No. 1187/QD-BHXH | Hanoi, May 24, 2022 |
Pursuant to the Law on Electronic Transaction No. 51/2005/QH11 dated November 29, 2005;
Pursuant to the Law on Health Insurance No. 25/2008/QH12 dated November 14, 2008; Law No. 46/2014/QH13 dated June 13, 2014 amending certain articles of the Law on Health Insurance;
Pursuant to Decree No. 146/2018/ND-CP dated October 17, 2018 of the Government of Vietnam elaborating and guiding measures for implementation of certain Articles of the Law on Health Insurance;
Pursuant to Decree No. 89/2020/ND-CP dated August 04, 2020 of the Government of Vietnam on function, tasks, powers and organizational structures of Vietnam Social Security;
Pursuant to Decision No. 06/QD-TTg dated January 06, 2022 of the Prime Minister of Vietnam on approval of the Project for developing the application of data on population, electronic identification and authentication for national digital transformation in the period of 2022-2025, with a vision towards 2030;
Article 1. The Process for reduction in health insurance premiums upon extending household-based health insurance cards on the Public Service Portal is promulgated together with this Decision.
Article 2. This Decision comes into force from the day on which it is signed.
Article 3. Heads of Book and Card Collection Management, Chief of Offices and information technology centers, Heads of units affiliating to Vietnam Social Security; Directors of social security offices of provinces and central-affiliated cities are responsible for implementation of this Decision./.
Nguyen The Manh
1. Regulated scope and entities
1.1. Regulated scope
This Process specifies orders of settlement of procedures for reduction in health insurance premiums upon extending household-based health insurance cards on the National Service Portal and the Public Service Portal of Social Insurance.
1.2. Regulated entities
This Process applies to Social Insurance Offices of provinces or cities; social insurance offices of districts and policyholders in household-based health insurance.
2. Definition of terms
2.1. Abbreviation
a) “BHXH” stands for “bảo hiểm xã hội" (“Social insurance”).
c) “HGD” stands for “Hộ gia đình” (“Household or household-based”).
d) “CSDL” stands for “cơ sở dữ liệu” (“database”).
2.2. Definitions
a) “policyholders" means members of a household who have declared and have had social insurance codes in the household database.
b) “policyholders in household-based health insurance”(1) (hereinafter referred to as “household”) means people who all register temporary residence or permanent residence for the same legal place of residence according to laws on residence.
Step 1. Declaring applications
Declarants shall choose to declare on the National Service Portal or on the Public Service Portal of Social Insurance (if they declare on the National Service Portal, the system will automatically navigate to the Public Service Portal of Social Insurance) and make a full declaration of information fields, including:
a) Information of the Householder: Full name; date of birth; sex; personal identification number;
Step 2. Procedures for processing online applications
After declaring full information, the software system will automatically inspect, compare and verify the information of household members who have the same permanent residence address or the same temporary registration address with the national population database:
1. In case the software verifies that members having information in the national population database do not have the same place of permanent residence or temporary residence, it will send notifications to the declarants with the content: “Các thành viên kê khai không cùng địa chỉ thường trú hoặc không cùng địa chỉ tạm trú trong CSDL quốc gia về dân cư, đề nghị liên hệ trực tiếp với cơ quan công an nơi cư trú để được hướng dẫn cập nhật, điều chỉnh thông tin nơi cư trú của các thành viên.” ("You do not have the same permanent residence address or temporary residence address in the national population database with others, please directly contact the police office of your residence for instructions on updating and adjusting the information of place of residence.”) (2)
2. In case the software system verifies that members having information in the national population database have the same permanent residence address or the same temporary residence address, it will continue to automatically verify the health insurance participation status of each member in the database of Vietnam Social Insurance and determine the exact payable premiums of each household member in descending order of household-based health insurance premiums (applying current regulations of the Law on Health Insurance) to notify the declarants of the online payable premiums via the Public Service Portal (with the detail premium of each health insurance card number corresponding to the period of extending each card).
Step 3. Online payment on the Public Service Portal
The declarants make the online payment of payable premiums as guided on notifications.
Step 4. Allocation of the premiums in the System of social insurance office
After receiving the premiums of the declarants via the banking system, the software system will automatically compare bank’s proofs of online payment with cards’ extension information; automatically allocate the premiums, automatically update the additional collection, automatically extend the use value of the health insurance cards at the social insurance office (where the policyholders participated in the health insurances before extension).
Step 5. Return of results to the declarants
- A receipt of payment.
- An announcement of the successful extension result of each policyholder: “Người tham gia tiếp tục sử dụng thẻ BHYT (đã cấp) đi khám chữa bệnh kể từ ngày nhận được thông báo này” ("You can continue to use the issued health insurance card for health examination from now").
1. Book and Card Collection Management Boards shall:
Take charge and cooperate with relevant units in directing and inspecting and guiding implementation of this Decision;
2. Information Technology Centers shall:
- Develop a system of software to meet requirements of this Decision.
- Cooperate with the National Population Data Center under the Ministry of Public Security in verifying information declared by the people on the Public Service Portal with the National Population Database and monitoring the implementation and technical support to relevant units during the implementation process.
3. Heads of units affiliated to Vietnam Social Security are responsible for function-based implementation of this Decision.
- Develop a Plan for communication about features and utilities, guide policyholders to register for electronic transactions on the Public Service Portal with the social insurance offices.
- Directors of social insurance offices of provinces and central-affiliated cities where policyholders choosing to extend their cards monitor and manage the policyholders according to current regulations.
- Receive feedbacks, recommendations and direct the handling of them from the policyholders. In case feedbacks and recommendations of policyholders are related to other social insurance offices, social insurance offices where they are received must actively cooperate with relevant social insurance offices to resolve./.
(1)According to clause 2 Article 37 of the Law on Residence in 2020
(2)For the purpose of extension of household-based health insurance cards with reduced payment on the Public Service Portal, declarants must log in and declare from Step 1 of this Process.
File gốc của Decision No. 1187/QD-BHXH dated May 24, 2022 on promulgating a process for reduction in health insurance premiums upon extending household-based health insurance cards on the public service portal đang được cập nhật.
Decision No. 1187/QD-BHXH dated May 24, 2022 on promulgating a process for reduction in health insurance premiums upon extending household-based health insurance cards on the public service portal
Tóm tắt
Cơ quan ban hành | Bảo hiểm xã hội Việt Nam |
Số hiệu | 1187/QD-BHXH |
Loại văn bản | Quyết định |
Người ký | Nguyễn Thế Mạnh |
Ngày ban hành | 2022-05-24 |
Ngày hiệu lực | 2022-05-24 |
Lĩnh vực | Bảo hiểm |
Tình trạng | Hết hiệu lực |