No. 2044/QD-TTg | Hanoi, November 09, 2010 |
Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No.92/ 2006/NĐ CP of September 7, 2006, on formulation, approval and management of master plans on socio-economic development, and Decree No.04/2008/ND-CP of January 11,2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No.92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006;
At the proposal of the People's Committee of Tay Ninh province,
Article 1. To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Tay Ninh province through 2020, with the following principal contents:
1. To continue building the socialist-oriented market economy, encouraging and creating conditions for all economic sectors to develop on an equal footing, forming an environment that attracts investors in the province, the country and foreign countries to invest in the province. To encourage and create a favorable environment for enterprises to develop, considering them a principal force for boosting economic development.
2. To bring into fuller play advantages in geographical position, resources and potential in cooperative relations with the outside: To create a close economic cooperation between Tay Ninh and the whole country, primarily the eastern South Vietnam and key southern economic region; to facilitate and accelerate international economic cooperation, primarily with regional countries, in order to attract domestic and foreign investment and develop market. To make full use of, and strongly develop the border-gate economy, to step up the development of industries and services, raising the effectiveness and competitiveness of products and developing export
3. To join the whole country and the southern key economic regions in active international and regional integration, participation in the process of international and regional labor division; to attach importance to intensive investment, increasing investment in scientific and technological research and application, strongly developing industries and sectors in which the province has potential and advantages, raising competitiveness toward industrialization and modernization; to incrementally establish industrial parks and clusters as the core for developing urban networks and creating a harmonious and sustainable system of space and territory; to build a hi-tech commodity agriculture and forest production towards diversity in association with the protection of natural resources and the eco-environment.
4. To synchronously combine production development with infrastructure development in various regions, including rural, deep-lying and remote areas; to form systems of population spots of urban type with townships, townlets and trade and service centers towards industrialization and urbanization, which are of small or medium size suitable to each district.
5. To sustainably develop the economy on the basis of linking economic growth with assurance of social justice and progress; to raise the material and cultural lives of people, gradually narrowing the gap between rural and urban areas, creating harmonious development among areas; to create employment and gradually labor from agriculture to the industrial and service sectors.
6. To prioritize human resource development; to step up education and training while quickly introducing scientific and technological advances into production, considering this a factor decisive to the province's economic development; to protect, re-generate and enrich forest, land and water resources, and protect the environment.
7. To closely combine economic development with security and defense consolidation, building an all-people defense. To formulate particular and flexible policies and institutions for border and border gate areas in the province with a view to ensuring political stability, firmly maintaining national border sovereignty as well as local social order and safety.
1. General objectives
To build Tay Ninh into a basically industrial province by 2020 with a fairly modern and synchronous socio-economic infrastructure system, closely linked with the infrastructure development of Ho Chi Minh City's urban areas and the entire southern key economic region. To raise the potential and competitiveness of the entire economy, to successfully embark upon integration and firmly seize favorable opportunities brought about by international economic integration for fast and sustainable socio-economic development.
To maintain high and sustainable economic growth rates, creating vigorous improvements in the development rate, effectiveness and competitiveness of the economy; to raise the quality of human resources; to incessantly improve the people's living conditions; to firmly maintain political stability, social order and safety; to create prerequisites for accelerated industrialization and modernization in order to successfully achieve the set objectives.
2. Specific objectives
a/ Economically
The average GDP growth rate in the 2011-2020 period will be around 15%-15.5%, of which the average growth rate of the agriculture, forestry and fishery sector will be 5.5-6%; of the industrial and construction sector, 20-21%; and the service sector, around 14.7-15.2%. Concretely for each period as follows:
- The 2011-2015 period
The average GDP growth rate in this period will be around 14,5-15%, of which the average growth rate of the agriculture, forestry and fishery sector will be 6-6.2%; the industrial and construction sector, 21-21.5%; the service sector, around 14.5-15%.
The economic structure projected for 2015 at current prices: agriculture, forestry and fishery will account for 26-26.5%; industries and construction, around 36.5-37%; the service sector, around 36.5-37%. At the 1994 comparative prices, the economic structure projected for 2015 will be: Agriculture, forestry and fishery, 19-19.5%; industries and construction, around 36 - 36.5%; services, around 44.5. 45%.
The 2015 average per-capita GDP will reach USD 2,852/year, if calculated at current prices, or USD 1,983/year, if calculated at the 1994 comparative prices.
- The 2016- 2020 period
The average GDP growth rate in this period will be around 15.5-16%, of which the average growth rate of the agriculture, forestry and fishery sector will be 5.5-6%; industries and construction, around 20.5-21%; and the service sector, around 15-15.5%.
The economic structure projected for 2020: Agriculture, forestry and fishery will account for about 15-15.5%; industries and construction, around 45-45.5%; and services, around 39-39.5%. If calculated at the 1994 comparative prices, the projected 2020 economic structure will be: Agriculture, forestry and fishery, around 11-12%; industries and construction, around 44.5-45%; and services, around 43-43.5%.
The per-capita GDP calculated at current prices will reach USD 4,800/year by 2020; if calculated at the 1994 comparative prices, it will be USD 3,700/ year.
The export turnover will annually grow 23-25% on average during 2011-2020.
The GDP mobilization rate for the budget will reach around 10-12% by 2020.
The GDP mobilization rate for development investment during 2016-2020 will surpass 40%.
b/ Socially
-The 2011-2015 period
The rate of trained laborers will reach around 60% by 2015. Jobs will be created for, about 18,000 - 19,000 people each year.
To strive for the target that 100% children of 6 years will be admitted into grade 1 by 2015.
To strive for the target that by 2015, over 99% households will have access to electricity from the national grid.
- The 2016-2020 period
To strive for the target that the rate of trained laborers will reach around 70% by 2020; that jobs will be created for about 18,000-19,000 people annually during this period, basically settling the question of employment and reducing the unemployment rate in urban centers to below 3.5%.
To strive to accomplish the universalization of secondary education before 2020.
To check the population growth rate and reach the replacement fertility rate by 2020.
To strive for the target that by 2020. 100% households will have access to electricity.
c/ Environmentally
The rate of natural coverage will reach over 40% during 2010-2020.
By 2020, all towns and townships of the province will have waste collection and treatment facilities; 100% newly built production establishments will have facilities able to treat waste up to environmental standards or apply clean technologies; the number of production establishments reaching environmental standards will be over 80% by 2015 and 90% by 2020.
By 202O,100% urban and rural dwellers will have access to clean water.
d/ Defense and security
To ensure defense and security, firmly maintain border sovereignty, political stability, curbing the rise of and gradually reducing crimes and social vices.
1. Industries
- To quickly and sustainably develop industries, cottage industry and handicraft as driving forces for the province's economic growth and restructuring towards industrialization and modernization. To concentrate on hi-tech, clean and supporting industries, including mechanical engineering, electronics-telecommunications-informatics, pharmaco-chemical industry and food processing industry of high added value. By 2020, Tay Ninh's industries will basically be sustainable, rationally structures and suitable to the province's conditions, potential and advantages.
The average annual growth rate of industrial production value will reach 21-22% during 2011-2015 and 20-21% during 2016-2020.
- Industries will be restructured towards developing the following key industries: (1) mining and mineral processing; (2) food processing; (3) timber processing and paper production; (4) building-materials production; (5) chemicals and pharmaceuticals; (6) garment and textile and footwear; (7) mechanical engineering and metal processing; and (8) electricity and water production and supply.
- To develop industrial parks, linking the development of industrial parks and complexes with that of urban centers and services; to attach importance to building worker dormitories in the system of urban centers around industrial parks and complexes. By 2020, the land fund for industrial parks, complexes and spots will be 10,000 ha. The sizes and locations of industrial parks and complexes will be specified in the province's master plan on development of industrial parks and complexes.
- To boost investment in building capacity for establishments and enterprises in the building industry towards modernization from designing to construction and in both human resources and equipment so that they will be able to undertake major socio-economic projects.
To create favorable conditions and environment for the establishment and operation of construction enterprises.
To further improve the legal environment, investment environment and activities that assist the development of construction enterprises.
To build construction forces strong enough to be able to meet construction demands in the province and step by step participate in construction activities outside the province and in international cooperation.
2. Services
To develop services at high growth rate, with high quality and in a comprehensive and sustainable manner. To strive for the target that the average annual growth rate of the service sector will be around 14.5-15% during 2011-2015 and 15-15.5% during 2016-2020.
To develop key services:
- To develop trade toward forming trade centers in urban centers, trade complexes in rural areas, and market and supermarket systems. To concentrate on developing Moc Bai and Xa Mat border-gate economic zones and trade centers in Hoa Thanh and Go Dau towns. To complete the network of markets, particularly wholesale markets, border-gate markets, border markets and department stores in urban centers. For export, to focus on exploiting and producing export items of high economic value, raising the processed constituents of products while restricting the export of crude raw materials. To raise the effectiveness of trade promotion, creating conditions for and supporting enterprises in market surveys and participating in exhibitions and fairs. To develop border trade between Tay Ninh and Cambodia;
- For tourism, to concentrate investment in tourist development with various form of eco-tourism in association with historical and cultural relics and craft villages of the province. To attach importance to creating special tourist products of the Tay Ninh trait. To concentrate on improving, upgrading and exploiting such tourism attractions as the southern central Resistance Headquarters Base, Ba Den mount, Tay Ninh Holy See, Dau Tieng water reservoir, entertainment and recreation park,, forest ecological park, trade, service and sport center, hotels, restaurants in order to diversify tourist products and raise tourist quality to satisfy the demands of tourists to Tay Ninh;
- To develop financial, banking and credit activities for achieving the province's economic restructuring and socio-economic development objectives. To study the establishment and properly manage the operations of various funds such as the credit guarantee fund for small- and medium-sized enterprises, venture investment fund and social relief fund. To develop financial, insurance business and brokerage activities and set up financial companies;
- Post and telecommunications: To develop modern communication infrastructure facilities with increasing service quality on: par with developed regional countries to meet socioeconomic development requirements and local people's demands.
3. Agriculture, forestry and fishery
- Agriculture
+ To develop agriculture in a comprehensive and sustainable manner. To step up the sector's restructuring towards raising the husbandry ratio; to carry out agricultural and rural industrialization and modernization, linking agricultural development with the market.
To rationally use land resources, raising land fertility, carrying outpolyculture and diversifying products in order to raise the value per output unit as well as per acreage unit. On the basis of markets, natural conditions and farming practices, to develop consolidated and specialized agricultural production zones. To quickly increase industriai crops for export, to develop vegetable and fruit production to meet the requirements of the province and its urban centers as well as the entire region, especially Ho Chi Minh City, to stabilize the areas under rubber. To adopt measures to maintain and stabilize the development of areas under sugar cane. To conduct intensive farming on current agricultural land areas.
+ To vigorously restructure agriculture towards increasing the husbandry ratio on the basis of encouraging the development of animal raising establishments (farms) to create big cattle and poultry herds. To diversify animal products to satisfy the demands of the province, its urban centers and the region, especially Ho Chi Minh City, forming raw materials bases for the animal product processing industry to develop.
+ To develop multi-sectoral agriculture. To vigorously encourage farm economy, cooperative economy and cooperatives, regarding households as autonomous economic units in all aspects of agricultural production. The state-run economic sector should focus on the production and supply of plant varieties and livestock breeds, study the application and renewal of farming techniques (or technologies in a broader sense) in agriculture. The collective economy will be encouraged to develop, aiming to raise the role of farmer household groups within the framework of organizational changes in agricultural cooperatives in a market economy. To encourage models of large-scale farm economy and household economy.
+ To introduce scientific and technical advances as well as new technologies into production, using high-yield strains, practicing intensive farming and increasing crops; to concentrate on building the irrigation system and embanking canal systems for active irrigation and drainage. To study the formation of hi-tech agricultural zones, aiming to supply high-quality products and modern technologies to meet provincial and regional demands.
To carry out industrialization and modernization in agriculture and rural areas, linking agricultural development with the market and the development of other industries, especially the processing industry.
Together with agricultural restructuring, the rural economy should be restructured towards raising the industrial and service ratios.
- Forestry
To rationally and efficiently use the forest land fund of around 70,000 ha, including 57,000 ha of forest land. To incrementally create new natural forests by zoning off for regeneration and protection, while increasing the forest capital with trees meeting forest product needs as well as protection requirements. To preserve and diversify bio-resources, preventing the extinction of fauna and flora species, groups of species in ecological zones. To conserve and develop rare and precious eco-systems and bio-diversity for tourist development.
- Fisheries
Fisheries development must ensure the requirements on water environment protection, a previous natural resource for production development and daily-life activities of people in the province as well as related provinces and cities, To rationally use surface water areas of Dau Tieng reservoir and Sai Gon and Vam Co rivers systems for medium- and small-scale fishery development.
4. Social affairs
- To develop education and training towards modernization and standardization of education, raising the quality of teachers and educational administrators; to focus on physical foundations, completing building of permanent school buildings, classrooms and official-duty houses for teachers; to increase training and markedly improve educational quality at all levels, maintaining the fruits of primary and lower-secondary education universalization. By 2015, to complete the universalization of upper secondary education; to proceed with pre-school universalization for 5-year children. To materialize plans on vocational training for rural labor. To develop human resources for industrialization and modernization, raising the rate of trained laborers to 70% by 2020.
- To ensure fairness in health care for people; to ensure that all people have access to primary health care as well as basic health services. To diversify and constantly raise the quality of medical examination and treatment of various forms, developing healthcare services at request and proceeding to implement household-based health administration. By 2010, all commune health stations will reach the national standards on healthcare. To build hospitals and health centers, to provide high-quality medical examination and treatment services.
- To develop cultural and information activities, harmonizing information and propaganda tasks, raising the quality of cultural, art, information, entertainment and recreation activities, meeting people's cultural and spiritual needs; to properly socialize cultural and sport activities. To conserve historical relics and values of national cultural heritages in the locality.
To foster and bring into full play the human factor, building a healthy lifestyle among the population by stepping up physical training and sports activities. To develop mass movements for physical training and sports based on accelerated socialization. To make focused investment in developing of a number of strong sports of the province for high achievements.
- To develop science and technology in the direction of stepping up the application of bio-science and technology, processing technology and information technology, building scientific and technological capacity in surveys and rational utilization of natural resources, applying advanced management systems.
- For environmental protection and sustainable development, to build daily-life and industrial waste treatment factories and waste water treatment stations. To select advanced technologies suitable to local conditions. To intensify inspection and supervision of waste discharging sources of industrial and tourist establishments.
5. Infrastructure development
- To develop the transport system as a driving force for economic development. To bring into the fullest play the province's geographical advantages with national highways 22, 14 and 14C and the light railway route from Ho Chi Minh City to Moc Bai, to develop outbound transport systems such as roads (paying particular attention to key routes facilitating border trade with Cambodia) and river ways in such key economic zones as industrial parks and commodity production zones. By 2020, the transport infrastructure systems will be basically stabilized.
- To apply measures to raise irrigation and drainage efficiency and save water sources by embanking all irrigation canals of grades I, II and III and adding intra-field canals. To build systems of drainage canals in synchrony with irrigation canals and rainy season flood drainage. canals for soil improvement. To continue with investment in such projects as Dau Tieng sub-project (under the project on modernization of Dau Tieng Tay Ninh irrigation - VWRAP), sub-project on Tan Bien irrigation zone under Phuoc Hoa irrigation project, anti-flood dykes along Vam Co river, systems of drainage canals and pump stations in Trang Bang, Ben Cau and Chau Thanh districts.
- To promptly meet the local electricity demands with high quality and better services for economic development. To achieve techno-economic norms, ensuring stable and non-interrupted power supply, reducing electricity incidents and loss.
To further expand existing power plants while building a number of water supply systems. To concentrate investment in water drainage systems in urban centers, build waste water treatment systems and stations up to national standards. Treatment stations should be built in industrial parks in line the peculiar conditions of each park.
1. Development of socio-economic areas
- The province's northern area
The province's northern area covers the districts of Tan Chau, Tan Bien, Duong Minh Chau and Chau Thanh, which is projected for development into a forest fund conservation area to develop agriculture towards forming consolidated industrial crops; develop tourism; to develop border-gate economy at rational scale and form industrial complexes of rational medium size in association with population relocation.
- The central area
The central area covers Tay Ninh town and Hoa Thanh district, which is projected for development into a socio- political and economic center of the province with Tay Ninh town as the core (which is directed to develop into a provincial city); to develop trade, post and telecommunications, financial and banking, tourist and services. To form and develop clean-industry complexes of high quality, cottage-industry and handicraft villages; to develop various industries with the formation of modern urban centers and trade and service centers.
- The province's southern area
The southern area embraces Trang Bang. Go Dau and Ben Cau districts, which is projected for development of industrial parks and complexes. To develop service industries and export-oriented industries for future exploitation of Cambodia, Thailand and other markets. To develop a sustainable eco-agriculture; to form urban and rural population spots in association with the development of industrial complexes and border-gate economy.
2. Development of urban space
To develop appropriate urban center networks on the basis of distribution of production forces to participate in socio-economic development. Urban centers in the province must be rationally developed and arranged, creating a balance among the province's territorial areas, stepping up the development of each area towards industrialization and modernization in association with the process of accelerated rural urbanization and building of a new countryside. Tay Ninh's urban center network will include its core urban centers (Tay Ninh town, Hoa Thanh township, Trang Bang urban center, Go Dau, Ben Cau and Xa Mat townships); district centers; commune clusters' centers and border-gate and industrial townlets.
(See the enclosed appendix)
1. Raising of investment capital
Total investment capital for the 2011-2020 period will approximate USD 9-13 billion. In order to raise this capital amount, there should be specific measures and policies to create a favorable investment environment and utilize more efficiently capital sources.
2. Human resource development solutions
Raising the quality of human resources is the objective and also a driving force for the province's socio-economic development. This constitutes a strategy on human resource development. In order to develop and raise the quality of human resources, it is necessary to comprehensively deal with interactive relationships among the following three major aspects: education and training; employment of human resources and job creation.
3. Scientific-technological solutions and protection of natural resources and environment
To attach importance to scientific and technological development together with solutions to investment capital and human resources, formulating groups of fundamental solutions to mobilizing and efficiently utilizing resources for implementation of the province's socio-economic development master plan.
To properly carry out environmental supervision and inspection; to formulate regulations on waste management and pollution control, correctly and adequately calculating environmental protection expenses in new investment projects and enforcing the environmental protection law; to implement forestation programs and protect water resources; to study the application of large-scale garbage treatment technologies or garbage burial sites up to international standards.
4. Solutions to macro-economic administration and implementation of the master plan
- To apply macro-administration solutions along with formulating comprehensive policies: the market policy and policy to develop a multi-sector economy.
To work out appropriate mechanisms and policies for addressing such social issues as housing and employment for people subject to relocation due to land recovery for implementation of important projects and programs; and preferential policies towards the poor.
- To encourage all economic sectors to make development investment and prioritize the application of advanced technologies for higher quality growth and economic restructuring towards industrialization and modernization.
- To improve the organization of the master plan administration and implementation so as to make the master plan enter life incrementally, with the following contents: to popularize and mobilize people to participate in the implementation of the master plan; to specify contents of the master plan in the agendas and working programs of Party Committees and grassroots administrations of all levels; to regularly update the master plan's contents; to detail the province's socio-economic development master plan in the plans on sector development, urban and rural construction, socioeconomic development plans of districts and towns and annual and five-year plans.
- To enhance the inspection and supervision of the implementation of the master plan: After being approved, the master plan must become-a legal document serving as a basis for all development activities in the province; the Party Committees, People's Councils and People's Committees at all levels, mass organizations and all local people shall organize the inspection and supervision of the implementation of the master plan.
Article 2. This master plan will serve as a basis for the formulation, submission for approval and implementation of specialized master plans (construction master plan, land use planning and plans and other specialized master plans) and execution of investment projects in the province under regulations.
Article 3. The Tay Ninh province People's Committee shall base itself on the province's socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations identified in this master plan to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and sectors in, directing the formulation, submission for approval and implementation of the following contents:
- Socio-economic development master plans of districts and towns; plans on development of systems of urban centers and population spots; construction planning; land use planning and plans; planning on development of sectors in order to ensure comprehensive and synchronous development;
- Formulation and promulgation or submission to competent authorities for promulgation of a number of mechanisms and policies in conformity with the development requirements of the province and laws of the State in each period, with a view to attracting and mobilizing resources for implementation of the master plan;
- Formulation of long-term, medium-term and short-term plans; key development programs and specific projects for concentrated investment or incremental rational investment.
- Submission to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision of timely adjustments and supplements to this master plan which are suitable to the socio-economic development situation of the province and the whole country in each planning period.
Article 4. Concerned ministries and central sectors shall, within the ambit of their respective functions, tasks and powers, fulfill the following responsibilities:
1. To guide and assist the Tay Ninh province People's Committee to study and formulate specific plans; to study and formulate and submit to competent authorities for promulgation a number of mechanisms and policies in conformity with the province's socio-economic development requirements in each period with a view to efficiently utilizing resources; to encourage and attract investment according to the socio-economic development objectives and tasks stated in this master plan.
2. To review, adjust and add to sector development plans and investment plans projected relevant works and projects mentioned in the approved master plan- To support Tay Ninh province in allocating and mobilizing domestic and foreign investment capital sources for implementation of the master plan.
Article 5. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.
Article 6. The chairperson of the Tay Ninh province People's Committee, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies - heads of government-attached agencies and chairpersons of provincial-level People's Committees shall implement this Decision.-
(To Ike Prime Minister's Decision No. 2044/QD-TTg of November 9, 2010)
1 | National highway 22 |
2 | National highway 14C |
3 | National highway 14 |
4 | Ho Chi Minh road |
5 | The expressway from Ho Chi Minh City to Moc Bai |
6 | The railroad from Ho Chi Minh City to Moc Bai |
7 | Phuoc Hoa irrigation project |
8 | Project on modernization of Dau Tieng irrigation system |
1 | Provincial roads 782-784 |
2 | Provincial road 786 |
3 | Provincial road 787 |
4 | Provincial road 794 |
5 | Provincial road 795 |
6 | Provincial road 799 |
7 | Border belt road 791 |
8 | Border belt road 792 |
9 | Chau Thanh- Ben Cau border belt road |
10 | Extended Hoang Le Kha road |
11 | Road to South Vietnam Central Resistance Headquarters Base |
12 | Upgraded provincial-town roads |
13 | Vam Co Dong river dike road |
14 | Water drainage system for 8 townships of Tay Ninh province |
15 | Educational material foundations and equipment |
16 | Medical material foundations and equipment |
17 | Information technology infrastructure |
18 | Construction of border population quarters |
1 | Industrial parks infrastructure |
2 | Industrial complexes infrastructure |
3 | Moc Bai border-gate economic zone infrastructure |
4 | Xa Mat border-gate economic zone infrastructure |
5 | Project on investment in industrial parks |
6 | Project on investment in industrial complexes |
7 | Project on construction of wholesale markets (Bau Nang-Duong Minh Chau farm produce wholesale market; Ao Ho-Hoa Thanh fishery product wholesale market) |
8 | Project on trade-service zone |
9 | Ethanol fuel production plant project |
10 | Thermo-power plant project |
11 | Post-sugar product processing project |
12 | Post-wheat flour product processing project |
13 | Rubber latex product production project |
14 | Export fruits processing plant project |
15 | Project on cattle raising and meat-milk processing |
16 | Project on animal feeds processing |
17 | Project on southern historical and revolutionary relics at Boi Loi |
18 | Project on South Vietnam Resistance Headquarters historical relics |
19 | Project on development of eco-tourism at Dau Tieng reservoir |
20 | Project on Ma Thien Lanh-Ba Den mountain eco-tourism zone |
21 | Project on Lo Go national park-Xa Mat eco-tourism development |
22 | High-rise condominium project |
23 | Residential-resettlement quarter project |
24 | Vocational-schools project |
25 | Private-hospitals project |
26 | People-founded university project |
27 | Systems for collection and treatment of waste water from towns and townships |
28 | Waste landfills and solid waste treatment system |
29 | Solid waste treatment plant |
30 | District water supply systems |
* Note: The locations, sizes, land areas, total investment and investment capital sources of the above-mentioned projects will be calculated, selected and specified in the period of formulation and submission for approval of investment projects, depending on the demands, capacity to balance and mobilize resources in each period.
File gốc của Decision No. 2044/QD-TTg of November 09, 2010, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Tay Ninh province through 2020 đang được cập nhật.
Decision No. 2044/QD-TTg of November 09, 2010, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Tay Ninh province through 2020
Tóm tắt
Cơ quan ban hành | Thủ tướng Chính phủ |
Số hiệu | 2044/QD-TTg |
Loại văn bản | Quyết định |
Người ký | Nguyễn Tấn Dũng |
Ngày ban hành | 2010-11-09 |
Ngày hiệu lực | 2010-11-09 |
Lĩnh vực | Văn hóa - Xã hội |
Tình trạng | Còn hiệu lực |