used for multiple purposes to the maximum to save mineral resources and protect environment.
dd) Review and add sites/areas of minerals used as building materials that have mineral potential (stated in the previous period's planning) but are not eligible to be included in the planning of this period (corner coordinates and data on survey and assessment of mineral resources, etc. are unavailable) to the planning for basic geological surveys on minerals in the period 2021 - 2030, with a vision towards 2050.
e) Expedite the completion of survey and assessment of sea sand minerals (coastal areas of Soc Trang province); at the same time, conduct study for additional and overall survey and assessment of the potential for sea sand minerals used as building materials in the planning for basic geological surveys on minerals approved by the Prime Minister in order to delineate and publicize potential areas of sea sand minerals used as construction materials, serving as the basis for addition of the planning for exploration and extraction and issuance of permits for activities related to minerals according to regulations.
g) Study regulations on state management of planning and issuance of permits for exploration and extraction of sea sand minerals in order to add such regulations to the draft Law on Geology and Minerals during development of the Law on Minerals to be amended.
i) Provide the standardized national geographic database and topographical map system to create a framework database for the national planning information and database systems;
3. Ministry of Industry and Trade
Cooperate with the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Ministry of Planning and Investment in management of planning and issuance of permits for activities related to minerals to mineral areas which overlap (marble, quartz, quartzite and white sand associated with titanium) in plannings that have been approved.
4. Relevant ministries and central authorities
Relevant ministries and central government authorities within their functions and tasks shall be responsible for cooperation with the Ministry of Construction in promptly, well and effectively performing tasks during the implementation of planning.
5. People's Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities
a) Cooperate with the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Ministry of Planning and Investment in implementation and management of planning and issuance of permits for activities related to minerals used as general building materials according to provincial plannings. Do not make planning for minerals used as general building materials under provincial plannings and socio-economic development plans and zone and determine areas prohibited/temporarily prohibited from mineral activities and natural forests overlapping areas/mines of minerals used as building materials that are planned for exploration and extraction for the 2021 - 2030 period without the planning management agency’s permission.
b) Conduct inspection and supervision of activities related to minerals used as building materials within their provinces; effectively prevent illegal extraction and export of minerals used as building materials; thoroughly handle facilities extracting and processing minerals used as building materials that fail to meet technical safety requirements and cause environmental pollution.
c) Send annual reports to the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on the implementation of planning for minerals used as building materials and management of local mineral activities according to regulations. Promptly submit reports to the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment when discovering areas of minerals used as new building materials or minerals used as building materials accompanying minerals used as general building materials that meet requirements for reserves and quality for making cement, industrial lime, stone facing slabs, ceramic ware, refractory materials and glass in building during management of local activities related to minerals used as building materials to request the Prime Minister to consider supplementing or adjusting the planning.
dd) Carry out study and assessment to clarify implementation effectiveness in case where the boundaries of mineral areas in this planning overlap those in local socio-economic development plannings and projects, thereby proposing solutions, reasonable plans and specific roadmaps that are feasible and consistent with the State's guidelines and policies, and relevant regulations of law and then reporting them to competent authorities for consideration and decision.
e) Review provincial plannings to request competent authorities to make consideration and adjustment (if necessary), thereby ensuring compliance with the planning for exploration, extraction, processing and use of minerals used as construction materials for the 2021 – 2030 period, with a vision towards 2050 according to regulations of the law on planning.
6. Relevant organizations and individuals
Cooperate with competent agencies in organizing the implementation of the planning; synthesize reports on relevant information and propose problems (if any) about exploration, exploitation, processing and use of minerals used as building materials.
Article 3. This Decision comes into force as of its date of signing. Any difficulties arising in the implementation of this Decision should be reported by the Ministry of Transport to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.
Article 4. Ministers, Heads of ministerial agencies, Heads of Governmental agencies, Chairpersons of People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities and relevant agencies shall be responsible for the implementation of this Decision./.
Tran Hong Ha
File gốc của Decision No. 1626/QD-TTg dated December 15, 2023 on approval for planning for exploration, extraction, processing and use of minerals used as building materials for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2050 đang được cập nhật.
Decision No. 1626/QD-TTg dated December 15, 2023 on approval for planning for exploration, extraction, processing and use of minerals used as building materials for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2050
Tóm tắt
Cơ quan ban hành | Thủ tướng Chính phủ |
Số hiệu | 1626/QD-TTg |
Loại văn bản | Quyết định |
Người ký | Trần Hồng Hà |
Ngày ban hành | 2023-12-15 |
Ngày hiệu lực | 2023-12-15 |
Lĩnh vực | Xây dựng - Đô thị |
Tình trạng | Còn hiệu lực |