No. 134/2003/ND-CP | Hanoi, November 14, 2003 |
Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the July 2, 2002 Ordinance on Handling of Administrative Violations;
At the proposal of the Minister of Justice,
Chapter I
Article 1.- Regulation scope
This Decree details the implementation of a number of articles of the 2002 Ordinance on Handling of Administrative Violations (hereinafter called the Ordinance for short) regarding some general principles, forms, competence, procedures and the application of a number of preventive measures to ensure the handling of administrative violations.
Article 2.- Competence to define acts of administrative violation
The competence to define acts of administrative violation in Article 2 of the Ordinance shall cover the competence to define specific acts of administrative violation, principal sanctioning forms, additional sanctioning forms, remedial measures applicable to each act of administrative violation; to prescribe the fine bracket and levels in case of fining; to prescribe preventive measures to ensure the handling of administrative violations.
The determination of bracket and levels of fine on administrative violation acts shall be based on the nature and seriousness of such acts.
Article 3.- Some principles for handling of administrative violations
Some principles for handling of administrative violations in Clauses 2, 3 and 4, Article 3 of the Ordinance are specified as follows:
1. Individuals and organizations shall be sanctioned for administrative violations only when they commit administrative violation acts prescribed by law:
Individuals and organizations shall be sanctioned for administrative violations only when they commit administrative violation acts specified in laws of the National Assembly, ordinances of the National Assembly Standing Committee and decrees of the Government. The documents issued by the Prime Minister, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, Peoples Councils or Peoples Committees to direct, guide and organize the implementation of handling of administrative violations according to competence must not prescribe administrative violation acts and sanctioning forms as well as levels;
2. An administrative violation act shall be sanctioned only once:
a) For a violation act which the person with sanctioning competence has already issued a decision to sanction or made a written record for sanctioning thereof, the second record or the second decision to sanction it must not be made. In cases where the violation act keeps being committed even though the person with sanctioning competence has ordered the cessation thereof, the aggravating circumstances prescribed in Clause 8 of Article 9 of the Ordinance shall apply;
b) An administrative violation act for which the person with sanctioning competence has issued a sanctioning decision shall not be subject to the simultaneous application of other administrative handling measures prescribed in Article 22 of the Ordinance;
c) In cases where violation acts show signs of criminal offense and the dossiers proposing the penal liability examination have been transferred, for which the decisions on sanctioning of administrative violations were previously issued, the persons who have issued such sanctioning decisions must abrogate the sanctioning decisions; if the sanctioning decisions have not yet been issued, such acts shall not be administratively sanctioned;
3. If many persons commit one administrative violation act, each of the violators shall be sanctioned for such act and the person with sanctioning competence shall base himself/herself on the nature and seriousness of the violation, the personal identification of the violators, the aggravating circumstances, the extenuating circumstances to issue sanctioning decisions against each of the violators;
4. A person who commits many administrative violation acts shall be sanctioned for every violation act as provided for in Clause 2, Article 56 of the Ordinance.
Article 4.- Cases of not handling administrative violations
Cases of not handling administrative violations under Clause 6, Article 3 of the Ordinance are specified as follows:
1. Emergency circumstances are circumstances of persons who, as wishing to avoid a danger which actually threatens the interests of the State, agencies, organizations, legitimate rights and interests of their own of or other persons, have no other alternatives than causing a damage smaller than the damage which needs to be precluded;
2. Legitimate self-defense means acts of a person who, because of protecting the interests of the State, agencies and/or organizations, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of their own or of other persons, resist in a necessary manner the persons who are committing acts of infringing upon the above-said interests;
3. Persons who commit acts due to unexpected incidents, namely in cases where they cannot foresee or are not compelled to foresee the consequences of such acts;
4. Persons commit administrative violations while suffering mental diseases or other ailments, which deprive them of the capability to be aware of, or the capability to control, their acts.
Article 5.- Liability to pay compensations for damage caused by minors administrative violations
For minors who commit administrative violations which cause damage, the liability to pay compensations shall comply with the provisions in Article 40 of the Marriage and Family Law and Clauses 2 and 3, Article 611 of the Civil Code.
Article 6.- Aggravating circumstances
The aggravating circumstances in Clauses 1 and 2, Article 9 of the Ordinance are specified as follows:
1. Committing violations in an organized manner means the cases where two or more persons collude with each other and intentionally commit acts of administrative violations;
2. Committing violations many times in the same domains means the cases where administrative violations are committed in the domains where violations were previously committed, but not yet sanctioned while the statute of limitations for sanction has not yet expired;
3. Recidivism in the same domains means the cases where sanctions have been imposed but the time limit of one year as from the date of completely serving the sanctioning decisions or the date of expiry of the statute of limitations for execution of the sanctioning decisions has not yet expired, administrative violations are again committed in the domains where sanctions were imposed;
The domains prescribed in this Clause are understood as the State management domains defined in each decree of the Government on sanctioning administrative violations.
Article 7.- The time limit for being considered not yet sanctioned for administrative violations
The time limit for being considered not yet sanctioned for administrative violations according to Clause 1, Article 11 of the Ordinance is prescribed as follows:
Individuals and organizations sanctioned for administrative violations, that, if past one year as from the date of completely serving the sanctioning decisions (namely the date of fulfilling the obligations and requirements inscribed in the sanctioning decisions or the date the sanctioning decisions are coercively executed) or from the date of expiry of the statute of limitations for execution of the sanctioning decisions prescribed in Article 69 of the Ordinance, do not commit violation acts in the same domains where they were previously sanctioned, shall be considered not yet administratively sanctioned for such acts.
Article 8.- The time limit for being considered not yet subject to the application of other administrative handling measures
The time limit for being considered not yet subject to the application of other administrative handling measures is specified as follows:
Individuals to whom the measures of education at communes, wards, townships, being sent to reformatories, education camps or medical establishments, administrative probation have been applied, and who, if past two years as from the date of completely serving the sanctioning decisions (namely the date of expiry of the time limit for education at communes, wards, townships or expiry of the time limit for serving the decisions at reformatories, education camps, medical establishments and administrative probation) or from the date of expiry of the statute of limitations for execution of the handling decisions prescribed in Articles 73, 82, 91, 100 and 108 of the Ordinance, do not commit violation acts subject to the application of one of other administrative handling measures prescribed in this Clause, shall be considered not yet subject to the application of such measures.
Article 9.- Ways of calculating time limits, statute of limitations in handling administrative violations
1. If the time limits and statute of limitations in the Ordinance are prescribed in months or years, such duration shall be calculated in calendar months or years, including holidays defined by the Labor Code.
2. If the time limits in the Ordinance are prescribed in days, such duration shall be calculated in working days, excluding holidays defined by the Labor Code.
Article 10.- Responsibilities of competent persons in the handling of administrative violations
1. Upon the detection of administrative violations, the persons competent to sanction administrative violations must order the immediate cessation of the violation acts and issue sanctioning decisions according to their competence; in cases where the violations do not fall under or fall beyond their jurisdiction, they shall have to make records thereon strictly according to a set form and transfer them in time to persons with sanctioning competence.
2. If the persons competent to sanction administrative violations abuse their positions and powers, harass for bribes, tolerate, cover up, fail to handle or improperly handle administrative violations; fail to strictly abide by the regulations in the applications of preventive measures to assure the handling of administrative violations; unlawfully issue decisions to sanction administrative violations; are at fault in not issuing decisions to sanction administrative violations within the time limits prescribed in Article 56 of the Ordinance, but not to the extent of being examined for penal liability, shall be disciplined according to law provisions on officials and public employees.
Chapter II
Article 11.- Deprivation of the right to use licenses, professional practice certificates
The deprivation of the right to use licenses, professional practice certificates as provided for in Article 16 of the Ordinance is stipulated as follows:
1. Deprivation of the right to use licenses, professional practice certificates is an additional sanctioning form and applied together with principal sanctioning forms in cases where individuals or organizations seriously violate the regulations on the use of licenses, professional practice certificates. Licenses and professional practice certificates are papers granted by competent State bodies or persons to organizations or individuals under the provisions of law to permit such organizations or individuals to do business, operate or practice their professions in certain domains or to use certain instruments, means. The licenses and certificates of professional practice prescribed in this Article do not cover business registration papers, certificates associated to the personal identity of grantees not for the purpose of permitting the professional practice;
2. Deprivation of the right to use licenses, professional practice certificates shall be applied definitely or indefinitely to specific violation acts, depending on the nature and seriousness of such violation acts. The duration of depriving of the right to use licenses, professional practice certificates and specific cases of deprivation of the right to use licenses, professional practice certificates are prescribed in the Governments decrees on sanctioning administrative violations in each domain of State management.
Article 12.- Confiscation of material evidences, means used to commit administrative violations
The confiscation of material evidences, means used in the commission of administrative violations under Article 17 of the Ordinance is stipulated as follows:
1. The confiscation of material evidences, means used for commission of administrative violations is an additional sanctioning form and applied together with principal sanctioning forms. The procedures for, and specific cases of, application of the confiscation of material evidences, means are prescribed in the Governments decrees on sanctioning administrative violations in each domain of State management;
2. The sanctioning form of confiscation of material evidences, means shall not apply in cases where the materials and/or means have been illegally appropriated and used, and must be returned to their lawful owners, managers or users. In cases where material evidences are harmful cultural products, fake goods of no use value and/or articles causing harms to human health, domestic animals or crops, they shall be handled according to the regulations in Clause 2, Article 61 of the Ordinance.
Article 13.- Determining the competence to sanction administrative violations
The principles for determining the competence to sanction administrative violations under Article 42 of the Ordinance are specified as follows:
1. The presidents of the Peoples Committees at all levels are competent to sanction acts of administrative violation in the State management domains in their respective localities;
2. Title holders with competence to sanction administrative violations of State management bodies according to branches, domains are competent to sanction administrative violation acts specified in the Governments decrees on sanctioning administrative violations in each domain of State management;
3. The sanctioning competence of title holders under the provisions of the Ordinance in each specific case is determined as follows:
a) The competence to impose fines is determined on the basis of the maximum level of the fine bracket prescribed for each administrative violation act;
b) The competence to apply form of confiscation of material evidences, means used for commission of administrative violations is determined on the basis of legal documents on sanctioning administrative violations in each domain of State management, prescribed for title holders competent to confiscate material evidences, means of administrative violations for a specific violation act. In cases where the Ordinance prescribes the confiscating competence according to value of material evidences, violating means, such competence must be determined on basis of the practical value of the material evidence or violating means;
c) The competence to apply the form of depriving the right to use licenses, professional practice certificates is determined on the basis of the legal documents on sanctioning administrative violations in each domain of State management. For violation acts subject to the sanctioning form of depriving the right to use licenses, professional practice certificates as provided for, the persons competent to administratively sanction such acts shall be also competent to sanction the violators by depriving them of the right to use licenses, professional practice certificates; where it is otherwise provided for by law, the provisions of law shall apply. Within three days after the date of issuing the sanctioning decisions, the persons who have issued the sanctioning decisions must notify in writing the agencies which have granted licenses, professional practice certificates of the application of the sanctioning form of depriving of the right to use licenses, certificates of professional practices;
d) The competence to apply remedial measures is determined on the basis of the Ordinance prescribing persons competent to apply remedial measures; and at the same time on specific violation acts which, according to regulations, are subject to the application of remedial measures prescribed in the Governments decrees on sanctioning administrative violations in each domain of State management;
dd) In cases where the fine levels, the value of confiscated material evidences or means or one of the sanctioning forms or remedial measures do not fall or fall beyond the jurisdiction of the persons who are processing the violation cases, they shall have to promptly transfer such violation cases to persons with sanctioning competence.
Article 14.- Authorization to handle administrative violations
The authorization to handle administrative violations under Article 41 of the Ordinance is prescribed as follows.
1. The authorization of persons defined in Article 41 of the Ordinance to handle administrative violations shall only be made for the immediate deputies. The authorization shall only be made in writing and in cases where the heads are absent.
2. The deputies authorized by their heads are entitled to sanction administrative violations according to their heads competence authorized to them and must bear responsibility for their own decisions on handling of administrative violations. The authorized persons must not further authorize any other persons.
Chapter III
Article 15.- Search of places where material evidences and/or means of administrative violations are concealed
The search of places where material evidences and/or means of administrative violations are concealed under Article 49 of the Ordinance is prescribed as follows:
1. The search of places where material evidences and/or means of administrative violations are concealed shall be carried out only by competent persons in strict accordance with the provisions in Article 49 of the Ordinance;
2. Places where material evidences and/or means of administrative violations are hidden are places where the violators conceal articles, money, commodities, means of administrative violations. If violators conceal material evidences and/or means of administrative violations in their bodies, the measures of body search shall apply under the provisions in Article 47 of the Ordinance.
3. In cases where places of concealing material evidences and/means of administrative violations are the residential places, the competent persons defined in Article 45 of the Ordinance shall conduct the search only after getting the written consents of the presidents of the district-level Peoples Committees of the localities where material evidences and/or means of administrative violations are hidden.
The residential places prescribed in this Article are places used for regular residence of individuals or households with permanent residence books or temporary residence registration; with means registration if the means are places of regular residences of individuals or households;
4. All cases of searching places of concealing material evidences and/or means must be recorded in writing strictly according to a set form.
Article 16.- Procedures for administrative bail
The procedures for administrative bail under Article 50 of the Ordinance is prescribed as follows:
1. The administrative bail shall be decided by district-level Peoples Committee presidents during the time of considering the application of one of the measures of sending into reformatories, education camps or medical establishments. The administrative bail shall be assigned to families or social organizations in localities where the subjects reside for implementation. In cases where the bailed persons are juveniles, the administrative bail shall be given to their fathers, mothers or guardians for implementation;
2. The district-level Peoples Committee presidents shall issue decisions on assignment of administrative bail to families or social organizations in localities where the subjects reside; the decisions must clearly state: dates of issuance of decisions; full names and positions of decision issuers; full names, birth dates and residence places of the persons assigned to bail or the names and addresses of the social organizations assigned to bail; reasons for bail assignment; the bail duration; responsibilities of the bailees, responsibilities of the bailers or bailing organizations and responsibility of the commune-level Peoples Committees of places of residence of the subjects; signature of the persons who decide on bail assignment. Within 5 days after the issuance of the decisions, the bail assigning decisions shall be sent to persons or organizations undertaking to bail, the bailees and the commune-level Peoples Committees of the localities where the bailees reside for implementation organization.
3. The administrative bail time limits shall be decided by the district-level Peoples Committee presidents, but must not exceed 35 days for cases the bailees are subjects to be sent into reformatories or medical establishments, or 50 days for cases the bailees are subjects to be sent to education camps. The administrative bail shall terminate upon the expiry of the time limits inscribed in the bail assignment decisions. In cases where the bail duration has not yet expired but the decisions on application of administrative handling measures are issued, the bail duration shall end at the time the subjects are sent to serve the administrative handling measures at reformatories or sent to education camps or medical establishments.
Article 17.- Responsibilities of organizations and individuals during the administrative bail
1. During the administrative bail, the families and social organizations assigned the administrative bail shall have the responsibilities:
a) To supervise and manage the bailees so that they do not continue their law violations;
b) To ensure the bailees presence at their residence places when there are decisions to send them to reformatories, education camps or medical establishments;
c) To promptly report to the presidents of the commune-level Peoples Committees of the localities where the bail assignees reside so that the commune-level Peoples Committee presidents report to the district-level Peoples Committee presidents on the escape or commission of law-breaking acts of bailees during the bailing duration.
2. During the administrative bail, the bailees shall have the responsibilities:
a) To strictly abide by the law provisions on temporary residence, temporary absence. When leaving communes, wards or townships, to notify the families or social organizations assigned with bail of the destination and the duration of temporary residence therein;
b) To be promptly present at the offices of the commune-level Peoples Committees when so requested by the presidents thereof.
3. During the administrative bail, the presidents of the commune-level Peoples Committees of the localities where the bailees reside shall have the responsibilities:
a) To notify the families or social organizations assigned to bail and the bailees of their respective rights and obligations in the bail duration;
b) To apply measures to support families or social organizations assigned to bail for managing and supervising the bailees at their places of residence;
c) When notified of the bailees escape from their residence places or acts of law violations, the commune-level Peoples Committee presidents must immediately report such to the district-level Peoples Committee presidents who have issued decisions on bail for timely handling measures according to law provisions.
Chapter VI
Article 18.- Stopping of violation acts
Stopping violation acts under Article 53 of the Ordinance is prescribed as follows:
Upon detection of administrative violations, the persons with sanctioning competence must issue decisions to immediately stop the violation acts. The stoppage decisions can be written decisions or decisions expressed orally, by whistle, signals or other forms, depending on each specific violation case.
Article 19.- Simple sanctioning procedures
The application of simple sanctioning procedures under Article 54 of the Ordinance is prescribed as follows:
1. Sanctioning according to simple procedures prescribed in Article 54 of the Ordinance means cases of sanction thereby the persons with sanctioning competence do not make records thereon but issue decisions to sanction on spot. Cases where the simple sanctioning procedures shall apply cover:
a) Administrative violation acts subject to the prescribed sanctioning level of caution or fines of up to VND 100,000;
b) Many administrative violation acts are committed by one person and the sanctioning form and level prescribed for each of these acts is caution or fine of up to VND 100,000;
2. In cases of sanctioning according to the simple procedures, the competent persons shall not make records thereon but decide to sanction on spot. The sanctioning decisions must be made in writing according to a set form. The sanctioned individuals and organizations may pay fines on spot to persons with sanctioning competence and receive the fine receipts issued by the Finance Ministry. In cases of not paying fines on spot, the violating individuals and organizations shall pay fines at the State treasuries within the time limits prescribed in Clause 1, Article 58 of the Ordinance.
Article 20.- Making records on administrative violations
The making of records on administrative violations under Clause 1, Article 55 of the Ordinance is prescribed as follows:
1. The competent persons on duty shall have to make records according to set forms on the administrative violations they have detected, and transfer them to competent persons for sanctioning. The records must contain all signatures prescribed in Clause 3, Article 55 of the Ordinance;
2. In cases where the record makers are not competent to sanction, their bosses who have the sanctioning competence must also sign the records; in case of necessity, verification shall be made before signing the records.
Article 21.- Time limits for issuance of sanctioning decisions
The time limits for issuance of sanctioning decisions under Article 56 of the Ordinance are prescribed as follows:
1. For simple cases, obvious violation acts, which need not be further verified, the sanctioning decisions must be issued within 10 days as from the date the records on the administrative violation acts are made. The decisions on sanctioning of administrative violations must comply with the set form;
2. For cases involving many complicated circumstances such as material evidences, means which need to be expertized, the subjects committing administrative violations or other complicated circumstances need to be clearly identified, the time limit for issuance of sanctioning decisions shall be 30 days as from the date of making the records;
3. Where deeming it necessary to have more time for verification, gathering of evidences, within 10 days before the expiry of the time limit prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article, the persons with sanctioning competence must report to their immediate bosses thereon in writing in order to apply for extension; the extension must be made in writing; the extension duration shall not exceed 30 days;
4. Except for decisions to apply the sanctioning form of expulsion, the competent persons must not issue sanctioning decisions in the following cases:
a) The time limit prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article has expired;
b) The time limit for issuance of sanctioning decisions prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article has expired but the extension thereof has not been applied for, or has already been applied for but rejected by competent authorities;
c) The duration extended by competent authority has expired;
5. In case of not issuing sanctioning decisions, the competent persons still can issue decisions to apply remedial measures prescribed in Clause 3, Article 12 of the Ordinance and confiscate material evidences of the administrative violations, which are banned from circulation.
Article 22.- Abiding by decisions on sanctioning of administrative violations
The observance of decisions on sanctioning of administrative violation under Article 64 of the Ordinance is stipulated as follows:
1. The sanctioned individuals and organizations must abide by the decisions on sanctioning of administrative violations within 10 days as from the date they are handed the sanctioning decisions, except otherwise provided for by law. After issuing the sanctioning decisions, the persons with sanctioning competence must hand the decisions to the sanctioned persons or notify them to come and get them; the time the sanctioned persons receive the sanctioning decisions shall be considered the time of handing the decisions as provided for in Article 64 of the Ordinance.
2. If sanctioned individuals or organizations refuse to voluntarily abide by the decisions within the time limit prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article, they shall be forced to abide by them;
3. In cases where past one year the competent persons cannot hand the sanctioning decisions to sanctioned persons as the latter have not come to receive them and their addressed cannot be identified or for other objective reasons, the persons who have issued the sanctioning decisions shall issue decisions to stop the application of sanctioning forms and remedial measures inscribed in the decisions against such persons, except for the form of confiscation of material evidences and/or means of administrative violations; for material evidences and/or means of violation, which are being temporarily seized, the regulations in Clause 4, Article 61 of the Ordinance shall apply; if it is necessary to apply measures to redress the environmental pollution, stop epidemic spread or to destroy articles causing harms to human health, domestic animals and/or crops, the competent persons shall have to organize the application of these measures. The expenses for the application of these measures shall be covered by the State budget or subtracted from the proceeds from the sale of confiscated material evidences and/or means (if any).
Article 23.- Deciding to coerce the overcoming of consequences in case of non-issuance of decisions to sanction administrative violations
Deciding to coerce the overcoming of consequences in case of non-issuance of decisions to sanction administrative violations is stipulated as follows:
1. In cases where the statute of limitations for sanctioning of administrative violations as provided for in Article 10 of the Ordinance or the time limit for issuing sanctioning decisions as provided for in Article 21 of this Decree has expired, the competent persons must not issue sanctioning decisions but still can decide to apply remedial measures;
2. Decisions to coerce the overcoming of consequences must be made in writing strictly according to a set form. The decisions must clearly state: the dates of issuance of the decisions; the full names and positions of the decision makers; the full names, addresses and occupations of the violators or the names and addresses of the violating organizations; acts of administrative violation; circumstances involved in the settlement of violation cases; articles, clauses of the applicable legal documents; the reasons for non-application of sanctioning forms; the applicable remedial measures; time limits for execution of decisions on remedial measures; the signatures of the decision issuers.
Article 24.- Determining the average level of the fine bracket
The determination of the average level of the fine bracket under Clause 2, Article 57 of the Ordinance is stipulated as follows:
When imposing fines, the specific fine level for an act of administrative violation involving aggravating or extenuating circumstances shall be the average level of the fine bracket prescribed for such act. The average level of the fine bracket is determined by halving the total of the minimum level and the maximum level.
Article 25.- Fine payment venues
The fine payment venues prescribed in Article 58 of the Ordinance are prescribed as follows:
1. The sanctioned individuals and organizations must pay fines at State treasuries as provided for in Article 57 of the Ordinance, except for cases of on-spot payment of fines and cases prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article;
2. In remote, far-flung areas, on rivers or the sea, in difficultly accessible regions, or outside the working hours, the sanctioned individuals and organizations may pay fines to persons with sanctioning competence.
The remote, far-flung areas mean mountainous areas, islands or other places where the State treasuries are not available or far away;
3. The Finance Ministry shall specify the fine collection and payment for cases prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article.
Article 26.- Return of papers or material evidences, means temporarily seized to ensure the execution of fining decisions in cases of postponing the execution of such decisions
The return of papers or material evidences, means temporarily seized to ensure the execution of fining decisions in cases of postponing the execution of such decisions as provided for in Clause 4, Article 65 of the Ordinance is stipulated as follows:
1. In cases where individuals are entitled to postpone the execution of fining decisions as under the provisions in Article 65 of the Ordinance, they can receive back papers for circulation of means, driving licenses, other relevant necessary papers or material evidences, means, which have been temporarily seized to ensure the execution of the fining decisions as provided for in Clause 3, Article 57 of the Ordinance;
2. The persons with sanctioning competence shall have to return to the persons entitled to postpone the execution of fining decisions the temporarily- seized papers or material evidences/means prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article when the decisions to postpone the execution of fining decisions take effect.
Article 27.- Transferring administratively sanctioning decisions for execution
The transfer of administratively sanctioning decisions for execution under Article 68 of the Ordinance is prescribed as follows:
1. In cases where individuals or organizations that have commit administrative violations in administrative units of one province but reside or headquarter in another province and have no conditions to abide by the sanctioning decisions at places where they are sanctioned, the sanctioning decisions shall be transferred to the agencies of the same level in the localities where such individuals reside or such organizations are headquartered for the organization of execution thereof; if in localities where such individuals reside or such organizations are headquartered, the agencies of the same level are not available, the sanctioning decisions shall be transferred to the district-level Peoples Committees for the organization of execution thereof;
2. In cases where violations are committed within districts of a province in mountainous, island or remote, far-flung regions difficult to access and the violating individuals and/or organizations have no conditions to abide by the sanctioning decisions at places where they are sanctioned, the decisions shall be transferred to the agencies of the same level in localities where such individuals reside or such organizations are headquartered for the organization of execution.
Article 28.- The stamping of administratively sanctioning decisions
1. The administratively sanctioning decisions of persons with sanctioning competence shall be affixed with the stamps of the agencies of the persons competent to sanction such acts.
2. The sanctioning decisions of the persons with sanctioning competence, defined in Article 41 of the Ordinance shall be affixed with stamps on 1/3 (one third) of the signature to the left of the signatures of the persons with the sanctioning competence.
3. For sanctioning decisions of the persons having the sanctioning competence but not the right to directly stamp the decisions, the sanctioning decisions shall be affixed with the stamps of the agencies of the persons who have issued the sanctioning decisions at the left top corner of the decisions, where the sanctioning agencies and the serial numbers and codes of the sanctioning decisions are inscribed.
Article 29.- Return of dossiers on violation cases for administrative sanction
The return of dossiers on violation cases for administrative sanction under Article 63 of the Ordinance is stipulated as follows:
1. In cases where the dossiers on violation cases have already been transferred to competent criminal procedure agencies under the provisions in Clause 1, Article 62 of the Ordinance, but the violation acts are deemed as having no adequate signs of criminal offense but signs of administrative violations, the competent persons of the criminal procedure agencies shall have to issue decisions to return the dossiers on the violation cases to the persons competent to sanction administrative violations and within three days as from the date of issuance of such decisions have to return the dossiers on such violation cases together with the decisions to the persons with sanctioning competence;
2. The persons with sanctioning competence shall have to issue decisions to sanction the violation cases prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article within the following time limits:
a) If before transferring the violation cases to the criminal procedure agencies the persons with sanctioning competence has already applied for extension of the sanctioning time limits as provided for in Clause 3, Article 21 of this Decree, the time limit for issuing the sanctioning decisions shall be no more than 10 days as from the date of receiving the decisions on return of dossiers on the violation cases;
b) If before transferring the violation cases to the criminal procedure agencies the persons with sanctioning competence has not yet applied for extension of the sanctioning time limit as provided for in Clause 3, Article 21 of this Decree, the time limit for issuing the sanctioning decisions shall be no more than 15 days as from the date of receiving the decisions on the return of dossiers on the violation cases. In cases where it is deemed necessary to have more time for verification and gathering of evidences, the persons who are processing the violation cases may apply for extension of the time limit of issuing sanctioning decisions as provided for in Clause 3, Article 21 of this Decree.
Article 30.- Transfer of dossiers on subjects in criminal cases, who are not prosecuted as defendants, for administrative handling
The transfer of dossiers on persons in criminal cases, who are not prosecuted as defendants, for administrative handling under Article 65 of the Ordinance is stipulated as follows:
In cases where persons committed violation acts in the already constituted criminal cases, who are not prosecuted as defendants but their violation acts show signs of administrative violation, the competent persons of the criminal procedure agencies processing such cases must issue decisions to transfer the violation cases to persons having competence to sanction administrative violations. The dossiers on the violation cases shall include the copies of the records on the violation cases, the decisions to stop the investigation against the subjects, material evidences, means used for commission of the violations (if any) and the copies of other documents directly related to such violators.
Article 31.- Valuation of material evidences, means of administrative violations
1. After temporarily seizing the material evidences, means of administrative violations, if deeming it necessary to apply the measure of confiscating the material evidences, means of violation, the persons who have issued the temporary seizure decisions must invite representatives of the finance agencies of the same level for examination and valuation of material evidences and/or means of violation. In cases where the material evidences and/or means are of the types whose values are difficult to be determined or where agreement has not yet been reached between the persons competent to decide on the confiscation and the representatives of the finance agencies, the persons having the competence to decide on the confiscation of material evidences, means of violation shall have to set up councils for valuation of material evidences and/or means of violations, with the participation of representatives of the provincial-level auction centers and representatives of the concerned agencies for valuation.
If the value of material evidences and/or means falls within the confiscating competence of the persons who have issued the temporary seizure decisions, such persons shall decide on the confiscation; in cases where the value of material evidences and/or means of violation goes beyond the confiscating competence of the persons who have issued the temporary seizure decisions, the violation cases must be transferred to competent persons.
The value of confiscated material evidences and/or means shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of this Article, which shall also serve as basis for considering and deciding on the transfer of material evidences, means of violation to the provincial-level auction centers or the district-level finance agencies for auction according to regulations in Article 33 of this Decree.
2. The valuation of material evidences, means of violations, provided for in Clause 1 of this Article, must comply with the guidance of the Finance Minister.
Article 32.- Handling of material evidences, means, which are confiscated for administrative violation into the State fund
1. Within 5 days after issuing decisions on confiscation of material evidences, means of administrative violations into the State fund, the decision- issuing agencies shall have to send the confiscation decisions and notices to the finance agencies of the same level. Particularly for material evidences of administrative violations, which are perishable commodities, and/or articles, the persons with confiscating competence must handle them according to regulations in Clause 3, Article 61 of the Ordinance and under the guidance of the Finance Minister.
2. Within 10 days after the issuance of decisions on confiscation of material evidences and/or means of administrative violations, the agencies which have issued the confiscating decisions shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the finance agencies and the concerned agencies in, handling of such material evidences and/or means of administrative violations as follows:
a) Material evidences being Vietnamese currency, foreign currencies, valuable certificates, gold, silver, gemstones, precious metals shall be transferred to State treasuries; papers, documents and vouchers related to assets shall be transferred to the provincial/municipal finance agencies;
b) For other material evidences and means such as weapons, support instruments, objects of historic and/or cultural value, national treasures, antiques, rare and precious forest products and other assets, they shall be transferred to specialized State management agencies for management and handling according to law provisions;
c) For material evidences and/or means to be transferred to functional State agencies for management and use under decisions already issued by competent authorities, the agencies which have issued the confiscating decisions shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the finance agencies in, organizing the transfer thereof.
The hand-over and reception of material evidences and/or means as prescribed at Points a, b and c, Clause 2 of this Article must be carried out in accordance with law provisions on hand-over and reception of State properties;
d) Material evidences and/or means being commodities and/or articles, which must not be auctioned, shall he handled strictly according to the regulations on such kinds of commodities and/or articles;
dd) Material evidences and/or means confiscated and auctioned for State fund shall be transferred for auction under the provisions of law on property auction.
The transfer of material evidences and/or means as provided for in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article must be recorded in writing. The records on hand-over of material evidences and/or means must be clearly inscribed with the day, month and year of transfer; the transferors, the transferees; the signatures of the transferors and the transferees; the volumes and conditions (quality) of the confiscated material evidences, means; responsibility to preserve the confiscated material evidences, means.
The dossiers on hand-over of material evidences, means of administrative violations to agencies which receive and handle properties and provincial-level auction service centers shall include: the decisions on confiscation for State fund; papers and documents related to ownership, lawful use right (if any) and other relevant materials.
Article 33.- Transfer of material evidences, means of administrative violations for auction
For material evidences and means of violations confiscated for public fund as provided for in Clause 1, Article 61 of the Ordinance, the persons who have issued the confiscating decisions shall have to preserve such material evidences and means. Basing themselves on the value of material evidences and/or means, determined under the provisions in Article 31 of this Decree, within 10 days as from the date of issuance of confiscating decisions, the persons who have decided on the confiscation must transfer the material evidences and/or means of administrative violations to the responsible agencies for auction according to the following regulations:
1. If the material evidences and/or means of a violation case are valued at below VND 10,000,000, the person who has decided on the confiscation thereof must hand them over to the district-level finance agency for auction;
2. If the material evidences and/or means of a violation case are valued at VND 10,000,000 or higher, the person who has decided on the confiscation thereof must hand them over to the provincial-level auction service center in the localities where the material evidences and/or means are confiscated for auction.
The valuation of material evidences and/or means of administrative violations before they are transferred for auction must be based on the market prices of the confiscated and handled material evidences and/or means. The Finance Minister shall guide the determination of the reserve prices for auction of material evidences and/or means prescribed in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article;
3. The transfer of material evidences and means to responsible agencies for auction must be recorded in writing. The records must be clearly inscribed with: the dates of transfer; the transferors; the transferees; the signatures of the transferors and the transferees; the quantity and conditions of the confiscated material evidences and/or means; responsibility to preserve the material evidences and/or means confiscated for auction. The dossiers on hand-over of material evidences and/or means of administrative violations to responsible agencies for auction shall include: the decisions on confiscation of material evidences and/or means; papers, documents related to the ownership, lawful use right (if any); written valuation of material evidences and/or means and the records on hand-over of such material evidences and/or means;
4. In cases where material evidences, means of administrative violations are cumbersome commodities or in great quantity while the provincial-level finance auction service centers or the district-level finance agencies have no place to store them, after the transfer procedures are completed, contracts can be signed with the establishments which are keeping such material evidences and/or means for the preservation thereof. The expenses for the performance of such contracts shall be covered by the proceeds from the auction of material evidences and/or means after the auction is conducted according to the provisions in Clause 5 of this Article;
5. When the confiscated material evidences and/or means of administrative violations are transferred to responsible agencies for auction, the procedures for the auction of such properties shall comply with the law provisions on property auction.
Article 34.- Management of proceeds from auction of confiscated material evidences and/or means of administrative violations for remittance into the State fund
1. The proceeds from the auction of material evidences and/or means confiscated for State fund must be remitted into the custody accounts of the finance agencies at the State treasuries of the same level after subtracting the expenses for transportation, transfer, preservation and auction according to law provisions.
2. The finance agencies of all levels shall have to clear all reasonable and regular expenses related to the work of verification, investigation, purchase of information, seizure, supply of detecting information, handling of violations, handling of assets (classification and valuation) and other expenses related to the management and handling of properties. The remainder shall be remitted into the State budget according to the current law provisions on State budget decentralization.
The Finance Minister shall guide the implementation of the provisions of Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article.
Chapter V
Article 35.- Effect of the Decree
This Decree takes implementation effect 15 days after its publication in the Official Gazette. Promulgated together with this Decree is the Appendix on 5 forms of record and 9 forms of decision for use in the course of sanctioning administrative violations (not printed herein).
Article 36.- Organization of implementation
The ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies, the heads of the Government-attached agencies, the chairmen of the Peoples Councils and the presidents of the Peoples Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities shall have to organize the implementation of this Decree.
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File gốc của Decree 134/2003/ND-CP Guiding the Ordinance on Handling of Administrative Violations of 2002 đang được cập nhật.
Decree 134/2003/ND-CP Guiding the Ordinance on Handling of Administrative Violations of 2002
Tóm tắt
Cơ quan ban hành | Chính phủ |
Số hiệu | 134/2003/NĐ-CP |
Loại văn bản | Nghị định |
Người ký | Phan Văn Khải |
Ngày ban hành | 2003-11-14 |
Ngày hiệu lực | 2003-12-04 |
Lĩnh vực | Vi phạm hành chính |
Tình trạng | Hết hiệu lực |