No. 1427/QD-TTg | Hanoi, August 18, 2011 |
Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government:
Pursuant to the Law on Human Trafficking Prevention and Combat, passed on March 29, 2011, by the National Assembly;
Pursuant to Law No. 37/2009/QH12 of June 19, 2009, Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the 1999 Penal Code;
At the proposal of the Minister of Public-Security,
Article 1. To approve the Program of Action to prevent and combat the human trafficking crime during 2011-2015, enclosed with this Decision.
Article 2. The Program is eligible for the financial mechanism applicable to national target programs.
Article 3. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.
Article 4. The Ministry of Public Security shall manage the Program and inspect and urge the implementation of the Program.
Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies, and chairpersons of provincial-level People's Committees shall implement this Decision.-
(Promulgated together with the Prime Minister's Decision No. 1427/QD-TTg of August 18, 2011)
Part 1
1. The Program is considered an important political task of the Party, the State and administrations at all levels, aiming to maintain political security and social order and safety and contribute to socio-economic development.
2. Party Committees and administrations from the central to grassroots levels shall consider this task a key and regular one which they should concentrate on directing its performance and integration with socioeconomic development programs; mobilize all resources, promote the aggregate strength of the entire society, and enhance international cooperation in implementing the Program.
3. To take prevention as the primary task, make breakthroughs in preventing and substantially reducing human trafficking and assisting returned trafficking victims.
1. General objectives
To substantially raise the entire society's awareness about and actions of prevention and combat of the human trafficking crime in order to reduce risks of and crimes related to human trafficking and assist returned trafficking victims.
2. Specific objectives
a/ Objective 1: To intensify education to raise public awareness about and actions of prevention and combat of the human trafficking crime, making every person aware of his/her rights and obligations, proactively prevent human trafficking and actively participate in preventing and combating this crime.
b/ Objective 2: To raise the effectiveness of investigation, prosecution and adjudication of human trafficking cases.
c/ Objective 3: To raise the effectiveness of verification, receipt and protection of and assistance for returned trafficking victims.
d/ Objective 4: To perfect the system of legal documents and raise the effectiveness of enforcement of the law on prevention and combat of human trafficking.
e/ Objective 5: To raise the effectiveness of international cooperation in the prevention and combat of human trafficking.
Part 2
All citizens having Vietnamese nationality and foreigners residing in Vietnam.
The Program shall be implemented nationwide, with resources prioritized for key regions and localities, major cities and provinces bordering on China. Cambodia and Laos.
From 2011 to 2015.
Part 3
1. Enhancing the leadership, direction and inspection by Party Committees and administrations at all levels of the prevention and combat of the human trafficking crime. Improving the state administration capacity, and perfecting the system of policies and laws on prevention and combat of the human trafficking crime.
2. Diversifying modes of mobilization of and effectively using financial resources for the implementation of the Program; investing in the development of human resources and training officers to perform activities of the Program who have appropriate capabilities to effectively perform their assigned tasks.
3. Enhancing inter-disciplinary coordination in the implementation of the Program and specific projects and sub-projects. Mobilizing the participation of departments, sectors and social organizations in order to generate aggregate. consistent and synchronous efforts to prevent and combat the human trafficking crime.
4. Intensifying international cooperation and calling for financial assistance and professional and technical consultancy for preventing and combating the human trafficking crime. prioritizing the conclusion and inspection of multilateral and bilateral cooperation treaties and agreements with international organizations and countries, especially countries bordering on Vietnam, regional countries and countries with large numbers of trafficked Vietnamese.
5. Monitoring and evaluating each project and the whole Program. Formulating a monitoring and evaluation mechanism and system based on appropriate targets and indicators, simple and convenient forms for information collection, and guidelines on the methods of collecting, storing and reporting information.
Part 4
I. Project 1: Stepping up law information, communication, dissemination and education in order to improve awareness and skills of prevention and combat of the human trafficking crime amongst the entire population.
1. The responsible agency: The Ministry of Information and Communications
2. Specific targets:
a/ Target 1: By 2013 and 2015.85% and 100%, respectively, of legal documents on prevention and combat of the human trafficking crime will be re-written into materials for communication to communes, wards and townships (below referred to as the commune level).
b/ Target 2: By 2013 and 2015. 75% and 100%, respectively, of commune-level specialized officials will have knowledge for directing and guiding policies and laws on prevention and combat of the human trafficking crime.
c/ Target 3: By 2013, each province, centrally run city or district will have at least 10 or 5 speakers, respectively, and each commune-level locality will have at least 10 communicators.
d/ Target 4: By 2013 and 2015, 70% and 85%, respectively, of people will be aware of methods, tricks and consequences of and how lo prevent and combat the human trafficking crime as well as of relevant policies and laws.
e/ Target 5: All reporters of mass media agencies from the central to local levels who follow internal affairs will have knowledge about and skills of writing and reporting on the prevention and combat of human trafficking.
f/ Target 6: Every year, the number of cases showing signs of the human trafficking crime reported by people lo police offices, commune-level People's Committees or any agencies or organizations will increase at least 10% over the preceding year.
3. Sub-projects
a/ Sub-project 1: Communication to improve awareness about the prevention and combat of the human trafficking crime through central and local mass media.
- Contents:
+ Timely communication and dissemination of the Party's line and the State's policies and law on prevention and combat of the human trafficking crime; situation, tricks and consequences of the human trafficking crime; preventive measures; results of the prevention and combat of the human trafficking crime: outstanding examples, effective models and good experience in the prevention and combat of human trafficking.
+ The mass media agencies, including radio and television stations, the press, websites, e-portals. mobile phone networks, commune-level postal and cultural points, shall develop special pages, sections or programs on the prevention and combat of the human trafficking crime:
+ Culture and tourism management agencies and the system of grassroots cultural institutions shall conduct communication on the prevention and combat of the human trafficking crime through cultural, tourist, business and service activities.
- The responsible agency: The Ministry of Information and Communications.
- Coordinating agencies: The Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Central Vietnam Women's Union, the Vietnam Television Station, the Radio Voice of Vietnam, press agencies and other related committees, ministries, sectors and organizations.
- Fund for implementation: A fund of VND 15 billion shall be allocated from the state budget for achievement of specific targets, including VND 4 billion for the ministries and central sectors and VND 11 billion for localities.
b/ Sub-project 2: Communication and education to improve awareness about and skills of prevention and combat of the human trafficking crime through communication activities in the community.
- Contents:
+ Developing general communication materials on the Party's line and the State's policies and laws on prevention and combat of the human trafficking crime; methods, tricks and consequences of the crime; preventive measures; and skills of responding to cases showing signs of human trafficking, in various forms, such as banners, slogans, leaflets, posters, handbooks. Q&A booklets, etc.;
+ Building, consolidating and expanding the network of speakers, communicators and collaborators in the prevention and combat of the human trafficking crime:
+ Organizing communication activities in various forms, including meeting, face-to-face talks and distribution of materials: integrating these activities in educational institutions, and with cultural, tourist, community and other activities:
+ Disseminating and educating the law on prevention and combat of human trafficking;
+ Building, maintaining and widely applying models of prevention of human trafficking in localities highly vulnerable to this crime;
+ Organizing communication campaigns in the community; campaigns for communication or exchange of information and experience with regional countries, especially those bordering on Vietnam.
- The responsible agency: The Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union.
- Coordinating agencies: The Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of Labor. War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Education and Training. the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations and other related committees, ministries, sectors and organizations.
- Funds for implementation: A fund of VND 40 billion shall be allocated from the state budget for achievement of specific targets, including VND 6 billion for the ministries and central sectors and VND 34 billion for localities.
II. Project 2: Raising the effectiveness of the combat against the human trafficking crime
1. The responsible agency: The Ministry of Public Security
2. Specific targets
a/ Target 1: In 100% of regions and localities highly vulnerable to human trafficking, professional measures will be implemented to prevent, uncover and stop this crime.
b/ Target 2: Annually. 100% of information relating to the human trafficking crime reported to competent agencies will be classified and 100% of cases showing signs of the crime will be verified and clarified under law.
c/ Target 3: Annually, the percentage of human trafficking cases uncovered, investigated and prosecuted will increase at least 2%.
d/ Target 4: Annually, the number of adjudicated human trafficking cases will account for 95% of the total number of cases which must be adjudicated.
e/ Target 5: Annually. 100% of legally effective judgments penalizing human trafficking criminals will be adequately stringent and correct.
3. Sub-projects
a/ Sub-project 1: Raising the effectiveness of the combat against the human trafficking crime in the inland
- Contents:
+ Instituting and fighting criminal cases, cracking down on human trafficking rings. rescuing victims and pursuing and arresting traffickers, etc.;
+ Organizing investigations and taking measures to protect victims in human trafficking cases;
+ Launching radical campaigns to attack and suppress the human trafficking crime, focusing on border areas;
+ Educating traffickers and persons involved in the human trafficking crime:
+ Deploying forces and means in the public security force to prevent and combat the human trafficking crime:
+ Grasping the actual situation, conducting basic surveys and applying professional measures to prevent, uncover and stop illegal acts related to human trafficking:
+ Verifying reported information on acts of human trafficking:
+ Developing and introducing a program on training in the prevention and combat of the human trafficking crime at people's public security and border guard schools.
- The responsible agency: The Ministry of Public Security.
- Coordinating agencies: The Ministry of National Defense, the Supreme People's Procuracy, the Supreme People's Court, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice.
- Funds for implementation: A fund of VND 100 billion will be allocated from the state budget for activities specified at marks (+) 1 thru 5 for achievement of specific targets, including VND 25 billion for the ministries and central sectors and VND 75 billion for localities. Funds for remaining activities shall be allocated by the state budget and incorporated in annual regular expenditure estimates of ministries, sectors and localities.
b/ Sub-project 2: Raising the effectiveness of the combat against the human trafficking crime in border and sea areas and islands
- Contents:
+ Instituting and fighting criminal cases, cracking down on human trafficking rings, rescuing victims and pursuing and arresting traffickers, etc.. in border and sea areas and islands:
+ Coordinating with the public security force in launching radical campaigns to attack and suppress the human trafficking crime:
+ Educating traffickers and persons involved in the human trafficking crime in border and sea areas and islands;
+ Deploying forces and means in the border guards to prevent and combat the human trafficking crime:
+ Collecting documents and proofs for instituting criminal cases and proceedings against persons accused of human trafficking, and taking measures to protect victims under law;
+ Grasping the actual situation, conducting basic surveys, performing patrols and controls. and applying professional measures to prevent, uncover and stop illegal acts related to human trafficking in border and sea areas and islands;
+ Verifying reported information on acts of human trafficking in border and sea areas and islands.
- The responsible agency: The Ministry of National Defense (the Border Guard Command).
- Coordinating agencies: The Ministry of Public Security, the Supreme People's Procuracy, the Supreme People's Court and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Funds for implementation: A fund of VND 30 billion will be allocated from the state budget for activities specified at marks (+) 1 thru 5 for achievement of specific targets, including VND 10 billion for the ministries and central sectors and VND 20 billion for localities. Funds for remaining activities shall be allocated by the state budget and incorporated in annual regular expenditure estimates of ministries, sectors and localities.
c/ Sub-project 3: Raising the effectiveness of prosecution and adjudication of human traffickers
- Contents:
+ Taking measures to protect victims in the process of prosecution and adjudication of human trafficking cases;
+ Organizing mobile court hearings and model adjudication of typical human trafficking cases;
+ Organizing (he exercise of the prosecutorial right and the supervision of investigation and adjudication of human trafficking cases:
+ Adjudicating human trafficking cases;
+ Making statistics on human trafficking criminals.
- The responsible agency: The Supreme People's Procuracy.
- Coordinating agencies: The Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Defense and the Supreme People's Court.
- Funds for implementation: A fund of VND 5 billion will be allocated from the state budget for activities specified at marks ( + ) 1 and 2 for achievement of specific targets, including VND 2 billion for the ministries and central sectors and VND 3 billion for localities. Funds for remaining activities shall be allocated by the stale budget and incorporated in annual regular expenditure estimates of ministries, sectors and localities.
III. Project 3: Receipt, verification and protection of and assistance for returned trafficking victims
1. The responsible agency: The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs
2. Specific targets
a/ Target 1: 100% of persons received shall go through procedures for verification and identification of victims in accordance with law.
b/ Target 2: 100% of persons identified as victims will receive assistance in accordance with law.
c/ Target 3: 100% of victims will be provided with pro-bono legal aid services they need.
d/ Target 4: By 2015. key provinces and cities shall assure physical facilities for receiving victims and provide assistance for victims in accordance with law.
3. Sub-projects
a/ Sub-project 1; Reception, verification and protection of victims
- Contents:
+ Receiving, verifying personal identifications, collecting documents and proofs for identifying, issuing certificates: assuring physical facilities for receiving and providing initial assistance for victims in accordance with law;
+ Taking measures to keep confidential information at the request of victims and applying protective measures proscribed by law in case victims are banned or in danger of being harmed:
+ Elaborating and submitting to competent authorities for promulgation legal documents guiding the order, procedures and competence for receiving, verifying, identifying and protecting victims.
- The responsible agency: The Ministry of Public Security.
- Coordinating agencies: The Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Labor. War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Supreme People's Procuracy, the Supreme People's Court, provincial-level People's Committees and related ministries and sectors.
- Funds for implementation: A fund of VND 16 billion will be allocated from the state budget for activities specified at marks (+ ) 1 and 2 for achievement of specific targets, including VND 4 billion for the ministries and central sectors and VND 12 billion for localities. Funds for remaining activities shall be allocated by the state budget and incorporated in annual regular expenditure estimates of ministries, sectors and localities.
b/ Sub-project 2: Assistance for returned trafficking victims
- Contents:
+ Assuring physical facilities and providing assistance for victims in accordance with law;
+ Coordinating with related ministries and sectors in directing the provision of medical care, education, job training and pro-bono legal aid for victims in accordance with law:
+ Elaborating and submitting to competent authorities for promulgation legal documents on assistance regimes and policies for victims and the conditions, order and procedures for founding victim assistance establishments and social relief establishments.
- The responsible agency: The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.
- Coordinating agencies: The Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Justice, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union, provincial-level People's Committees and related ministries, sectors and organizations.
- Funds for implementation: A fund of VND 64 billion will be allocated from the state budget for activities specified at marks (+ ) 1 and 2 for achievement of specific targets, including VND 6 billion for the ministries and central sectors and VND 58 billion for localities. Funds for remaining activities shall be allocated by the state budget and incorporated in annual regular expenditure estimates of ministries, sectors and localities.
IV. Project 4: Building and perfection of the system of legal documents and supervision of the enforcement of the law on prevention and combat of human trafficking
1. The responsible agency: The Ministry' of Public Security
Coordinating agencies: The National Assembly Office, the Government Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Labor. War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Supreme People's Procuracy, the Supreme Peoples Court and other related ministries and sectors.
2. Specific targets:
a/ Target 1: 100% of guiding documents will be issued and implemented after the Law on Human Trafficking Prevention and Combat takes effect.
b/ Target 2: By 2012, the systematization of legal documents on human trafficking prevention and combat will be completed with recommendations and proposals on appropriate amendments and supplements.
c/ Target 3: The effectiveness of 100% of issued legal documents on human trafficking prevention and combat will be monitored and assessed.
d/ Target 4: Procedures for implementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crimes and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, adopted to supplement the Convention, will be finalized and submitted to competent authorities for ratification and implementation.
3. Contents:
- Elaborating documents guiding the implementation of the Law on Human Trafficking Prevention and Combat, and submitting them to competent authorities for promulgation in accordance with law.
- Amending or supplementing legal documents in order to raise the effectiveness of the human trafficking prevention and combat.
- Systematizing, scrutinizing and reviewing legal documents on human trafficking prevention and combat.
- Studying and reporting to the Government for submission to the Slate President for ratification and implementation the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crimes and the Protocol to Prevent. Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, adopted to supplement the Convention.
- Monitoring the implementation of the law on human trafficking prevention and combat.
4. Funds for implementation: These funds shall be allocated by the state budget and incorporated in annual regular expenditure estimates of ministries, sectors and localities.
V. Project 5: Enhancement of international cooperation on human trafficking prevention and combat
1. The responsible agency: The Ministry of Public Security.
Coordinating agencies: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Labor. War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of National Defense, the Supreme People's Procuracy, the Supreme People's Court, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women Union and related ministries, sectors and social organizations.
2. Specific targets:
a/ Target 1: 100% of international treaties concerning human trafficking prevention and combat to which Vietnam is a contracting party will be implemented under a monitoring mechanism.
b/ Target 2: Annually, the rate of human trafficking cases settled in coordination with foreign countries and international organizations will increase at least 5%.
c/ Target 3: 100% of international cooperation projects to provide financial aid or assistance will be implemented according to their set objectives, requirements and plans.
d/ Target 4: By 2013 and 2015, bilateral cooperation agreements on human trafficking prevention and combat will be drafted, negotiated and concluded with at least 2 and 5 foreign countries, respectively.
3. Contents:
- Monitoring, guiding and organizing the implementation of international treaties on human trafficking prevention and combat to which Vietnam is a contracting party.
- Fully and effective!) participating in activities of international cooperation on human trafficking prevention and combat in the region and the world.
- Formulating, consolidating and effectively applying the mechanism of coordination in human trafficking prevention and combat with international organizations and foreign countries, especially regional countries and countries in the Mekong River sub-region.
- Increasing external information activities, including building a website, compiling books and making documentaries in English.
- Exchanging information, settling human trafficking cases, rescuing and repatriating victims, sharing experience and training personnel to raise their capacity of human trafficking prevention and combat.
- Mobilizing international financial and technical assistance for human trafficking prevention and combat.
- Implementing the Ministry of Public Security's project on cooperation with international organizations, foreign nongovernmental organizations and individuals on human trafficking prevention and combat in accordance with law.
- Assisting the Government in monitoring, urging and reviewing the implementation of other international cooperation projects on human trafficking prevention and combat by other ministries, sectors and localities.
- Studying and proposing the Government to elaborate bilateral and multilateral cooperation agreements and sign or accede to treaties concerning human trafficking prevention and combat.
4. Funds for implementation: These funds shall be allocated by the slate budget and incorporated in annual regular expenditure estimates of ministries, sectors and localities.
Part 5
1. The total fund of VND 270 billion will be allocated from the central budget for achievement of specific targets (VND 54 billion on annual average), including VND 74 billion as development investment capital and VND 196 billion as non-business capital.
In addition, funds for implementation of the Program will be allocated from the state budget and incorporated in annual regular expenditure estimates of ministries and sectors and mobilized from local budgets, international aid and other lawful sources.
2. The mechanism for management and use of funds for the Program is similar to the financial mechanism for national target programs promulgated together with the Prime Minister's Decision No. 135/QD-TTg of November 4, 2009.
Part 6
I. Administration and coordination mechanism
1. The Steering Committee 130/CP shall be strengthened with a Deputy Prime Minister as its head and representatives of a number of related ministries and sectors as its additional members.
2. The Government shall promulgate the Regulation on operation of the Steering Committee to replace the one promulgated together with Decision No. 210/QD-TTg of December 14. 2004.
II. Assignment of responsibilities
1. The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the prime responsibility and advise the Government on managing, inspecting and urging related ministries and sectors and provincial-level People's Committees in organizing the implementation of this Program; and:
- Take charge of projects 2, 4 and 5; formulate and implement sub-projects 1 of project 2 and sub-project 1 of project 3.
- Coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Labor. War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union and the Supreme People's Procuracy in formulating and implementing remaining projects and sub-projects.
- Coordinate with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Planning and Investment and related ministries and sectors in appraising projects before submitting them to competent authorities for approval.
2. The Ministry of National Defense (the Border Guard Command) shall assume the prime responsibility for formulating and implementing sub-project 2 of project 2; coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Labor. War Invalids and Social Affairs in taking part in formulating sub-project I of project 3: assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other agencies in, organizing the receipt of supports and providing supports for essential needs of trafficking victims returned from abroad in border areas in accordance with law; coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union in organizing communication among and mobilization of inhabitants in border and sea areas and islands to participate in human trafficking prevention and combat; and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security in implementing project 5.
3. The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall take charge of project 3; coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Health. the Ministry of Education and Training and related ministries and sectors in formulating and implementing sub-project 2 of project 3: direct the integration of human trafficking prevention and combat activities into programs on hunger eradication and poverty alleviation, job training, employment and management, guidance and inspection of activities of recommending jobs and sending Vietnamese workers to work abroad, etc., in order to prevent and combat the abuse of these activities for human trafficking.
4. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall take charge of project 1: and coordinate with the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union, the Ministry of Public Security and related ministries and sectors in formulating and implementing sub-project 1 of project 1.
5. The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for elaborating documents guiding the mechanism for management and use of funds for implementation of the Program similar to the financial mechanism for national target programs; coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security (the agency in charge of the Program) in synthesizing plans on allocation of funds and submit them to competent authorities for decision before assigning funding estimates to ministries, sectors and localities under the current Law on the State Budget.
6. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for. and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in. allocating funds for implementation of the Program according to the financial mechanism applicable to national target programs.
7. The Ministry of Justice shall coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and related ministries and sectors in formulating and implementing the Program: elaborate, implement, disseminate and educate the law on human trafficking prevention and combat and provision of legal aid to victims: manage, guide and inspect activities of assisting marriages, giving children for adoption and adopting children with a view to preventing and combating the abuse of these activities for human trafficking.
8. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall direct and guide overseas Vietnamese representative missions in protecting Vietnamese citizens who are trafficking victims; coordinate with competent agencies of Vietnam and foreign countries in verifying and carrying out other necessary procedures for repatriating Vietnamese victims.
9. The Ministry of Culture. Sports and Tourism shall coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of Justice, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union, the Ministry of Public Security and related ministries and sectors in participating in implementing project 1 and integrating communication contents of human trafficking prevention and combat into cultural and tourist programs; manage, guide and inspect tourist and cultural service activities with a view to preventing and combating the abuse of these activities for human trafficking.
10. The Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of Culture. Sports and Tourism and other related ministries and sectors in. formulating and implementing sub-project 2 of project 1: and coordinate with other agencies in participating in implementing other related sub-projects and projects.
11. The Supreme People's Procuracy shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and related ministries and sectors in formulating and implementing sub-project 3 of project 2; participate in implementing sub-projects 1 and 2 of project 2, sub-project 1 of project 3, project 4 and project 5.
12. The Supreme People's Court shall coordinate with related ministries and sectors in implementing project 2, sub-project 1 of project 3, project 4 and project 5.
13. Ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies shall participate in implementing the Program according to their assigned functions and tasks.
14. Provincial-level People's Committees shall direct and organize the implementation of the Program in their localities; integrate the implementation of the Program with the performance of socio-economic development tasks and the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Program in their localities.
15. The Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations shall participate, within the scope of their functions and tasks, in supervising the implementation of the Program: step up the communication and dissemination of policies and laws and mobilize the entire population to participate in preventing, detecting and reporting crimes, reforming and educating criminals at their families and communities for human trafficking prevention and combat.-
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File gốc của Decision 1427/QD-TTg in 2011 approving the Action Program to prevent and combat human trafficking in the period 2011 – 2015 promulgated by the Prime Minister đang được cập nhật.
Decision 1427/QD-TTg in 2011 approving the Action Program to prevent and combat human trafficking in the period 2011 – 2015 promulgated by the Prime Minister
Tóm tắt
Cơ quan ban hành | Thủ tướng Chính phủ |
Số hiệu | 1427/QĐ-TTg |
Loại văn bản | Quyết định |
Người ký | Nguyễn Tấn Dũng |
Ngày ban hành | 2011-08-18 |
Ngày hiệu lực | 2011-08-18 |
Lĩnh vực | Hình sự |
Tình trạng | Còn hiệu lực |