No. 919/QD-TTg | Hanoi, August 01, 2022 |
Pursuant to the Law on Governmental Organization dated June 19, 2015; Law on amendments to Law on Government Organization and Law on Local Governmental Organization dated November 22, 2019;
Pursuant to Government’s Decree No. 27/2022/ND-CP dated April 19, 2022 on mechanism for management and implementation of national target programs;
Pursuant to Decision No. 263/QD-TTg dated December 22, 2022 of the Prime Minister on approval for national target program for development of new-style rural areas in 2021-2025 period;
Pursuant to Decision No. 07/2022/QD-TTg dated March 25, 2022 of the Prime Minister on principles, criteria, norms for allocation of central government budget and rates of counterpart fund of local government budgets for execution of national target program for development of new-style rural areas in 2021-2025 period;
At the request of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development;
Article 1. The “one commune one product” program in 2021-2025 period (hereinafter referred to as "OCOP program" is approved. The OCOP Program includes the following contents:
1. Viewpoints
a) The OCOP Program is an economic development program for rural areas with a view to increasing internal power and values; is considered as solution and important task for implementation of the national target program for development of new-style rural areas in 2021-2025 period; and contributes to deep, effective and sustainable development of new-style rural areas.
b) The Program focuses on value chain-based development of branded OCOP products on the basis of advantages of local materials, culture and knowledge, especially local specialties, craft village products and tourism services of villages, communes and communities towards circular economy and sustainable ecosystem.
c) The Program promotes initiative, creativity, and cooperation among participants and communities to develop OCOP products, thereby meeting market requirements in association with objectives of creating jobs, increasing income for people, and preserving landscapes and traditional culture, especially in mountainous areas and disadvantaged ethnic groups.
d) The Program gives focus on development of production forms, and priority to consolidation, improvement and development of agricultural cooperatives that operate effectively, development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in association with the development of services and industries in rural areas.
dd) It is required to improve roles of the political system, authorities and agencies at all levels, especially communal agencies in implementation of the OCOP program. To be specific: The State shall play the role in formulation and promulgation of policies on development orientations for local specialties and establishment of zones with a view to supplying materials to produce goods and develop services; enhancement of management and supervision of standards and quality of products, and food safety; credit support, education, training, technical guidance, science and technology application, brand development, intellectual property protection, trade promotion and advertisement of OCOP products.
2. Objectives
a) General objectives: Develop OCOP products to exploit the potential and utilize advantages of rural areas for increase in people's income; contribute to continuation in restructuring of the agricultural sector in association with the development of cottage industry, industries, services and rural tourism; promote sustainable development of the rural economy on the basis of the application of digital transformation and circular economy, preserve cultural values, manage resources, preserve biodiversity, landscape and rural environment, thereby contributing to deep, effective and sustainable development of rural areas.
- By 2025, there will be at least 10.000 OCOP products which are ranked 3-star or higher of which 400-500 OCOP products which are ranked 5-star.
- At least 50% of OCOP products that have been assessed and ranked will be consolidated and upgraded; the priority is given to development of OCOP products in association with product brands, and development of rural tourism services.
- The priority is given to development of cooperatives and SMEs. There will be at least 40% of OCOP participants that are cooperatives and 30% of OCOP participants that are SMEs.
- At least 30% of OCOP participants will build value chain towards circular economy and green economy in association with sustainable material supply zone and the priority is given to OCOP products that have been assessed and ranked.
- At least 50% of traditional craft villages have OCOP products, thereby contributing to preservation and development of traditional craft villages.
- The percentage of trained employees with appropriate degrees or certificates working at OCOP participants will be at least 20%. At least 40% of OCOP participants will be women and at least 20% of OCOP participants will be ethnic minorities holding executive positions.
- At least 50% of OCOP participants will participate in modern trade (supermarkets, convenience stores, electronic trading platforms, etc.); There will be 01 area where OCOP products are introduced and sold in each province/central- affiliated city.
- The international cooperation forum on “one village/commune one product” will be held at least once a year in order to improve and affirm Vietnam’s OCOP brand in domestic and international markets.
3. Scope, participants and rules of implementation
- Spatial scope: The OCOP Program will be implemented in all rural areas of Vietnam. The implementation of the Program in urban areas is also encouraged depending on actual conditions of each province/central-affiliated city.
- Temporal scope: The OCOP Program will be implemented until the end of 2025.
b) Participants
- Participants: Cooperatives, artels, SMEs, farms and production households that have carried out business registration. Regarding community-based tourism, ecotourism and tourist destination services and products, participants include the above-mentioned participants, associations, operating centers or equivalent organizations.
- Products: Native-owned products and services with cultural and advantageous values, especially local specialties, craft village products and tourism services which are based on advantages in terms of natural conditions, material sources, local intellectuals and culture.
There are 06 groups of products, including:
+ Foods, including: fresh aquaculture and agriculture products; pre-processed and processed aquaculture and agriculture products; and other foods.
+ Beverages, including: alcoholic beverages; non-alcoholic beverages.
+ Herbs and products made of herbal ingredients, including: functional products, medicinal herbs, traditional medicine, cosmetic products containing ingredients from herbs, essential oils and other herbs.
+ Ornamental creatures, including: flowers, ornamental plants and animals.
+ Community-based tourism, ecotourism and tourist destination services and products.
c) Implementation rules
- Utilizing local potential, advantages and tradition so as to promote local specialties with high economic and cultural values.
- Stimulating creativity and community strength in production and creation of products in association with community value.
- Developing value chain-based linkage to increase production capacity and promote sustainable development of products and goods.
4. Contents and key tasks
a) Organization of production in association with development of typical material supply zones:
- Giving priority to considerable investment in infrastructure of material supply zones on the basis of advantages in terms of natural conditions, culture and production practices of people living in rural areas, especially mountainous and ethnic minorities areas, thereby contributing to the development sustainable and adaption to climate change.
- Strengthening sustainable linkage and traceability between OCOP product manufacturers and material supply zones.
b) Standardization of processes and standards and value chain-based development of OCOP products in conformity with advantages in terms of production conditions and market requirements.
- Enhancing product standardization in association with advantages and conditions of each zone. To be specific:
+ Traditional specialties are associated with advantages in terms of production conditions and cultural value, especially products of craft villages, traditional crafts, and rural tourism services.
+ New products are created on the basis of application of science and technology and advantages of each zone with outstanding quality. The priority is given to (i) handicraft products and traditional crafts created by artisans and communities; (ii) products deeply processed from specialties, local materials and indigenous intellectuals; (iii) products which contribute to the preservation of traditional culture.
+ Developing toolkit for standardization of processes and standards of products which participate in the Program under the OCOP criteria.
- Developing OCOP products of 06 groups. The priority is given to agricultural and non-agricultural products and services that are valuable and traditional with advantages in each zone in the direction of increase in internal power (creative intelligence, labor, materials, local culture, etc.) and values in association with community development:
+ Investment in the application of science and technology, innovation in and completion of technology, processes of production, preparation, preservation and processing of products with a view to improving productivity and quality of OCOP products.
+ Product production according to the advanced quality management process for the purpose of creation of quality and unique OCOP products that fulfil market requirements and those for food safety, and are environmentally friendly; establishment of “material supply zone development” models in association with OCOP products along the value chain.
- Upgrading and perfecting products which have been assessed and ranked (3-star or higher) in association with domestic and global market demands.
- Setting up standards and experiments, and developing green OCOP products towards a circular economy associated with export markets on the basis of endemic advantages of natural and socio-economic conditions of each area.
c) Increase in capacity and efficiency in operations of OCOP participants
- Increasing capacity of OCOP participants in terms of community capacity and cooperation spirit; innovation in production organization forms and management skills; product innovation and creativity; quality management and food safety; skills in packaging/product design and labeling; intellectual property and traceability along the value chain, use and utilization of community brands of products from rural areas.
- Increasing efficiency in operations of cooperatives, SMEs associated with the OCOP product value chain.
d) Trade promotion and connection between supply and demand
- Strengthening trade promotion and connection between supply and demand for OCOP products in forms of annual fairs, exhibitions, honoring events, promotion, and introduction of unique OCOP products in association with culture at national, regional, local and international levels; promoting consumption of OCOP products associated with key tourism market.
- Synchronously and effectively building and managing the Vietnam’s OCOP brand (certified brand); strengthening protection of intellectual property and improving image, recognition and value of OCOP products in the market.
- Experimenting and expanding the model of “areas where OCOP products are sold”; streets where OCOP products are sold; OCOP product distribution system on vehicles; trade promotion models on digital technology platforms (e-commerce villages for OCOP products, OCOP fairs and exhibitions which are based on virtual reality); OCOP Introduction Centers that are synchronous and modern, and apply information technology in association with utilization of advantages of rural tourism.
- Building a trade promotion system to promote and sell OCOP products to the international market; improving logistics system capacity for OCOP product trade; developing and implementing programs for trade promotion, advertisement and recognition of brands for national OCOP products.
- Creating a national OCOP product development and exhibition space for promotion, introduction, training, and connection between supply and demand and the OCOP product market.
- Promoting international cooperation in advertisement, introduction and trade promotion to develop OCOP products in foreign markets.
dd) Development and completion of the system for managing and supervising OCOP products
- Conducting organization of annual assessment and ranking of OCOP products and enhancing the application of digital technology to such organization.
- Building and implementing a national database system for managing and supervising OCOP products in a synchronous and unified manner to improve quality and efficiency in management, supervision and development of connection between supply of and demand for the products.
- Making rules and strengthening inspection and supervision of the application of policies and regulations on assessment and ranking of products in local areas, maintaining production conditions applicable to participants and quality of OCOP products after they are assessed and recognized.
- Studying and developing technical standards applicable to supervision and assessment of OCOP products.
- Testing and building a suitable roadmap for application of private sector involvement mechanism to supervision, assessment and ranking of OCOP products.
- Organizing management and administration of Centers for creative design and development of OCOP products at regional and provincial levels, entrepreneurship programs and those for promotion, introduction and trade in OCOP products in all regions in Vietnam with a view to attracting the participation of participants and making tourism connection.
- Establishing criteria, increasing capacity and organizing management and supervision of the consultant network for development of a counselling network of the OCOP Program with experience, capacity, solidarity and uniformity in support for the implementation of the Program in nationwide.
- Improving the capacity of the system of vocational training institutions associated with the OCOP Program; centers for creative design and development of OCOP products; amending regulations on vocational training (program framework, vocational training contents, vocational training age, etc.) associated with OCOP products; increasing the capacity of agricultural staff in local areas (agricultural and industrial extension).
- Promoting entrepreneurship movements among women, young people and cooperatives associated with development of OCOP products.
g) Acceleration in digital transformation
- Developing the application of information technology and digital transformation in communications; formulating dossiers and managing OCOP product data, digitizing the process of dossier receipt, scoring and classifying products; digitizing products and building a traceability system along the OCOP product value chain towards establishment of a national database system of the OCOP Program.
- Promoting e-commerce development for OCOP products through e-commerce platforms, online channels and live stream, especially for small-scale products and local specialties.
- Developing the initiative "Every farmer is a businessman" to optimize the application of digital technology to production and trade in OCOP products.
5. Funding sources and structure
- Central government budget that is included in the central government budget plan of the national target program for development of new-style rural areas in 2021-2025 period. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall cooperate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance in synthesizing, reviewing, balancing and allocating central government budget to implement objectives and tasks of the OCOP Program within the total budget of the national target program for development of new-style rural areas in 2021-2025 period which has been approved in accordance with the law on state budget, regulations on management and organization of the implementation of national target programs and other relevant legal documents.
- Local government budgets.
- Credit capital (including: preferential credit capital from the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies, loans from other credit institutions, investment funds, enterprise development funds, cooperative development support funds, etc.).
- Capital self-mobilized by enterprises, cooperatives and production households.
- Integrated capital from other programs and projects.
- Other legally mobilized capital.
b) Funding for management and supervision of implementation of the Program at all levels is derived from the state budget for implementation of the national target program for development of new-style rural areas of at all levels every year.
c) The financial mechanism of the Program shall follow the financial mechanism of the national target program for development of new-style rural areas in 2021-2025 period and relevant legal regulations.
6. Implementation solutions
- Continue to promote communications and raise awareness ịn a regular and continuous manner via mass media from central to communal levels; connect and integrate dissemination activities to development of new-style rural areas.
- Focus on increase in awareness and thinking change for economic organizations in rural areas, state management agencies, distribution units and consumers through the OCOP Program conferences; diversify communication forms via websites, social media, magazines, newsletters, topics, documents (handbooks, ect.).
- Encourage and support the development of combo packages of gifts and souvenirs of OCOP products, associated with national, regional and local cultural history.
b) Development of support polices
- Review and promulgate criteria for assessment and ranking of OCOP products for the period 2021 - 2025.
- Review and promulgate contents and support amounts of the OCOP Program according to each rank; prioritize support for participants in product development, provide guidance and build product profiles; develop local material supply zones; build value chains; support production infrastructure, machinery, and small- and medium-scale processing equipment in conformity with local conditions; build an advanced quality management system; conduct vocational training for employees and increase community capacity; protect intellectual property; develop packaging, labeling and traceability; build product stories; carry out advertisement, introduction and trade promotion activities; promote e-commerce and virtual reality; give rewards to OCOP products; support access to credit sources; organize assessment, ranking and supervision of OCOP products.
- Review, and complete criteria, standards and support mechanisms for OCOP product introduction and sale areas and centers, prioritize private sector involvement.
- Encourage the development of centers for creative design and development of OCOP products at regional and local levels in the form of private sector involvement with the State’s support for land and infrastructure according to regulations.
- Test and build mechanisms and policies on management and supervision of the implementation of the OCOP Program in the form of private sector involvement (testing, inspection, certification by conformity assessment organizations according to regulations); build and organize a mechanism for appropriate and effective management of the OCOP Program consulting system.
- Organize the implementation of the OCOP Program according to the apparatus organization of the national target program for development of new-style rural areas in 2021-2025 period.
- Increase the capacity of staff implementing the OCOP Program and the quality of assessment and ranking of OCOP products from central to local levels.
- Develop training and refresher training to improve management and marketing capacity of managers and administrators of enterprises, cooperatives, and production establishments/households; carry out training in agricultural skills for the youth and promote labor training in association with the demand for production of OCOP products.
d) Organization of flexible implementation of the annual OCOP Cycle in conformity with conditions and product characteristics, utilization of local materials and labor, and advantages of the product quality; stimulation of priority topics associated with annual plans and tasks.
dd) Scientific and technological solutions
- Promote the application of science and technology, innovate and complete small and medium-scale processing technologies, especially OCOP products that have been recognized and achieved 05 star based-ranks.
- Strengthen technology transfer and application, and digital transformation in production, market connection, traceability, especially application of information technology; promote social sciences and humanities in development of OCOP products associated with rural tourism and preservation of indigenous cultural value.
- Review and set up standards and regulations applicable to OCOP products, conforming to rules of domestic and export markets; establish technical standards to serve production, supervision and assessment of OCOP products.
- Adopt solutions to protection and effective development of the value of intellectual property (geographical indication, collective trade mark, certification mark) for OCOP products, especially national OCOP products.
- Give priority to mobilization of capital, land, labor, raw materials, machinery and technology of the OCOP participants.
- Effectively integrate socio-economic development programs/projects, science and technology programs and projects and other relevant mechanisms and policies.
- Assist OCOP participants in accessing credit capital sources through credit policies serving agricultural and rural development and specific support policies of each local area.
- Effectively integrate funding sources from agricultural and industrial extension programs into other relevant programs and projects.
g) Enhancement of the community role in development of OCOP products
- Enhance associations’ roles in implementation of the OCOP Program, utilization and development of local products associated with preservation of products, traditional skills, and reputation of the community.
- Promote supervision by the community of products and their quality, and development of material supply zones; maintain uniqueness and culture of local products; promote participation in and provide an appropriate mechanism for sharing benefit of the community to production and processing of OCOP products; develop material production zones and use local labor.
h) Improvement of international cooperation
- Accelerate the drawing of support from international organizations in terms of technical problems, resources for digital transformation and promotion of mechanization in development of OCOP products, and green OCOP products towards export in association with inclusive and sustainable development and conservation (forests, environment, landscapes, etc.); conduct research, share experiences and give support for the development and promotion of OCOP products in domestic and international markets.
- Participate and organize annual regional and international events and forums about OCOP, thereby contributing to promotion and introduction of Vietnamese culture and tourism.
i) Research on formulation and implementation of priority projects.
- Research formulation and operation of project on national OCOP product development and exhibition space.
- Carry out project on development of national database management and supervision system under the OCOP Program.
- Carry out project on advertisement and trade promotion of Vietnam's OCOP products. The priority is given to the establishment of product introduction centers in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, major tourism centers and organization of regional and inter-regional OCOP product promotion and introduction events every year.
- Carry out project on establishment of Centers for creative design and development of OCOP products at regional and local levels; experimental construction of 04 centers in provinces/cities (Ha Noi, Quang Ninh, Thua Thien Hue and Kien Giang) in the form of private sector involvement.
- Carry out experimental project on models of the value chain-based development of OCOP products in association with local material supply zones towards circular economy and organic agriculture.
- Carry out experimental project on development of OCOP products that are community-based tourism services.
- Carry out experimental project on development of green OCOP products associated with export standards, resource management and biodiversity conservation.
Article 2. Implementation
1. Responsibilities of Ministries and central-government authorities
a) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
- Preside over formulation and development of the plan for implementation of the OCOP Program in each period and every year. Give direction and guidance to agencies of provinces and central-affiliated cities on development and implementation of the OCOP Program.
- Preside over and cooperate with relevant ministries and central-government authorities to provide guidance on implementation of the OCOP Program; thoroughly review contents and tasks of the Program, avoiding duplication or overlapping with those of other thematic programs and other programs and projects approved by the competent authority; build a management and supervision system and regularly organize inspection and supervision of the implementation of the OCOP Program in provinces and central-affiliated cities.
- Preside over and cooperate with relevant ministries and central-government authorities in organizing assessment, ranking and announcement of national OCOP products.
- Preside over and cooperate with relevant ministries and central-government authorities to balance and allocate central government budget to implementation of objectives and tasks of the Program within the total budget of the national target program for development of new-style rural areas in 2021-2025 period, and send annual reports to the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance so that they submit them to the Prime Minister according to regulations.
- Preside over and cooperate with relevant ministries and central-government authorities to review and develop criteria for assessment and ranking of OCOP products so as to submit them to the Prime Minister for approval; mobilize financial resources from investment funds, international organizations and donors to give support for the implementation of the OCOP Program; approve the list of and instructions about development of experimental models; issue training documents serving the OCOP Program; develop the national OCOP product management and supervision system; set up regulations and organize the management of the OCOP Program consulting system; organize management and promotion of the Vietnam OCOP brand; promote the regional and international OCOP Program network.
- Preside over and cooperate with relevant ministries and central-government authorities in building and implementing the investment project on construction of national OCOP product development and exhibition space according to regulations of the investment law. Decide within its jurisdiction to arrange national OCOP product development and exhibition space in conformity with its organizational structure and apparatus approved by the competent authority.
- Preside over and cooperate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, ministries, central and local authorities to build centers for creative design and development of OCOP products at regional level in the form of private sector involvement; carry out experimental construction of some models “OCOP product e-commerce village”; organize annual events for OCOP product promotion and introduction at regional and national levels.
- Preside over and cooperate with the Ministry of Information and Communications to adopt solutions to enhancement of digital transformation of the OCOP Program; build a database system for supervising and managing OCOP products.
- Preside over and cooperate with the Ministry of Home Affairs in proposing criteria and forms of commendation provided for OCOP participants according to regulations.
- Cooperate with the Ministry of Home Affairs in proposing the establishment of OCOP product development associations at national and regional levels
b) Ministry of Planning and Investment
- Upon the request of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, synthesis demands and plan allocation of central government budget for implementation of the Program under the plan for the national target program for development of new-style rural areas in 2021-2025 period and annual plans, and then submit them to the competent authority for consideration and decision.
- Presider over and cooperate with the Ministry of Finance to synthesize, balance, and allocate investment capital from the central government budget to implementation of the Program on schedule and according to medium-term and annual investment plans, and then make submission to the competent authority for consideration and decision.
c) Upon the request of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Finance shall estimate the demands and allocation of the budget for implementation of the Program under the budget allocation plan of the national target program for development of new-style rural areas in 2021-2025 period and annual plans, and then submit them to the competent authority for consideration and decision.
d) Ministry of Industry and Trade
- Cooperate with relevant ministries and central government authorities to assist economic organizations to develop products and increase capacity for access to markets; promote integration and assist OCOP participants to apply technology, machinery and equipment from industrial promotion sources; effectively implement trade promotion of OCOP products under the Program and annual plans for national trade promotion.
- Every year, cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant ministries and central government authorities to organize assessment and ranking of OCOP products.
dd) Ministry of Science and Technology
- Preside over and cooperate with ministries, central and local authorities to assist economic organizations to design products; promote the application of science, technology, and digital transformation in development and production of products under the OCOP Program.
- Preside over and cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to issue documents on training and refresher training in intellectual property, and guidance on the application of standards and technical regulations to the OCOP Program.
- Cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to review and set up standards and technical regulations applicable to OCOP products; develop the system for supervision, assessment and traceability of OCOP products.
- Assist local authorities and economic organizations to develop, apply for establishment, protect and enforce intellectual property rights related to OCOP products and provide advice on development orientations for OCOP product brands.
- Cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant ministries and central government authorities to organize annul assessment and ranking of OCOP products.
e) Ministry of Health
- Direct authorities in the health sector to assist economic organizations and production households in satisfying regulations on food safety and product quality registration.
- Every year, cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant ministries and central government authorities to organize assessment and ranking of OCOP products.
g) Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam
- Cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to review and set up criteria for assessment and ranking of OCOP products applicable to community-based tourism, ecotourism and tourist destination services and products; participate in assessment and ranking of OCOP products.
- Support the development, advertisement and promotion of agricultural and rural tourism products and services associated with the OCOP Program; establish tours, routes, and tourist destinations associated with agricultural and new-style rural areas; enable national and typical OCOP products of local areas to participate in cultural events and exhibitions at national and international levels.
- Cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and other ministries, central and local authorities to promote sale, purchase and use of OCOP products in key tourist markets.
h) The Ministry of Transport of Vietnam shall regulate and connect domestic and international transport systems for products of the OCOP Program, and cooperate in carrying out trade promotion for OCOP products on air, road and waterway transport routes.
i) Ministry of Information and Communications
- Direct agencies and units in the information and communications sector to promote dissemination of the OCOP Program on mass media (newspapers, radio), and social media sites; introduce and promote OCOP products on e-commerce platforms of postal enterprises in order to support product sale and promote e-commerce development.
k) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
- Preside over and cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to direct, provide guide and inspect compliance with legal regulations on environmental protection by OCOP participants; give guidance on implementation of environmental contents in assessment and recognition of OCOP products.
- Preside over support for green, environmentally friendly and resource-saving production; prioritize loans from the Environmental Protection Fund for environmentally friendly production technology conversion and waste treatment; develop criteria and grant Vietnam Ecolabel to OCOP products/services.
l) Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Direct diplomatic missions of Vietnam in foreign countries to learn from other countries' experiences in establishment and development of the OCOP product network; make cooperation in introducing and promoting the export of OCOP products.
- Focus on and consider using national OCOP products as gifts and giveaways in foreign affairs and events at national and sectoral levels within its responsibility.
m) Relevant Ministries and regulatory authorities shall, within the ambit of their assigned functions and tasks, proactively formulate plans for performing tasks of the Program in their responsible sectors.
n) The State Bank of Vietnam shall direct credit institutions to allocate loan capital to production and trade sectors; enable enterprises, cooperatives and production households participating in the OCOP Program to get loans to develop agricultural and non-agricultural products and services with advantages of each local area.
2. Responsibilities of local authorities:
- According to the contents of the OCOP Program approved by the Prime Minister of Vietnam, and depending on actual conditions of each province, direct formulation, approval and implementation of provincial targeted and focused action plans for implementation of the OCOP Program, in which development of local specialties and traditional products in association with production conditions and local culture, especially products of craft villages, traditional crafts, and rural tourism services is prioritized;
- Issue specific mechanisms and policies applicable to the implementation of the OCOP Program in accordance with contents and support amounts form central authorities and actual conditions of local authorities.
- Allocate adequate resources from local government budgets, and use funding for the national target program for development of new-style rural areas in the 2021 – 2025 period, funding for agricultural and industrial extension, local-government budgets, credit capital, and other lawful funding sources for implementation of the OCOP Program;
- Assign tasks to provincial departments/authorities; consolidate and improve the standing agency to advise and help implementation of the Program at provincial, district, and communal levels in an appropriate and effective manner.
- Regularly organize inspection, supervision and assessment of implementation of the OCOP Program in their provinces and cities; strictly follow the information regime and send periodic and adhoc reports to the OCOP Program standing agency at central level.
b) People’s Committees of districts
- Organize development of plans to implement the OCOP Program in districts under the plan for implementation of the OCOP Program at provincial level; allocate resources from the district budget and integrate programs and projects to implement the OCOP Program.
- Directly implement activities of the OCOP Program at district level.
- Give direction and guidance to People's Committees of communes on participation in activities of the OCOP Program.
- Assign staff to implement the commune-level OCOP Program.
- Participate in the implementation of the commune-level OCOP Program as assigned by the district and provincial People's Committees; proactively review potential products in their communes and provide guidance for organizations and individuals on participation in the Program.
- Proactively provide information for economic organizations and people about meaning and support policies of the OCOP Program, actively assist and advise economic organizations to prepare dossiers and documents to participate in the Program.
3. Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations and socio-professional organizations shall request central agencies of the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations (Vietnam Farmers' Association, Vietnam Women's Union, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Veterans Association), Vietnam Cooperative Alliance, professional-social organizations, associations and unions to disseminate, mobilize, provide guidance and assist union members to actively participate in the OCOP Program, supply and demand connection network, and agricultural trade promotion.
4. Schools, institutes, research and consulting organizations shall strengthen training and refresher training and give support for innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, and development of OCOP products in conformity with orientations and contents of the Program.
Article 3. This Decision comes into force from the date on which it is signed.
Article 4. Ministers, Heads of ministerial agencies, Heads of governmental agencies, Chairpersons of People's Committees of provinces and central- affiliated cities and heads of relevant agencies units shall be responsible for implementation of this Decision./.
Pham Binh Minh
(Enclosed with Decision No. 919/QD-TTg dated August 01, 2022 of the Prime Minister)
1. Investment project on construction of national OCOP product development and exhibition space.
2. Project on advertisement and trade promotion of Vietnam's OCOP products.
3. Project on development of national database management and supervision system under the OCOP Program.
4. Project on capacity improvement, thinking change and implementation of the initiative "Every farmer is a businessman" under the OCOP Program.
5. Experimental project on value chain-based development of OCOP products in association with local material supply zones towards circular economy and organic agriculture.
7. Experimental project on development of OCOP products that are community-based tourism services./.
File gốc của Decision No. 919/QD-TTg dated August 01, 2022 on approving “one commune one product” program in 2021-2025 period đang được cập nhật.
Decision No. 919/QD-TTg dated August 01, 2022 on approving “one commune one product” program in 2021-2025 period
Tóm tắt
Cơ quan ban hành | Thủ tướng Chính phủ |
Số hiệu | 919/QD-TTg |
Loại văn bản | Quyết định |
Người ký | Phạm Bình Minh |
Ngày ban hành | 2022-08-01 |
Ngày hiệu lực | 2022-08-01 |
Lĩnh vực | Thương mại |
Tình trạng | Còn hiệu lực |